Look at the Time | Teen Ink

Look at the Time

December 6, 2012
By Enjoy_my_work BRONZE, Litchfield Park, Arizona
Enjoy_my_work BRONZE, Litchfield Park, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Quick! What's the first watch that pops into your head. Is it a G-Shock or is it a Rolex? If so it's because these are the two most popular watches in the world.
The look in these watches is what separates these watches from the rest. G-shocks come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. G-shocks come in all colors of the rainbow, some solid colors and some multi-colored watches. they also come in many different models. With the G-shock you don't have to worry about it being to small or too big because it has an adjustable wrist. Rolex's on the other hand come in only about four colors, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and black, unless you customize your own.
G-shocks and Rolex's are worn by two completely different groups of people. G-shocks are worn by young teens to young adults because they are a little more stylish and a little less expensive. Rolex's are worn by young adults to older gentlemen (specifically the rich) because they are a little more classier and they are more expensive.
In conclusion G-shocks and Rolex's are the most popular watches in the world. they are worn by many different types of people in many different parts of the world. They are talked about and bragged. That's why I own a G-shock and my dad owns a Rolex.

The author's comments:
This article is about two watches and a little bit about them.

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