Technology | Teen Ink


November 3, 2021
By Anonymous

If someone asked you the question, is technology making humans better or worse what
would you say? I would say technology has not destroyed communication between friends and family. It allows people to communicate with whomever they want no matter where they are. There are pros and cons to using technology. Although there are some cons in technology I truly believe that technology can help bring families together rather than tear them apart.
Over the past couple of decades, family dinner time has changed tremendously, if it even happens at all. Each family member is in their own world which is contained in the phone as they mostly sit in silence at the dinner table. According to the website How Stuff Works, “Traditionally a haven from the outside world and a chance to reconnect, today's dinner is often a frenzied event where members tend to be distracted during the meal by the computer, cell phone or TV. Or they can't wait to finish to get back to these devices.” Sometimes technology can interfere with family time negatively because they are not communicating with the people that are around them. Families and friends can sometimes feel very lonely or left out whether it is that they do not have face to face communication or because they are not included in certain activities or events.
Technology can also bring families together by using technology together. The University of London states, “By streaming TV content and using educational technology together, families are adapting their habits to reflect an increasingly digital environment.” When families use

technology together it can bring them closer together and make their bonds even stronger. They can use a family group chat to text each other any updates or experiences they are having while they are apart. Families and friends can also share updates and share pictures through apps and social media.
Personally I think that technology has brought people together. People can communicate with their friends and family no matter where they are and it is instant. Distance doesn't even matter anymore as you can speak or text anyone from almost anywhere in the world. I feel that especially with what we have all gone through with the pandemic, our current technology has made it less lonely during these crazy and isolating times.
In conclusion, technology has connected friends and family and the world. It has made communication between friends and family better than it has ever been before. Although it does have its drawbacks, I believe that the pros definitely outweigh the cons in this situation because being able to reach out to a loved one so quickly is such an advantage. To be able to see someone's face when you otherwise would not be able to see.

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