Electrnic Dangers | Teen Ink

Electrnic Dangers

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

I believe young Americans do share too much on the internet, and I’m about to tell you why.

Nowadays you always see kids on their phone, PSP’s, Vitas, and computers.

Some may argue, I’m on my PS3 everyday all day, but i can’t get hurt doing it because I’m not moving anywhere. They are wrong, people could hack you and find out where you live, and they can even take your credit card information.

People on PSP’s, Vitas, or phones can get injured or even cause death. You can walk while texting or something and walk into traffic. In the article published on Teen Ink, February 12, “Walking while texting,” a 14 year old kid from Florida in 2008, he was on his phone, and walked into oncoming traffic and died.Kids can get into trouble because of sexting or asking girls for nude pictures. I believe my mom will get hurt sometime because of texting. If you try to talk to her, while shes texting she won’t hear you. All she does is text, so I believe she will get hurt. Young Americans should not be texting and there should be a law about that.

Some may argue that social networks are safe, but I disagree. On CEOP. org we learned how easy it is for total strangers to hack internet accounts, and use inappropriate pictures, and use GPS setting to find your locations. This is really dangerous, because people can steal your credit card info and take as much money as they want. sexual predators may even follow you and force you to do bad things. Teenagers, we all need to spread the word and block bullies and change your privacy settings. It’s the right thing to do, so lets spread the word and stop this madness.

The author's comments:
i like playing my ps3 all day

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