North Korea Commentary | Teen Ink

North Korea Commentary

March 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Every day, every hour, every minute and every second, North Korea’s nuclear weaponry grows with more and more power. Their government has made death threats to South Korea, the United States and Japan; and their bombs could easily obliterate a city in one of these countries. Something needs to happen. Someone needs to keep an eye on North Korea’s government in order to prevent it from using bombs and making more death threats to other countries.

Some people would say that North Korea’s size is equivalent to a pimple and that a tiny country like that [with short range missiles] can’t do any damage to any other country. North Korea is right next door to South Korea and Japan. It already has made powerful bombs which are equivalent to the United States’ bomb that was used in World War II. Now, North Korea is developing high tech, longer range missiles that can reach the United States. Furthermore, North Korea is allied with dangerous countries like Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar and is sharing nuclear secrets with them.

Why did North Korea make those threats? North Korea recently launched its first satellite into orbit. That was just a cover to make intercontinental missiles that could hit North America. Luckily, the United States found out about this and protested to the United Nations about this matter. As a result, North Korea has sent a death threat to the United States. South Korea is in trouble too because they have been enemies with North Korea since the Korean War [1950-1953.] North Korea has also threatened Japan because it is allies with the United States.

North Korea is ruled by a heartless and cruel dictator, named Kim Jong Un. Imagine what their government would do if they got away with their threats and obtained these strong, long range missiles? Cites will be obliterated, innocent men, women and children will be lost or killed, important buildings filled with history and important supplies will be exploded into bits and pieces; and just one bomb dropping onto one of these countries could start a World War!

Someone needs to keep an eye on North Korea to prevent them from using their bombs and making more death threats to other countries. However, if someone doesn’t, there could be great danger and destruction. Now, don’t you think people should do something? The clock is ticking…….

The author's comments:
Works cited


Works Cited

CNN. "U.S. Says U.N. Sanctions 'will Bite' after North Korea Threatens Nuclear Attack." Josh Levs and Jethro Mullen, 7 Mar. 2013. Web. <>.

Kwon, K.J., Cnn, and Madison Park Contributed to This Article. "North Korea Threatens to 'strike South Korea Mercilessly'" CNN. Cable News Network, 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

Ny Times. "In Focus: North Korea’s Nuclear Threats." Capital One 360, 16 Apr. 2013. Web.

"South Korea, U.S. Sign New Pact to Deter North Korea Nuclear Threat." South Korea, U.S. Sign New Pact to Deter North Korea Nuclear Threat. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

The Wall Street Journal. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

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