Conformity | Teen Ink


April 5, 2013
By hey_jude BRONZE, Goled, Colorado
hey_jude BRONZE, Goled, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to belong, just not to the general population. I want to belong where i won't have to change. I want to be able to fit in naturally, and have no artificial flavors. I don't want to conform, I just want to be noticed for something good. But I don't see the point in drawing attention to yourself in ways that aren't your own. Why does a girl have to wear makeup just be considered pretty or socially acceptable? Why is it that we are so obsessed with being a copy instead of an original? But in today's society it's do "difficult" to be yourself and we are so afraid of rejection that we reject ourselves. But is that really why we conform, because of rejection or because we are too afraid? We shouldn't be. We should be accepted for who we are and not have to worry about being judged because we aren't hard shine plastic. We should try and be individuals and try to brake away from places we don't fit in and be individuals.

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