Brave Hearts | Teen Ink

Brave Hearts

March 5, 2014
By Kaitlynn850 BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
Kaitlynn850 BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many people that will take a bullet for people they love, but do you know any that are willing to die for a complete stranger? Just like in The Hunger Games, Katniss was willing to eat poison berries with Peeta that would kill her. Courageous people are people that are willing to risk their lives for anyone no matter what the situation. These selfless people still exist today.

In West Texas, a team of volunteer firefighters were called out to the fertilizer plant to try and keep the fire under control. A second explosion occurred that had injured one hundred and sixty victims. Fourteen people were killed in that tragedy. 12 people were first responders who selflessly rushed to the site. In The Hunger Games, Katniss risked her life by shooting her bow and arrow, with a line of electric rope, full of electricity that caused an power outage to stop the games, but also electrocuted her, just so she could end the hunger games.

Another article I read about a tragic hero is the one about a man killed by a train. When you think about a man getting killed by a train you usually think about a car accident or suicide, but this man was trying to save a person. In July 2012, in Georgia, a man was killed trying to save a vicitim in a minivan who was stuck on the railroad. The minivan had rolled on its side and had gotten stuck between the railroad tracks. He selflessly risked his life to save this victim he didn’t even know. Risking your life for someone you don’t know takes courage . Katnisse’s little sister was picked out of the hat to go into the hunger games, but Katniss volunteered as tribute for her little sister. This showed tremendous courage because everyone knew that in order to leave the Hunger Games, the players either had to die or kill everyone else.

One final example is the September 11th, 2001 incident. On September 11th, 2001, more than 400 first responders lost their lives, including 343 firefighters, 60 police officers, and 15 EMTs. An estimated 2,000 additional first responders were injured following the Kamikaze attacks on the World Trade Center. When Peeta needed medication for his leg, Katniss left even though he didn’t want her to. She knew that he would end up okay and that he would get the help he needed. By tricking Peeta, she helped him get the medical attention he needed from other opponents.

Being courageous isn’t easy. It means you have to put yourself in danger for the sake of saving someone else. Katniss constantly put herself in danger not just to save herself, but her district and fellow alliances and it’s not just fictional characters that save lives. I gave three examples that are small compared to the daily acts. There are still courageous people out in the world.

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