School uniforms | Teen Ink

School uniforms

August 27, 2009
By Anonymous

Parents always talk about how If schools had uniforms, everything would be so much eisier. You wouldn't get caught up on looks and would learn the skills you need. I disagree with this, I think that school uniforms would put a restriction on our creativity. We dress the way we do for a certain reason.
Clothes give us expression and the ability to use color and patterns. The first impression we get of people is usually clothes, facial expression and language. If we all wear the same thing we don't get to really see what people are like on the inside. Usually girly girls wear pink and frilly things. Skaters wear baggy pants and goth usually wear black. Clothes don't distract us form learning the studies we need to, it simply lets us inspire our imaginations and lights up our worlds.
putting school uniforms into order would probably make us rebell against it and we would only be able to express our creativity in things like art and music. Because of the current economic situation most art and music programs are being cut from schools because there is simply not eneough money to support them.

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This article has 240 comments.

DD99 said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 8:42 am

I feel that both you and the person your replied to have valid points, but in either case, both of your opinoins seem to contradict each other.  If the original writer of this post were proteasting the wearing of uniforms in schools, as I took the question, then she was not categorizing a group, but saying she didn't like the idea.

On the other hand, what she wrote, may not truly reflect they way she actually feels, but figured she might get into trobules if she posted her true feeling on this issues.

Personally, I feel that if you have feelings for issues like this, then post them and share them with everyone.

and if feel opposite, then share that view also.

DD99 said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 8:36 am

On the subject of school uniforms, my view s that it is a matter to be addressed between the school board, the parents, and the students - but as commonly happens, the school board decides that uniforms will be worn, and the parents then have to fork over money so that their kids all have the proper clothing in order to attend school.  To me, that is excatly how governments work.

I do not, however, has any objection to a school having a dress code, as I have sent my kids to school, wearing what they wished, but usually not only forbade them from wearing baggy clothes to school, up to actually forcing them to put on more decent clothing, when they wished to "follow the crowd".

As for you students - if your desire is to an individual, and wear what you please - look at the picture from the standpoint of what everyone else sees; when you decide what to wear to school.

If you dress in sloppy clothes, your school's attitude goes down, and pretty soon, everyone becomes a bit more sloppy.

Try cutting back on being flagrant in your dress, especially if you really desire to learn; as the more flagrant you appear to be on the putside, once away from school, you may find that your flagrnt mode of dressing may cast you as being a "trouble maker", or an "easy mark".

JustTaz said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 1:11 am
I somewhat disa

on Nov. 25 2010 at 4:14 pm
laleonlit SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
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It wasn't said by me, but my favorite quote is: "Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Francis

I'm in the UK too, at boarding school and until year 13 (senior year of high school) we had to wear full uniforms- striped shirt, navy skirt, navy jumper, and a tie in your house color. I personally didn't mind it at all- we were allowed to wear home clothes in the evening and on weekends, and I think it made for a great distinction between 'school time' and 'home time'. Plus, I think that for me at least, expressing myself is more about what I do than what I wear.

on Nov. 24 2010 at 10:44 pm
Daisja.J SILVER, New York, New York
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be you because no one can do you better than you.

i agree wit KInG-B-101 3very1 iz diverse in they own way so why should everyone dress the same?So if it  waz 4 me uniform wouldn't exist!!!!:)

Nishy said...
on Nov. 21 2010 at 11:20 pm
Nishy, Playa Del Rey, California
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"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional."

I go to an all girls, private school, and we have to wear uniforms. And frankly, I like uniforms. They're comfortable, and an equilizer. There are many, for lack of a better term, "rich girls" at my school. And if it wasn't for the uniforms, I'm sure they would poke fun at my plain ensembles compared to their Louis Vuitton and Prada. And while there are restrictions, we are allowed to express ourselves. Buttons, pins, animal print. As long as they are not offensive and the accessories in school colors, we can wear them. I honestly don't know why people hate uniforms so much.

on Nov. 17 2010 at 1:02 pm
KInG-B-101 BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
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Life is Your RUNWAY,so be prepared!-If you have Faith in your supreme "GOD" you can achieve anything that is imaginable!*-Giving up is not an option!

i Think nowadays teens should be able to exspress themselves and feel free to where ever they wnt!& uniforms are not going to cut it!


on Nov. 16 2010 at 3:18 pm
Emma.H.96 DIAMOND, Kalamazoo, Michigan
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You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. -Anne Lamott, from Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

Hey! I like having people from other countries giving their veiws because not every country is the same...thanks guys!

on Nov. 16 2010 at 3:16 pm
Emma.H.96 DIAMOND, Kalamazoo, Michigan
65 articles 0 photos 67 comments

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You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. -Anne Lamott, from Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

Thanks for putting your veiws on here, I agree with your POV about putting a twist on the uniforms!

on Nov. 2 2010 at 1:22 pm
bennyB PLATINUM, Memphis, Tennessee
26 articles 0 photos 63 comments
I got to a school with uniform. I don't see anythign wrong with the uniform policy. I dont mind it. Most people in my school find a way to give their uniform a "Twist". The girls still look pretty and acording to the girls the guys look good too. I think uniforms help us look at people from the inside intead of just labeling them by criticizing their clothing. Besides we don't come to school to see who looks the best we come here to learn not see who can come with a more creative out fit

Ainse BRONZE said...
on Oct. 31 2010 at 4:51 pm
Ainse BRONZE, Calgary, Other
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I like your article but I just want to say that I go to a school where uniforms are worn and I do not see it as a restriction creative wise.  I have attended a non-uniform school as well and I must say I much prefer having a uniform.  At the school I go to now, we have casual dress days, one every month, in which we can express ourselves however we want to.  I think it is better because on that one day you will maybe express yourself more through your clothes then you would on a day-to-day basis.  I also find that uniforms make you feel part of something, while still keeping your unique identity. 

 I appreciate you sharing your opinion and I hope you appreciate me sharing mine too.

TacosEatMe! said...
on Oct. 30 2010 at 9:08 am
Your totally wrong...this article isnt labeling people, its just showing how she thinks people dress I personally love this article and agree with it all the way....and your comment just sort of...stinks

on Oct. 27 2010 at 12:32 am
Destinee BRONZE, Oakville, Other
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Blegh. - Abraham Lincoln

I think you're overrating style way too much. "clothes...simply lets us inspire our imaginations and lights up our worlds". Seriously? They're just clothes. And you're labelling people---this seems more like an argument FOR uniforms, if anything.

Personally, I've been in both sorts of schools and I preferred uniforms way more. It saved me the indecision of "what to wear today?". 

Also, I don't really think that this piece is all that well-written. It should be more organised and articulate.

Dimples said...
on Oct. 15 2010 at 2:34 pm
School uniforms suck. White polo and kahki pants? i dont think so. i think its better if students dont have to wear a school uniform because i fell that if your wearing normal clothes tht your expressing your self in your own way.. Going to school with 3500 other students wearing the same exact thing, i feel like im just like them by wearing the same clothes. I express my self with what i wear, and how i wear it.

love09 said...
on Oct. 15 2010 at 2:34 pm
my school has uniforms, it used to be a school that you would be able to wear anything, but now we wear uniforms. I personally feel that I cant express how i feel in the way i dress, i cant be comfortable in a uniform, rather than wearing my own comfortable clothes.i just think school uniforms are bogus.. 

qwerty said...
on Oct. 15 2010 at 2:32 pm
School uniforms I think should be banned! Its a form of individuality and a way to express yourself.

on Oct. 1 2010 at 9:10 pm
KunaiNinjaFighter SILVER, Monticello, Arkansas
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"Think left and thing right, Think low and Think High, Oh the thinks you can think up, if only you try!" Dr. Suess oh and "Two things are infinite: The Universe and Human Stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'- Albert Einstein

Well, I think that with uniforms, you don't have to be "cool". (do NOT get me started on being "uncool") You can espress yourself in other ways, weather or not you're cool

on Oct. 1 2010 at 9:07 pm
KunaiNinjaFighter SILVER, Monticello, Arkansas
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"Think left and thing right, Think low and Think High, Oh the thinks you can think up, if only you try!" Dr. Suess oh and "Two things are infinite: The Universe and Human Stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'- Albert Einstein

My school doesn't have uniforms... I think we need uniforms. At my school, girls get sent to the office, In-School Suspension, or HOME if they have a snag/rip/tear/patch above the knee on their jeans. Guys too. Also, low-cut/ spaghetti straps are a no-no and last year, there was a thirty-somthing teen rebelion that cost us a WHOLE SCHOOL DAY! Uniforms would be much easier and less distracting.

felicity123 said...
on Sep. 28 2010 at 2:37 pm
I agree completely!Our school has uniform and it just causes problems!People still have their identity once a term on no uniform day but still, nonuniform would be so cool

brkarcher said...
on Sep. 24 2010 at 9:05 am
My school also has school uniforms! I do not like it at all. We are the N.P.Trist pirates. If one thing is wrong you get a mark on your infraction card, but the good thing is that if you have a perfect card, you get prizes,