Lets go phishing! | Teen Ink

Lets go phishing!

January 17, 2014
By Al-Tamar Jason BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Al-Tamar Jason BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you ever share or even post your deepest secret to the world for everyone to see? Do you even think that’s acceptable in our society? Sadly, many young teenagers around the world would do that. But, some may argue that it is okay to do because it could possibly lead to things with a good outcome. Posting or sharing anything even semi-personal can backfire or come back to haunt you, whether it’s a picture status, or link it can have a bad outcome. Many teens around the world share the same problem with social networks, they don’t know when to draw a line on things they post. In my opinion, I know teens around the world share too much online like personal things, but an opponent could argue it’s a good thing because if there’s something wrong it can lead to help, but again because if a teenager accidentally or purposely shares a location, it can lead to unwanted others.
To start, sharing places or locations online can lead to unwanted others. In the first place, sharing locations can be helpful to others, that aren’t your friends. If you purposely, or accidentally share your location, it can lead to stalkers and predators knowing your every move. In addition, photo mapping pictures or posts doesn’t always go as planned. Although you can photo map something using a nickname of your own, not everyone does! In like manner, sharing locations while messaging can lead to unknown others getting ahold of it. If you share a pinpoint location while messaging or talking can turn into police or predator leads! In short, when social networking make sure to turn off location sharing features!

On the contrary, some may argue that sharing or posting too much personal things can be good because it can get someone help. First of all, if someone posts or shares something about something going on at home, it can let others know of distress. For example, if someone posts or shares information and pictures of them being abused, a worried and caring friend can see and let an adult know that can help them. Secondly, it can let family know of a problem. If a teenager has family that can access their profile and see that they posted or shared something about them stressed or depressed, they can always know that they have a caring family to fall back on. Furthermore, they can get help or support. If someone is constantly posting or sharing things that frustrate them, or make them somber and sorrowful and someone tells an adult, it can get them emotional support. In conclusion, experts and opponents can argue that teens around the world don’t share or post too much information online because it can get them anything that is needed.
Moreover, teens around the world share too many personal things online. To begin, sharing or posting secrets for the world to see is a big red flag. Unless receiving blackmail, and being bullied are your two favorite past-times, sharing or posting secrets isn’t the best idea, because in one case it has lead to suicide. Moving on, posting or sharing pictures or links to things that are inappropriate, definitely isn’t acceptable. Before posting or sharing things that could be perceived as inappropriate think to yourself, “Is everyone mature enough to see this?” or “Would I show my parents this?” Lastly, do you think everyone wants to know, especially if it’s about your personal life? It’s one thing to post or share something that can be informative but, if it’s a personal thing that someone would say, “Nobody cares.” or “Eww.” at, do you think it’s a reasonable post? To close this up, teenagers around the world share way too much information online.
Hence, when social networking make sure not to share or post too much online, but sometimes sharing those things can turn into someone getting help that’s needed, and not to turn on location sharing features. It’s never good to share personal things with loose friends acquaintances and even total strangers. Unless of course, they share with someone who can get you help. Ultimately, make sure to always be overcautious when social networking!

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