Is Social Media Improving Or Hurting Our Language? | Teen Ink

Is Social Media Improving Or Hurting Our Language?

March 9, 2015
By kamryn williams BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
kamryn williams BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think social media is hurting or improving our conversations and language? "Social media a vital part of our culture it has also sparked a controversy between its benefits and challenges to our language", this is a quote from, "The Period Is Pissed". Twitter, Facebook, and Text Messaging has contributed to a grammatical and social shift in the way we communicate. I believe that social media is improving our language and conversations.

A quote from, "The Flight From Conversation" by Sherry Turkle says technology provides companionship but that's not true. Technology gives the illusion of companionship but it doesn't replace face to face conversation.
A quote from the same article, "The Flight From Conversation" says, "A 16 year old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says someday he'd like to learn how to have a conversation." But if he goes to Google and types in "How to have a conversation" he can learn and get information on how to do that.

Social media shows us how to make our stories shorter, I know this because the article, "5 Ways That Social Media Benefits Writing and Language" by Mallary Jean Tenore says, "With vine video we have just six seconds to get a message across similarly Twitter's 140 character limit forces to make every word count."

Social media is also making books and conversations more conversational. I know this because the article "How Social Media Improved Writing" by Simon Ruper says, "Texts, blogs, emails and facebook posts are infecting other kinds of writing and mostly for the good."

Social media has also helped out a woman with her punctuation. I know this because from the same article, "How Social Media Improved Writing" by Simon Kuper says, "A woman I know says only after the internet arrived did she realize her mother was semi-literate. Previously they always communicated by phone, but now her mom was suddenly sending her emails full of !!!!'s and ......'s."

Overall social media has improved our language because it has introduced us to new things.

The author's comments:

A video I watching in my english class.

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