Are IDs necessary for school safety? | Teen Ink

Are IDs necessary for school safety?

February 5, 2024
By SukritiMavuri2305 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
SukritiMavuri2305 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why would kids choose to get in trouble? When surveyed 80% of 20 8th graders said the reason they got in trouble was 8 times out of 10 their IDs. Over the course of 2 years, the flexibility of IDs decreased. Forgetting their IDs, not wearing IDs because it clashes with their outfit, and not wearing them because students think IDs are useless are some of the most common reasons why students do not wear IDs. Although IDs are a hassle for some students they are necessary for school safety.

A significant amount of students refuse to wear their IDs and this has become a problem as it has become harder for school staff to keep track of the students. To inquire more about this problem an observation was conducted. The question enquired was “What grade wears the most IDs?” Middle school students were observed. Initially, the hypothesis was that 6th graders would be the grade wearing the most IDs. This is because when people are introduced to a new environment they want to make a good impression. Initially, as the observation began at Brooklawn Middle school inquiring the question “Which middle school grade wears the most IDs?” The result was that 8th graders were the ones who wore most IDs. Later an interview was conducted to a group of 8th grade students. When asked the most popular response as for why students wear their IDs was not to make a good impression before they left the school instead it was the fear of getting detention.

While some said IDs are necessary some thought otherwise. However everyone agreed it would be nice if decorating IDs were flexible.  Additionally, other popular reasons as to why students dislike IDs is that they are bulky and itchy. Making compromises with the lanyards will show improvement in the number of students wearing IDs. 13 out of 15 8th graders responded positively to the idea of being able to change IDs. 

According to Be Safe Technologies INC, “School security badges and IDs can help guards and the school administration easily identify active students, especially if the school doesn't have a uniform policy in place. As well, it becomes easy to identify and effectively deal with Intruders” (“School”). Moreover, when the 8th grade students at Brooklawn Middle School were interviewed. A student said “IDs are important as they keep track of students but they are limited with customization. First, they are uncomfortable, second, now they won't even let us change the lanyards and stuff. I’m way more likely to wear the IDs if I could change the lanyards” (Interview). Although having to wear IDs is understandable, not being allowed to change lanyards is not. Allowing flexibility when it comes to IDs is a good way to encourage students to wear IDs.

Although they are annoying for many students, ID cards are one of the most important objects for school safety. Students not wearing their IDs is dangerous as it can make it harder for school staff to keep track of the students. Thus allowing flexibility when it comes to lanyards is one of the easiest ways to encourage students to wear IDs. If these steps are taken then school staff will show a positive change in their student body wearing their IDs.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an English class assignment.

Works Cited

"Are School ID's Necessary? (FACEOFF)." The Panther,,guard%2C%20teacher%2C%20or%20administrator. Accessed 15 Dec. 2023.

Be Safe. 27 July 2020, Accessed 1 Jan. 2024.

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