Love | Teen Ink


May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

Sometimes there are only a few people who you can say you love. Other times, there are many. Every few times, someone will say they love you back. They won’t always mean it though. People can hurt you more when you are closer to them then others. The closer to them you are, the more they can hurt you. Sometimes, it’ll leave a scar Other times, it’ll leave a gash, or they might say they’ll always love you, but they won’t. If they were able to leave you, so easily, they don’t love you, they never did. Not completely. To love someone means to never give up on that person, no matter what. It means to always care. It means to believe what they need you to believe at times, but give them the truth all the time. It is not possible for someone to want you all the time, but they’ll be there when you need them. You can’t try to change someone and call it love. That’s just not how it works, you grow together as people. Don’t let yourself fall for the wrong person, the person that tries to change you and is only there when it is convenient for them. Just as you shouldn’t let yourself fall for this person, don’t let yourself be broken by this person, if you just so happen to fall for them. Just be careful who you let your guard down, and when you do let it down, make sure both you and the other person are okay with it, and that there will be as little damage as possible. Let the people that actually love you in, and the people that love themselves because that way, if you ever need them, they are right there.

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