My Opinon on McDonalds | Teen Ink

My Opinon on McDonalds

November 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Their fries are too salty. I hate fries that are too salty. If I had to eat fries there, I would give them to my mom because I hate too much salt because too much salt can kill you.


Their burgers are okay. I would eat chicken nuggets over their burgers but if I had to eat their burgers, I would. The reason is because their burgers are too fatening.

I love their all-day breakfast menu. If you wake up not in time for breakfast and you want breakfast, you can just got to McDonalds.

Their ice cream is the best. Personally I would have three times a month because I don’t like to eat there too much. I would have their ice cream out of another fast food place.

Their drive-thru is good to because you don’t have to worry about them closing on you because they are open for Twenty four hours. The reason I like this is because you don’t have to worry.

The author's comments:

i want to do my oponion on Mcdonals what i like about it in want i dont so i wrote this.

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