Same Sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Same Sex Marriage

December 7, 2010
By Anonymous

I think that same sex marriage should be allowed because the people that are gay should be able to walk around outside without having anyone come up to them to say that they are not allowed in that state. I also think that people that are gay should feel comfortable in their own home and outside of it to. For those of you who really dosent like seein the same sex walking around, could you think about how they feel and why they choose to do the things they do. To me its just the same thing for them as it is for the people that are not gay, we want happiness and so do they. So why cant you let them get married and be happy like the rest of the world instead of saying that their not allowed here when clearly they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The author's comments:
If youe reading this, then I would like for you to know that it is not ok to judge people by the things they do or say.Just because someone makes different choices then you do does not mean that you can talk about them. And i like to put my-self in there position, which means would i want to be talked about the way people are talking about them? No, i would like to walk around outside having a good time talking with my loved one or who ever instead of having people point at us and talking about us.

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on Jan. 4 2011 at 11:36 am
kalijahhooks BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
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If you can change your mind you can change your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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