Mill Plain Bridge | Teen Ink

Mill Plain Bridge

March 17, 2011
By Anonymous

Have you ever felt like something is taking way too long to make. Well think everyone in Connecticut that either lives in or drives through Fairfield has to deal with one problem, the Mill Plain Bridge: on the signs about it getting rebuilt said start date May 17th 2010 and it said it would be done around May 17th 2011. Well I thought it wouldn’t be that bad and so did everyone else, but it is way worse than we thought, it has been about 6 months and so far really nothing has happened; except for knocking down the bridge. If I were you I would stop wasting time working on the Merrit Parkway, and start working on the bridge. I don’t think anyone complains about the highway because it doesn’t cause traffic but on the detours there is way too much traffic. Ken if you finish the bridge people won’t be getting on your back about it taking forever. People used to bike a lot in the summer but now there is a huge division between Burr Street and Mill Plain Road. The only options to get to the other side are either A: go up a huge hill and waste all of your energy, B: go up by black rock and risk getting hit by a car, or C: go on Duck Farm Road and risk getting hit by a car. When people hear these options they think why am I going to bike or run on these detours and almost risk my life. They are just going to drive around, and with less runners and bikers causes less healthy people. I did some research and found out that Fairfield was voted the best town in Connecticut. You wouldn’t want that to go away would you Ken? Well after a year of no running or biking, no one is going to want to live in a town with a bunch of obese people. Seriously Ken If I were you I would fix the road or I am going to move as faraway as possible and tell everyone that Fairfield is not the place to live. You wouldn’t want that Ken would you?

Detours are the worst part having to drive through those are a pain lots of traffic, even during one of the worst years Fairfield has ever had with snow driving up that super steep hill will not be easy with all the snow and ice on the ground. Runners and bikers won’t even think about going out to get exercise because of the detours having to go through because of the bridge, which brings us right into the next problem with the bridge taking too long and that is obesity.

Obesity, it will happen! Everyone worries about their weight and that is why we have so many runners and bikers today, but because of the detours, they won’t want to even think about going up that steep hill or getting beeped at hundreds of times by the cars passing on the busy road. Guess what, if no one is running or biking less people are losing the weight they want to lose, and that is when people get fat. Since Fairfield is one of the best places to live in CT, then you should keep that rep up or it will never happen again because no one wants to live in a town where everyone is overweight, I know that I would never want to live in a town like that. Would you?

Deaths, the worst one, no one likes to hear that word, it will happen Ken. The detours they are outrageous for cars in the snow and ice its risking trying to go up a steep hill and risk your two wheels drive car by slipping back down and hitting the tree at the bottom of the hill, and for those cars that go down the hill, well let’s just hope they don’t have a Toyota if you know what I’m saying (wink, wink) Runners and bikers have it the worst, going up the steep hill is wasting all of your energy, and going on duck farm is like trying to walk across a street with a green light on in New York city. It won’t be too pretty.

I hope this concludes that you should really finish the bridge Ken, or I will go to your office and not leave until you agree with me.

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This article has 2 comments.

jesusitsgod said...
on Mar. 29 2011 at 4:14 pm
jesusitsgod, Fairfield, Connecticut
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i want candy duhh duhh duhh duhduh

hey gues what SHUT UP

on Mar. 22 2011 at 3:46 pm
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." - MLK Jr.

Wow! You really feel strongly about this. Well, let me be the first to say that I don't think it's going slowly at all. The town informed us that it would be one and a half to two years for the bridge to be finished! :) And as for obesity, in my honest opinion, that won't happen. There are other bike and running routes you can take. :) Oh, and lastly, Ken Flatto just announced that he is taking a job with the governor, Dan Malloy. I'm not sure when this is in effect, but if you don't like this guy (I can't really tell if you do or don't), then you ought to be happy. Anyway, thanks for this article!