Less than Three | Teen Ink

Less than Three

January 11, 2013
By Glen Wheelock BRONZE, Evans Mills, New York
Glen Wheelock BRONZE, Evans Mills, New York
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You don’t want my advice. I’m young and not wise. But if you do, I do know a few things. I’m pretty quiet and like to watch the world around me and how people act. It makes me feel I’m almost better than them by watching their actions. Even though I’m not. Now that you know your writer let me lend you some advice.

Love. It’s a word that is largely over used. It’s used less as you get older. But know with all the “maturity” in children these days they begin dating at such young ages. It not like when you were in kindergarten and since you shared crayons with a girl once you’re now married. Kids 10, 11, 12 years old really start dating as if they were high school students. So now by the time they’re 14 and 15 they truly think they found love. But then it fails and then they think they find love again, and again, and again. Sound repetitive? That’s because that’s how young people act these days. Since they’ve had so much “experience” “dating”, they feel they know what love is.

Before I go on lets talk about love. What is it? Is it even real? Can all of us find it? Is it as simple as one of Nicholas Sparks’ books? Since you’re taking my advice I would say there is such a thing as love. Buts it’s very small. It is also very rare. Finding it is like winning the lottery. Now I’m not saying you can’t find some you’re really like and care about. But love? Come on that’s not something easy to find. There is something like love out there. It makes you believe you’re in love. It makes you willing to jump in front of a bullet and to cut of your own ear. I’m going to call this FAIL (Falsely Acting In Love). With the world around us it makes us naturally do things like being man enough to watch a chick-flick to make her happy or not be a douche and willing to listen to her book club. Same goes for women not just men. This is about 97% of all “love birds”

Now back to children and being in love. I don’t care if you’re the world’s biggest lady killer and have been on a million dates by the time you’re hitting puberty. There is no way you are mature enough, experienced enough, and smart enough to be in love. It just isn’t going to happen. Am I scaring you? Am I making you think you’ll never find love? Well those aren’t my intentions. My advice is be careful. Think it through. Just because you’ve been dating three months and she knows all your favorite songs doesn’t mean you’re in love. But if you truly care about someone to the point dying for them is just second nature, then you’re in love. You’ve got to figure that out on you’re own. Because I think its something you’re born with (the ability to find love). As Eddie Griffin said “It’s like knowing it’s wrong to kill your mama. No one had to teach you that, you just know.” But we’ve been misguided and are foolish to the point we love any girl or guy who remembers your middle name.

I wish you luck and hope from this you can now tell the differences between love and FAIL. Be careful when dating, because when you start saying love now it won’t mean the same thing when you’re older. Good luck.

Before I go on lets talk about love. What is it? Is it even real? Can all of us find it? Is it as simple as one of Nicholas Sparks’ books? Since you’re taking my advice I would say there is such a thing as love. Buts its very small. It is also very rare. Finding it is like winning the lottery. Now I’m not saying you can’t find some you’re really like and care about. But love? Come on that’s not something easy to find. There is something like love out there. It makes you believe you’re in love. It makes you willing to jump in front of a bullet and to cut of your own ear. I’m going to call this FAIL (Falsely Acting In Love). With the world around us it makes us naturally do things like being man enough to watch a chick-flick to make her happy or not be a douche and willing to listen to her book club. Same goes for women not just men. This is about 97% of all “love birds”

Now back to children and being in love. I don’t care if you’re the world’s biggest lady killer and have been on a million dates by the time you’re hitting puberty. There is no way you are mature enough, experienced enough, and smart enough to be in love. It just isn’t going to happen. Am I scaring you? Am I making you think you’ll never find love? Well those aren’t my intentions. My advice is be careful. Think it through. Just because you’ve been dating three months and she knows all your favorite songs doesn’t mean you’re in love. But if you truly care about someone to the point dying for them is just second nature, then you’re in love. You’ve got to figure that out on you’re own. Because I think its something you’re born with (the ability to find love). As Eddie Griffin said “Its like knowing its wrong to kill your mama. No one had to teach you that, you just know.” But we’ve been misguided and are foolish to the point we love any girl or guy who remembers your middle name.

I wish you luck and hope from this you can now tell the differences between love and FAIL. Be careful when dating, because when you start saying love now it wont mean the same thing when you’re older. Good luck.

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