Selfie Generation | Teen Ink

Selfie Generation

November 5, 2014
By nic232323 SILVER, Spotsylvania, Virginia
nic232323 SILVER, Spotsylvania, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be - Ralph Waldo Emerson

 The generation of my peers and I has been labeled as the Selfie Generation. I refuse to be a part of that, I vote that we change our ways and become known as a generation of great achievements. We have technology that can do more than take pictures of our food and post it on a social media site, now let’s use it to actually do something helpful to the rest of the world. We sent people to the moon with less computing power than an iPhone has, why are we wasting it? I just ask you to think twice about how you guys represent us and how immature it makes us all seem. Now, let’s change from the Selfie Generation to the Great Generation or something that we at least want to be remembered for.

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