Pushed Back | Teen Ink

Pushed Back

October 8, 2013
By Midnight1028 PLATINUM, SOUTH BELOIT, Illinois
Midnight1028 PLATINUM, SOUTH BELOIT, Illinois
23 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Seek the non-see-ken and follow your own path for the right life."

Have you ever felt lost? Have you ever wanted to make it to the top of something, but somehow you felt kinda trapped? Well, I feel that everyday. I know people have life is hard and frustrating, even I believe that, but it seems to get rougher all you move forward. I am confused on what I want to be in career wise and what collage I want to go to. I know life will get better depending what path I choose, and I know if I stay on this path good things will come my way. I hope you can find away to get to where you are going in life Because life can be a maze and I understand that, but you have to pull through even if people are pushing you down. You have to get back up and smile and say "I here for a reason." Because life is short and we don't know when we are going to die. So, if you want to write a book. WRITE IT! If you want to sing in front of millions of people. DO IT! Don't let nothing stop you and keep moving forward.


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