Why be fake? | Teen Ink

Why be fake?

January 8, 2014
By Asia M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Asia M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most kids in middle school and High School start acting fake and instigating about this time. And i know we can be what we want and say what we want. But at the end of the day being fake and instigating causes trouble.For example it hurts our friendship, leads to fights and causes drama, and leads to beef between me and your other friends. Most people fake and instigate on social networks the most because they feel safe behind the keyboard or their phone. And most people girls who came from SouthEast are used to solving problems with their hands to put some girls in their place. But anyways lets get to the point!
This causes a problem with our relationship because it all started because you said something behind my back. If you have a problem or something to say to me say it to my face don’t talk behind my back because it’s fake. I don’t talk behind peoples back because it’s not worth it. And you have to remember that Golden Rule “Treat People the way you want to be treated”. I know we can say basically what we want but don’t talk behind my back because i’m gonna find out anyway. But seriously be real with me since you’re so big and bad to say that stuff behind my back. Also when you see me you don’t speak because of rumors! If you were real and really my friend you would have came to me and asked me! did I say that stuff, Instead of believing the others because nine times out of ten they’re always jealous anyway so they make up things all the time. Did you also know when you talk about people behind their back you feel bad about yourself?
Being fake and instigating leads to fights and drama too. For instance texting me on Kik (A texting app) and how we are scheduling a fight to impress people. That’s uncalled for most of the time little girls just wanna fight to put on a show for people. If you wouldn't have texted me on kik we wouldn’t be going through this right now. This really needs to STOP! because it’s irritating me and other teenagers. Nowadays kids my age just don’t solve problems with words they just wanna fight. But if it’s drama over something dumb just leave it alone because we can talk things out like mature young adults.
mugging me in school and getting attacked by words in the bathroom. We come to school to learn not to socialize and start fights.That’s exactly why some people think blacks are ignorant.
Last but not least it leads to beef between me and your other friends. For instance your BestFriend does not like me because of what I did to you. Please get over it we are all not gonna live happily ever after. If you are reading this essay right now you probably agree with me because most teens always get like this. If I don’t like your friend why you have to be the one to get yourself in the beef.Also ganging up on girls with your crew because yall so "real"this does not have to be like this if we would all be real with each other.
To conclude, to be honest I think the world would be happy if everyone would just be real with each other cut all the talking behind peoples back, the fighting,and just stop being fake to each other.And these are my reasons for why fake causes trouble.

The author's comments:
This piece inspired me of the girls at my school. They are always talking about me and other girls. Also subtweeting on twitter everything they do i seem to be the topic of the conversation. And i just don't like that.

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