Pet locator | Teen Ink

Pet locator

April 17, 2019
By ksumich BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
ksumich BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kaitlin Sumich 2019 Entrepreneurship Essay Contest

Imagine losing your pet and looking everywhere for them, but you can not find them. This is the problem and panicked feeling that 100 million Americans face every year. This could all be avoided by the pet locator. The pet locator is a gps inside of your pet’s collar that is linked to an app. The gps sends signals to anyone using that app nearby. If your pet gets out, all you have to do is activate their collar, and your will be able to see where they are. Along with being able to track their location, when you activate their collar, anyone with the app within a certain distance of the pet will get a notification. This could help pet owners around the world keep track of their pets. This would disrupt the status quo, because nothing like this exists yet. The closest thing like this that it would challenge would be collars with large bulky remotes that do not track their dogs a very large distance. The pet locator would be the clear choice in pet gps locators because of the large community it would have to back it.

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