Scrolling for Sanity: Finding Balance in the Age of Social Media | Teen Ink

Scrolling for Sanity: Finding Balance in the Age of Social Media

July 7, 2023
By jonny_yan BRONZE, Millburn, New Jersey
jonny_yan BRONZE, Millburn, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our daily lives have fundamentally transformed due to social media’s permeation of communication. However, mounting research demonstrates troubling effects on both mental health and relationships, especially for youth. As a society, we must prioritize education around responsible social media use and regulation of platforms to maximize benefits while mitigating risks to well-being and close relationships.

Many struggle to harness social media’s upsides without its downsides dominating our lives. By design, platforms employ addictive features and constant notifications that monopolize users’ time and attention. The Pew Research Center finds that teens check their phones an average of 45 times per day. Countless hours are squandered scrolling aimlessly through feeds instead of being used productively for work, health, and skill development. Meanwhile, companies prioritize steady user engagement over our best interests.

Social media also impacts relationships in complex ways. While strengthening some connections, it weakens intimacy in others by rewarding superficial interactions that replace thoughtful conversations. We accumulate thousands of "friends" yet struggle to nurture close relationships fostering resilience and growth. To truly thrive, we must minimize time wasted on social media and prioritize meaningful connections.

Rejecting technology altogether or being constantly plugged in are unsustainable approaches. The balanced alternative is digital minimalism: purposeful, judicious technological use. The issue with social media is the lack of control. We intend to spend minutes, but hours leak away unproductively. Regain command of your time and attention by establishing usage goals before checking apps. Avoid mindless scrolling — ask "What do I hope to gain?" before launching an app.

Most suffer from overuse, while some abandon technology altogether. Yet "digital detoxes" provide only temporary relief; true self-control comes from moderation. Wield social platforms judiciously while safeguarding your most valuable resource: time, often hijacked by platforms optimized for engagement. Take back control to protect your mental health, relationships, and self-worth, which extend beyond social validation.

Harnessing technology's benefits demands judiciously habituating uses that prioritize well-being and close connections. Likewise, platforms must promote responsible use through design changes that cultivate mindful social media engagement. Together, through a combination of personal discipline, policy reform, and innovation, we can balance social media's benefits with an acute awareness of its effects on human relationships and mental health. The future depends not just on creating new technologies but using existing ones wisely.

The author's comments:

Hey there, I'm Jonathan, a 15-year-old Chinese-American who enjoys spending time outdoors, hitting the gym, and expressing my thoughts. I find it incredibly rewarding to share my ideas and perspectives with others, whether it's through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication.

Aside from my passion for self-expression, I am also deeply committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and spending time in nature. I believe that staying active and connected to the natural world are essential for both physical and mental well-being. As a dedicated student, I also prioritize academic success and strive to learn as much as I can about the world around me.

All in all, I'm just a regular teenager with a love for staying active, expressing my thoughts, and expanding my knowledge. I'm excited about the future and look forward to continuing to pursue my interests and make a positive impact in the world.

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