Preserving The Environment | Teen Ink

Preserving The Environment

September 23, 2009
By MissyxJoker SILVER, Rochester, New York
MissyxJoker SILVER, Rochester, New York
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
-Dr. Seuss

I definitely think its WAY more important to preserve natural habitats and wetlands. There was once a time before we had all these places to shop, and conduct businesses; when humans lived in sync with animals and nature and they were successful and happy. Here’s how I see it, the natural habitats and wetlands were here first, so we didn’t really have a right to just start cutting down trees, draining wetlands, building where forests once stood, ect. Then people want to start panicking when animals start going extinct, and global warming threatens our existence. No one wants to put themselves in the place of the animals’ whose homes we’re bulldozing over, you wouldn’t like it if someone just came in and tore down your home, to build the latest strip mall. Unbelievably, humans are doing that such thing to other humans, such as farmers, taking their land where the food that said destroyers NEED and WANT are growing. There are only so many resources, then watch how the same people who were destroying or using up those resources are drove insane when they’re all gone. And that’s what they get, too bad we’re all going to have to suffer.

The author's comments:
Well this was initially part of a paper for my Inro To Business class, but then I completely went on a rant, because this is a topic that is close to my heart. I hope any ignorant earth destroyers who read this will see the error of their ways, and change for not only themselves but for the world.

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This article has 1 comment.

hutchinsonj said...
on Oct. 7 2009 at 5:14 pm
I agree that we need to preserve natural habitats. You said the following quote, "Here's how I see it, the natural habitats and wetlands were here first, so we didn't really have a right to just start cutting down trees, draining wetlands, building where forests once stood, etc." That is right because they were here first and the plants inside of the habitats created the oxygen for us humans and other animals to survive. You also said, "There are only so many resources, then watch how the same people who were destroying or using up those resources are drove insane when they're all gone." I have to agree with you because global warming concerns are on the rise.