Op-Ed: Students Learn From Love | Teen Ink

Op-Ed: Students Learn From Love

December 4, 2019
By Toualee GOLD, Sacramento, California
Toualee GOLD, Sacramento, California
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I don't have to do it, I won't do it. If I have to do it, make it quick."-Oreki Houtarou

  Learning without love is dull and dead, like a robot attending class. But actually engaging with the teacher brings more connection and breaking barriers. When I was young, all I ever did was learn from what my parents taught me. It’s only natural that happened, I knew them well and there was love. Not only love, it’s the bond that made it happen. Many of you guys learned from people you love, friends, family members, teachers, etc.

  Connections made it all, whether it’s positive or negative, it brings out the mood of everyone in the class. David Brooks of The New York Times stated, “emotions is not the opposite of reason, it’s essential to reason.” Brooks is saying that learning without a reason is meaningless. Emotions has to take place for the reasoning, like going to school to learn. Not just learn but developing relationships with others. Synching with the teacher brings in the connection that has been made.

  Some people think that learning with love is not important. The ones that says so, have no understanding of what learning truly is. Learning with love is what many of us have all grown up with. That’s why in school, since the beginning, we love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be related to school but to those around us. Stuffing a learner’s head with nonsense and then at the end of the day, was there a connection? Was the student able to understand?

  That’s why SEL (social emotional learning) is taken in place. Engaging with the teacher, having the same positive mindset really makes learning more enjoyable and fun. Building a relationship that manages emotions and achieving positive goals that will benefit in life. Students will be able to show empathy to others, since everyone is exposed in the classroom. The care for one another and learning builds a strong connection between student and teacher.

  In my perspective, I learn from the people around me that I love. When I say learn, it’s not just knowledge, it’s life. Reflecting it on to myself, making decisions that will change not just me but others too. We all need love, it’s what makes us who we are. Loved ones that made who I am, I’m thankful for that. The relationship that builds is what leads us to now. 

  The feeling of “love” is inevitable. It’s everywhere, it makes people connected and most importantly have empathy. Caring for others and receiving it back is why it’s important. Even though times are hard, love awaits.

The author's comments:

Love is importnat in many ways and I treasure it a lot.

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