Racial Inequality | Teen Ink

Racial Inequality

January 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Racial inequality has been going on for quite some time and is portrayed perfectly in both “To Kill a Mockingbird” and George Zimmerman’s case of Trayvon Martin.

Tom Robinson was a black man living in the south accused of raping a white man’s daughter. Blacks were not really liked in the south during this time and few people wanted to take his side. Even though he it was physically impossible to have raped a heavyset girl, Tom was up against a bunch of white men who could not have hated him more. George Zimmerman was a Hispanic neighborhood watch coordinator accused of murdering an African-American Trayvon Martin. Some called is self-defense and others called it racism, but the world may never know.

Even though it was physically impossible for Tom Robinson to have raped the so-called victim, he was still accused of the crime which everyone knew he did not commit. Same with the George Zimmerman case. Everyone knew Martin had a criminal background at only 17 but because it was a black getting shot by a non-black, the media blew it up and took it to court accusing Zimmerman of murder, not self-defense.

Tom Robinson was found guilty even with substantial evidence leading the other direction and sent off to prison where it was claimed that he was trying to escape and was shot and killed 17 times. George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder but went through a series of questionings and I’m sure many threats. There are always two sides to every story but I guess we will never hear Trayvon’s.

Both cases portrayed innocence and racial inequality perfectly. Although the cases were both unfair, that’s just the kind of world we live in and sadly, it will probably never change.

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