Teen opinion essays on war, peace, politics, justice and more | Teen Ink


Most discussed Points of View

By Anonymous

Okay, I have to add a note here, just so... Well, you'll see. Here goes: Okay, so, this is my opinion of horses, and why they are AHH-MAH-ZANG! And you might not agree, so just don...

teapavli SILVER, Tirana, Other
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments
Remy_is_here SILVER, Tirana, Other
5 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
What if God was just legs<br /> Tubbo_

zarashariff9 PLATINUM, New York, New York
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By adoxography BRONZE
Nottingham, Other
adoxography BRONZE, Nottingham, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
System_Error_26 PLATINUM, Edmond, Oklahoma
44 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When we're born we cry, because we feel the pain of living for the first time."- Alice C.<br /> <br /> "Always be yourself... Unless you can be Batman. Be Batman."- Andy Biersack<br /> <br /> "No matter how hard you try, you can never tame a wild spirit!"- CC<br /> <br /> "I am not a monster, I am but a man."- Ronnie Radke<br /> <br /> "Suicide is not cowardly! I'll tell you what's cowardly... treating someone so badly that they want to take their own life!"- Ashley Purdy<br /> <br /> "I'm an artist and I make art-arty-art-art!"- Andy Biersack<br /> <br /> "I'm TOP 'Stressed Out' what does that mean? I'm a rap fiend with a bad lead..."- NF<br /> <br /> "I GOT A JAR OF DIRT AND GUESS WHAT'S INSIDE IT!!!"- Johnny Depp

MauraC BRONZE, Haverhill, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stand up for what is right. Even if it means standing alone.<br /> - Suzy Kassem

SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

RaniaMichaela PLATINUM, Abu Dhabi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't watch what they say, watch what they do." ~ Rachel Maddow

By Anonymous