Try | Teen Ink


May 22, 2019
By mike2468 BRONZE, Etown, Kentucky
mike2468 BRONZE, Etown, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that 85% of people hate their jobs and dont try at it so they lose money. Since I was a little kid my parents always told me not to halfe do things, but to do my best at everything. So every time I am doing something I remember that I should try my hardest or best at anything and everything you do.

Now you may be thinking “ya of course” but we both know that you just want to get it over with so you can play video games  or get on your phone. But there can be also consequences. Maybe your parents ask you to do something and you half way do it but not completely, they probably will come  and get mad at yoo, and it just put everyone in a bad mood. I am going to tell you some times when I did and didn’t try, and what consequences came from that.

 One day when I was 9, my mom wanted me to clean my room because we were have people coming over. I was thinking, “ Why are they coming in my room?” but I still “cleaned” my room. Not really I just shoved all of my toys in my closet. So I started playing xbox some Halo Reach but then I heard my mom coming “clank” “clank” “clank” of her heels on the hardwood flooring. “ As long as she doesnt look in my closet it will be ok.” But guess what, the first place she goes to is the closet. She opened the door and everything fell out like avalanche. She got mad me, she grounded me, and made a even bigger mess. But worst of all she made me clean back up my room. I realized that I never wanted to do that again, so I make sure I try to do my chores or clean my room to my best ability.

Another time when I was in my first year of marching band we had to play are song on the practice field. But thing is we have to memorize all of are music and are steps because it would look silly if we has music on the field flying around.but there was just one problem, I did not know my music. I thought that maybe it will just kick in after a little bit of time. I was wrong, I got on the field and I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t even able to play a single note, I felt so bad because I mess up my other partners that played with me. I now know that I should practice more than just at practice but at home too.

 Another time when I was 13, I was on tech team for my church. Tech team is where you help switch slides and control cameras or help set up lighting. When I first started they wanted me to do slides. I was very nervous because I had never done it before and I did not want to mess up. I had a friend that already did tech there to help me though. At first I messed up but I kept trying and after a little bit of time I got it down. I realized that as long as I keep trying I would be able to do it.

So go today and actually try. In the future you could get a job because they would see you are hard working. You could make more money because other emperors realize you are worth the cost. Even tho you might fail sometimes as long as you tried it is ok. Just try at something and you could surprise yourself. You could find a new talent that you never known about that you could make a job thru and make more money.

The author's comments:

this peace was started at the begining of the school year and finished at the end of the year you might notice a slight change in the way the peace was writen as you read it.

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