Good Food | Teen Ink

Good Food

May 28, 2024
By Anonymous

Again, I thought to myself, that’s twice. Puddles littered the field and both teams, who had hopped the fence to enter, both made their way to exit. I turned back to face the historic Rockwood field one last time before putting one foot in front of the other toward the exit. 

“What now?” I asked, as my brother Brendan, my dad and I lingered in the car. 

“Tuscaloosa?” my Dad responded.

“Let’s do it,” Brendan chimed in.

As we hit the road, my stomach started to growl. “Hey Dad, can we stop to eat before walking around?” 

“That works for you Bevo?” my dad asked Brendan.

“I could eat too,” he quickly responded

“Alright Connor, find us somewhere good.” 

Within minutes on yelp, I had us a spot. It had everything we wanted, quick, good-looking, brunch food. The Caribbean jerk chicken scrambler immediately stood out to me, even in the car.

By the time we arrived, the growling in my stomach was like an earthquake. 

“Let’s go,” I remarked while hustling inside. The restaurant had a sleek modern design to it, a design that just screamed good food. When the waiter came around I ordered my food stating politely, “I’ll have the Caribbean jerk chicken scrambler with a side of truffle fries and an apple juice please.” Over the next 15 minutes or so we just chatted about the rest of the day, and Brendan’s team’s next matchup tonight until the food arrived.

It was more beautiful than I could have imagined, plated perfectly. A professionally seasoned grilled chicken on top of hand-crafted cheesy scrambled eggs. It was topped with a mango salsa oozing off the chicken on top and lathered with diced tomatoes and pineapples. To top it off, the truffle fries I ordered came perfectly seasoned, a balance between parmesan and truffle oil. Even the apple juice hit the spot. 

After putting down every bite, I still craved more. “How was it?” my dad asked from across the table.

“That might’ve been the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” I responded with a smile. It truly was. That weekend trip was smothered with amazing food such as chicken and waffles, brick-oven pizza, street tacos and more. However, that scrambler stood out among all the rest.

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