Tornado Damage | Teen Ink

Tornado Damage

November 7, 2016
By mariagonzalez BRONZE, Sacramento , California
mariagonzalez BRONZE, Sacramento , California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The time i watched twister it was so interesting.  The storm chasers in the movie were creating a machine that has little ball things inside. The things inside fly up into the tornado and the calculate the information on the tornado. This movie got me interested in wanting to learn more about tornadoes. A tornado is a natural disaster where mother nature kills or injures people and destroys houses and buildings. Tornadoes are caused by cold and warm air.  However, tornado damage is deadly because anything and everything can be hurtled by them.  Luckily, storm chasers help people from tornadoes by studying more about them to be able to predict them.  Therefore, tornadoes are the worst natural disaster to experience because there is no way to predict them so that people can be prepared.


Tornadoes are caused by cold and warm air.  The author states “most tornadoes form from thunderstorms, combined with mixing warm, moist are”.  In the tornado data set, the author is saying that tornadoes occur when cool and hot air mix together and create instability in the atmosphere.  Thunderstorms form tornadoes, combined with warm, moist air from the gulf of mexico and cool dry air from canada. 

Tornado damage is deadly because anything and everything can be hurtled by the tornado.  “People, cars, and even buildings may be hurtled aloft by tornado force winds”.  In the tornado data set the author is saying that tornado winds are so strong that even a building can be swept away by a tornado.  Injuries and deaths are from flying debris.  The most destructive tornado has a wind speed of 250 mph or even more.

Storm chasers help protect people from tornadoes by studying more about them to predict them.  “Some are professional meteorologists, many are amateurs who are simply curious and fascinated by severe weather and tornadoes”.  The tornado data set is saying that there are people that aren't professional and they are studying to predict them.

In conclusion, tornadoes are the worst natural disaster because they're so unexpected and they are not predictable.  Tornadoes are caused by cold and warm air but the tornado is formed from a thunderstorm.  However, tornado damage is deadly because anything and everything can be hurtled by them.  Luckily, storm chasers help protect people from tornadoes by studying more about them to protect them. 

The author's comments:

it's about tornadoes and how they work

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