Horses; why I like them and my horseriding stories (Part 1.) | Teen Ink

Horses; why I like them and my horseriding stories (Part 1.)

May 25, 2021
By Anonymous

Okay, I have to add a note here, just so... Well, you'll see. Here goes: Okay, so, this is my opinion of horses, and why they are AHH-MAH-ZANG! And you might not agree, so just don't read this then.

Why I like horses:

They're so gentle-spirited. Yes, I know, some horses buck and rear and "can't be trained", (In quotes), but 1, that's not true, and 2, it just means that they're scared. They're not mean. Just scared. And I should know, I've been riding for... let's see... well, my whole life. I started lessons at age five, but I rode at my grandma's farm since I was 2. They do their best to please you. Sure, some horses are difficult, but that just means 1, they're bored and have nothing else to do but "tease" you, or, 2, you aren't a good rider and/or haven't trained the horse well enough. They actually care for you. I have proof for you. (Check story#3 below.)

A/N: Also, BTW, I get injured & ect. in the the coming stories, so I just have to tell you, I love horses because of their misbehaivior and mistakes, not just in spite of them. They are like us humans; no one's perfect. I'm not. And you aren't. So, yeah.

The Proofs (stories):

Story #1

I had this one naughty horse that was always jumping around, bucking, and doing the opposite of what I wanted. (His name, of course, was Rodeo). It turned out that 1, he was scared of the horse he was curantly stabled by, so was nervous, and 2, he hadn't been trained enough, whatever his previous owners had said. I soon helped him calm down and lose his greeness.

Story #2

I had another horse, at one point, who was so, so, so unbiliveably fresh (Fresh is like you have a suger-rush exept for a horse & a million times more so; they get crazed and can't stop using their energy, like kicking their stall over and over or running super fast.) So, anyway, she was so fresh that she, even though she ussually did everything I asked, and was my dream horse, she was so fresh that she couldn't stop running. Now, she was part thouroughbred (For you non-horse people: It's a racing horse; they're fast), so when she was galloping, everything was/felt blurred around me. I was clinging to her, and when she finally could stop, she did so very fast, and I liaraly flew over her neck, like in the movies. Yep. (BTW I'm proud of my falls and fails, "A true horserider has fallen off at least 7 times and climbed straight back on again.") So, yeah. I flew off her and landed on the ground. She'd gotten rid of her energy by now, so she walked up a bit worridly to me. She was perfectly behaved after that.


Story #3    

One time, I made a terrible mistake while jumping an oxer, and ended up on one side of the horse and saddle, clinging desperately to Rooney's side. (That's his name, Rooney.) Well, he was at a full gallop, having just jumped a 4-footer, and he couldn't stop easily. But he tried. I could tell; he was scared. Scared for me. His whites showed, and he was snorting nervously, and skidding in the dust to stop. His ears were twitching anxiously, and he kept curving his head to one side, eyeing me in confusion, fear, and worry. Finally, he managed to stop, and stood, panting as I finally slid off. I wasn't hurt; that good boy had managed to stop just in time. It was a huge feat for him; he's an old horse, and he doesn't like his legs to take too much strain. Foam showed around his mouth, from his mad dance to skid to a sudden halt in just a few paces. As soon as my weight left him, he carefully shifted his weight onto his other legs, sidestepped, and turned till his noble head faced me. He put his head down, gently nuzzling my face. I reached up and stroked his muzzle, and he literally let out a gusty sigh. I know that's hard to believe if you're not a rider, but it's true. It can happen. They sigh when they're done with a hard course, when you sigh, (if they have a strong conection with you), and even,(Like in this case), when they're "relived", or, you know, content at last, ect, ect, ect. That's my 3rd proof.

Story #4

This is my favorite. Buckle up. Get ready. YEE-HAW!!!!!!

Once upon a time, there was a girl who went to horse summer camp every year. Then, one day, before horsecamp, the owners said she could be an 'employee' this timearound! Well, sort of. More like and intern. I help out, get some experiece, and, later on, they might higher me as a true employee, w/ payment!

That girl was me! She said yes, and on the day of camp, she helped out, and all the girls looked up to her, and learned things from her, and they all had fun. Until. Until the girl (me) was asked to get a horse from the feild. 

The horse kicked her.

In the face.

She lay, dark blood pouring from her face and pooling around her.

When they found her, she was rushed to the ER.

But she was okay. No biggee. Bye.

The author's comments:

All stories are true.


Thx for reading! Enjoy!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 12 2021 at 9:20 pm
WolfGurl PLATINUM, Not A Real Place, Indiana
20 articles 5 photos 177 comments

Favorite Quote:
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. –Anatole France.

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. –Josh Billings

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.- George Carlin

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. —Franklin D. Roosevelt

Never lose. Either win, or learn. - Me


Aww, I'm sorry! 😔😔

on Jun. 11 2021 at 4:08 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

i had a horse. i dont like to talk about what happened to her, but bottom line is my mom and I don't see eye to eye on how animals should be treated.