The Duality of Offense and Defense | Teen Ink

The Duality of Offense and Defense

January 4, 2024
By Anonymous

Offense and defense represent contrasting approaches to any situation in life; therefore, they dictate life itself. These two approaches embody a duality that extends into all parts of life, yet they reflect distinct characteristics, virtues, and psychological aspects. They have a dominant grey area between them yet serve as the cornerstone of any strategy. This essay will delve into the philosophical essence of offense and defense, in hopes of helping to comprehend the peculiar relationship between the two.    
Offense and defense differ in intent, and not in behavior (“What Is the Difference Between Offense and Defense?”). The offensive intent is initiating action or change. On the contrary, defensive intent involves preserving what already exists and protecting whatever the opposition seeks to possess. Each side must employ an appropriate blend of offensive and defensive techniques against the opposition. To bear fruit, the offensive side must protect itself while seeking the objective, while the defensive party must shield the objective and itself while preferably attacking the offensive party. These strategies overlap by assisting each other. For instance, in 'offense for the sake of defense' the defensive party employs offensive techniques so that it not only reacts to the initiator but vanquishes his attempts at offense by pushing him back into a defensive position. In this case, the offender fails to protect himself, making the objective unobtainable until he rescues himself. This deliberate attack intends to eradicate the threat and give the defense the initiative (Army). 
Contrary to offense, defense is essential, and fear of loss is primary. When you are constantly in danger, you cannot effectively pursue conquest. This endangerment tremendously affects the psychology of defenders. You first reprieve yourself and then get the luxury of obtaining more. The offensive techniques are, therefore, characterized by luxury. They exhibit the luxury of being capable of occupying more and not having the fear of losing what they have. While the defense's primary objective is to safeguard its assets, it also aims to gain an offensive advantage, enabling it to dictate the tempo and ultimately demolish the offender's plans (Army).  
Offense and defense also differ in the control they have over a conflict. The offender is the initiator; therefore, he can choose to use all the force he has, half of it, or stop the clash entirely. In contrast to the offensive party, the only choice you get in defense is to be prepared and give it your all, other than to gift your opponent voluntarily. You can choose how or what to guard, but you lack control over the conflict, so you cannot terminate it as the offender can. For these reasons, being forced into defense is unpreferred for both parties, despite their intentions. Both parties strive to push back one another through offensive techniques, control the tempo, and arise from vulnerability.  
When it comes to virtues, both parties embody pride but vary in their reasons for it, with the offensive portraying a redundant amount. While those on the offensive believe they ought to be deserving of more, defending parties take pride in what they have. In response to this, the offensive stance initiates conflicts and is fueled by the human need for more. The offense often embodies courage, force, audacity, concentration, confidence, perseverance, ambition, and a lack of complacency. Confidence in one’s abilities and psychological strength to handle setbacks and uncertainties is crucial for maintaining an offensive stance (Army).    
On the contrary, defense involves a reactive, protective position focused on preserving existing conditions. The inability to tolerate change, theft, and loss that chisels at human nature is the basis of the defensive mentality – the mentality of someone who feels endangered. Defense requires patience, resilience, prudence, equanimity, stability, endurance, adaptability, and composure. A defensive mindset requires psychological strength to weather storms, serenity under pressure, and rational decisions in dire situations (Army). 
In light of their demand for each other, a well-lived life requires both offense and defense. They reinforce each other and flourish together, and it would be a shame to pick between the two. The archaic empires summoned through offense and preserved through defense are an astonishing example of why we must not choose but rather alter between the two. Despite that, all things created on Earth worthy of praise are the product of an offensive approach somewhere along the path; thus, if one must make a verdict, a pure offensive approach must be savvier. 

The author's comments:

I am a fourteen-year-old student studying in Tirana, Albania. This is a comparison and contrast essay with the purpose of analyzing offense and defense as two opposite approaches to our life as a whole. This piece has taken inspiration from documents of the army but most of my writing originated from thinking and journaling my views down.

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