Child abuse ruins a hids life | Teen Ink

Child abuse ruins a hids life

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Some kids all over the world get abused everyday.When a child gets abused by a parent or another adult,it can depress a child and lead to thoughts of suicide.Child abuse can kill a child mentally, physically, and emotionally.
If a child is getting abused it is because the abuser takes out anger on that child, the abuser is on drugs, or the abuser was abused as a child.Physical abuse such as cigarette burns, poisoning, choking, and simply just beatings can cause a kids death.

Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones.Physical abuse may be worse but emotional abuse leaves deep scars.That child that is being abused can feel neglected and unloved.Especially if the parent is doing the abusing.This same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago, Lets call her mya.
Mya had a mother who was really mean and always was abusing her.She would come to school with bruises on her arms and everyday I asked, “What happened to your arms”, and she would never say.Each day she got more and more distant from me.One day she had came to school crying with, a black eye and a burn on her cheek.The teacher had asked, “What happened?” and she burst into tears. “My mom did it”, she said.To make things short, she did not see her mom again.
Today Mya is going to therapy and lives with her grandmother.She is more happier than ever.This relates to how child abuse affects you physically and emotionally.She also had extra therapy sessions because this had affected her mentally.Child abuse affects a child mentally because then, the cycle could continue.That abused child can abuse their children when they get older.
I understand that some parents believe that they have a right to discipline their children the way they want but sometimes, there is a limit to how you discipline them.There are plenty of other ways to do this without harming your children.Think of the children that constantly get hurt and almost die due to this issue.

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