Pets in the Classroom | Teen Ink

Pets in the Classroom

January 16, 2017
By erd22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
erd22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Having a pet in the classroom all depends on how everybody takes responsibility and care for the pet even your manners and how everybody acts.  Many schools are undecided on this matter.  Some people argue that pets in a classroom is a bad thing because you have to take care of the animal and the animal is not just all fun.  However, some people argue that pets in the classroom is a good thing because it makes you learn responsibility,  teaches empathy, and it’s helpful for academics.  Pets should be in the classroom because they can help students in many ways.

Kids learn responsibility from having pets in the classroom because it makes the kids learn how to take care of the animals.  In the article, “Pets in the Classroom” on page 1, they said “observing and caring for an animal instills a sense of responsibility and respect for life.”  Animals help kids learn to be nice to each other and teach responsibility and to be respectful while doing it.  Even kids can learn how to take care of others in like helping and caring for them.

Animals in the classroom help teach empathy by understanding things. Animals are a good resource of teaching empathy to kids and others/parents.  In the article, “Pass on the Classroom Pet”,  they said on page 2,  “Teachers often bring pets into the classroom to give their students lessons in respect,responsibility,and empathy for animals.” The classroom will be a better environment for the kids and the teacher.  Kids will be nicer to each other and that the kids will start to understand each other and will be able to share their feelings to others. 
Animals help kids learn things like how to read, write, math and other things that kids may not always be good at.  Sometimes kids are scared to read in front of other people, so they read in front of animals to make them feel more comfortable.  In the article, “Pass on the Classroom Pet”,  they said “Kids are normally too intimidated to read aloud often enjoy practicing on their four-legged friends,who never laugh at their mistakes.”  Animals can be a really good resource because they can make the kids that are scared to read in front of people would not be scared anymore if they read in front of that animal because animals don’t laugh at your mistakes.  So having a pet in the classroom is actually a very good thing because it helps kids        

Animals help kids learn things like how to read, write, do  math and other things that kids are not always good at.  Even sometimes kids are scared to read in front of people, animals are really good resource.  Animals can be a really good resource because they can make the kids that are scared to read in front of people would not be scared anymore if they read in front of that animal.  Even if you think about it, animals do not make kids feel bad about themselves because the animals do not laugh at their mistakes.  But most of all they help you learn respect, responsibility and empathy to others and yourself.  If you have respect, responsibility and empathy in your classroom it would be a much better environment to the kids and yourself.

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