It's Complicated: A Novel About How Family Can Be A B*tch | Teen Ink

It's Complicated: A Novel About How Family Can Be A B*tch

February 17, 2011
By chelliex65 BRONZE, farmingville, New York
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chelliex65 BRONZE, Farmingville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Author's note: It was something I started in 10th grade and finished a year ago. It's nothing real special but it does make me laugh because the way I picture things makes it so funny. I hope it does the same for you. Comments are appreciated. :)

Family (noun) :people of blood relation that care for you. Are known to be loud, to tell embarrassing stories about you, and to bicker. Also see Pain in butt.

"Ugh!" I said through my cell-phone to my brother, who was being a jerk yet again.What else is new?My brother is the type of guy, who can do anything and get away with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he robbed a bank and I got sent to jail for it. Guess that is one of the joys of being the youngest child. "Drew, I can not keep doing this for you, I have a life too, you know."

"I know Ginny, but this will be the last time I promise." Drew pleads. He must have the world record for the amount of times he has used that sentence.

"You said that last time, besides I'm stuck in traffic and going to be late for work as it is." I honk my horn at the blue Volkswagen in front of me. Today is not starting out to be a great day. "You always seem to get stranded somewhere after one of your wild night shenanigans. Your twenty two years old already, you should be wiser than that." I say.

"I know, but there was this girl and believe me she seemed so cool. We went back to her place, then her boyfriend came home early, it was just, ugh...come on Ginny please?"I could just picture his face, his bottom lip stuck out quivering, his brown eyes wide. It was like a sad puppy dog, waiting for a family to come adopt him and take him home.I decided to give in

."Alright fine, where are you?"

"Thank you, Thank you Ginny!, this is the last time, I swear." He's probably doing the happy dance as we speak.

" I'm sure you do." I mutter to myself not believing it. "Now tell me where you are."

"I'm downtown between Apricot street and Hannigan drive."

"Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes, that is if traffic ever ends." I can't believe I'm agreeing to this again.

"Thanks again Ginny. See you in a little bit."He hangs up, and I kick myself yet again for being such a pushover. My boss is going to kill me, I have been late three times this week, I'm surprised she hasn't fired me yet.My name is Ginnifer Sanderson, Ginny for short, and I work as an advertising and design manager for Miranda Lorentsky.Miranda is the type of boss you see in movies, and read about in books. All glamorous on the outside, but is a fire breathing dragon on the inside. When I began working for her, I had no clue she had such a dark side, and it's a lie, not once have I been offered any cookies by her. The dark side should change their advertising if they aren't really giving cookies away. She seemed so nice until I corrected her over that itty-bitty grammar issue, then everything went down hill from there.Traffic starts to pick up and I turn toward the exit for downtown. Within the next ten minutes I arrive where Drew told me he'll be.Unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found.

"Great, where is he?" I say to myself. I look around, no sight of him .Panic starts to take over, my mind becomes a frenzy.What if some crazy Russians came and kidnapped him, and won't release him till he gives them a top secret code for taking over the United States?Alright, I have to stop jumping to conclusions, why would Russians steal him? He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.I take out my cell, and begin dialing his number until I see a tall guy, with blond shaggy hair in a shop across the street, chatting up some girl. Of course, that's what he would be doing. I am so naive to think otherwise. Of course he wouldn't be waiting around for me, he jumps at the sight of anything with legs. Like frosting on a cake.I get out of my car and make a bee line across the street for the shop. As I approach him I say " Well, looks like you don't need rescuing after all." He turns to me and as recognition creeps into that pea sized brain of his he finally acknowledges me. I say it's about time.

"Sorry, I was just chatting with Melissa here." The blonde, which you can clearly tell was not her original hair color, gave me an ice cold stare. As if she thought I was going to steal away, what would be a prize catch.

Yeah right!" Hi, I'm Ginny, Drew's older sister." I stick out my hand for her to shake, and she just looks at it like its an already used tissue. I withdraw it , stand on my tippy-toes and clasp my hands on to Drews shoulders turning him in the direction of the car. "And Drew here, has got to go, but I'm sure he'll call you when he gets a chance."I push Drew into the car.

"What was that for?!" He exclaims.

" You wanted me to get you, I came and got you." I explain.

"But you totally ruined my groove." He says like a 5 year old that just gotten his favorite toy taken away.

"You'll get over it, its not like it was true love."

"What turned you so bitter? Still not over the whole Brad thing?"

"I'm not bitter, and this has nothing to do with Brad." I say although I am not completely convinced myself.Brad is my boyfriend, well ex- boyfriend. We had been going out for five years and on our anniversary , the anniversary I thought he was going to propose, I find him in our apartment with the new next door neighbor. You can believe me when I say they weren't looking for any keys between the sofa cushions. Needless to say, he got to keep the couch.

"Where do you want me to drop you off because I have to get to work sometime today." I say.

" Just drop me off around your job, I'll walk from there to where I want to go." he says irritated

."Alright that works for me." I say, still wounded by his earlier comment. It's a depressing thought when you feel like your going to turn into a bitter old cat lady. Given I don't have any cats, but there is still time. Plus I think the cats know. They have been circling my building like crazy.We pull up in front of my work, the pristine building glowing in the warm sun.Drew gets out of the car, and starts walking down the street.

" See you later sis." He says as he tries to catch up to some girls walking toward the subway. That's my brother, the ever dedicated Casanova.

"No problem" I say even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I walk into the building, and head towards the elevator. I push the button for the 10th floor and I watch it light up. As soon as I get off the elevator and head for my desk I hear a shrill voice yell my name. It could only be one person.

"Ginnifer!" Miranda calls walking out of her office, a smug look on her face.

"Yes Miranda." I greet her, putting on my happy face.

"You are late...again."

"I know I am, but there was a small family emergency. It won't happen again, I promise."

"It better not or you will be out of a job, you hear me." she tells me sending daggers through her eyes.

"Loud and clear." I choke out nervously."Now get to work, there is lots to do." she turns and heads back to her office, where she is probably cooking a witches brew. I look at my desk, which is piled with loads of folders and papers. She wasn't kidding. Just looking at it is making me tired.Among the many papers on my desk is a green neon colored sticky note with a message for me. I peel it off and begin to read.

Ginnifer,If it wouldn't be too much trouble, along with your other work could you please pick up my little baby from the Doggy Groomers.- Miranda

It would seem that along with all this work, she has made me her own private secretary. What else is new? I'm starting to think she does this purposely. I sit down in my chair and start the work awaiting me before I have to go get the she-devils little "baby"


I rush out of the building, well tripping is more like it, to go pick up her dog.I got most of the work done, but there was still plenty to do, and I was late already to pick up her "baby" Lulu. I run down the street, making a sharp turn. I reach the Doggy Groomers in a knick of time. Lulu didn't seem so pleased to see me, which isn't much of a surprise, but what can you expect from a stuck up dog who has a devil for a mother. Lulu is a small pug with an attitude that rivals her owners.

As I exit the doors of the groomers, I spot a Starbucks right across the street. Hmmm a little vanilla macchiato wouldn't hurt before heading back to the office.I cross the street without getting hit by any cars, which is an accomplishment on my part, Lulu was even cooperative in this little endeavor. I tie her sparkling diamond leash, which looks like it costs more than my life, to the parking meter outside, and run inside to grab my treat.Five minutes later, I'm back out side with my heaven in a cup coffee, and I untie Lulu. Lulu sends me a glare for leaving her outside this long near a filth ridden pole. I decide she'll get over it. After all, it is New York City.We begin our walk back to the office. As I opened the seven foot door to the building and walk through, someone one walks into me. My hot coffee spilling all over my white outfit, the hot liquid searing my skin. Of course, this happens on a day I choose to wear white.I look up, ready to give who ever this guy is a piece of my mind. But as soon as I look up my body is frozen and my heart is doing acrobat tricks.This guy is cute! More than cute. He must be at least 6'2. He has black hair not too short or too long, the kind you can run your fingers through, and the most piercing green eyes I've ever seen. They look like emeralds.

"Oh. I' m so sorry. I didn't see you there." He says. "Let me help you." He reaches in his pocket for a handkerchief and hands it to me, but I am still standing there like an idiot staring. I quickly come to my senses, and I take it from him, flabbergast.

"No, its my fault. I didn't look where I was going." I say to him, dabbing at the spilt coffee.

" I'm Logan." He says as he sticks his hand out. I Shake his hand.

"I'm Ginny, well Ginnifer, but my friends call me Ginny, you can call me anything actually, Ginny, Ginnifer...Gin." I laugh a weak laugh, I can't believe I just said that. I should be shot. Gin? Where did that come from. I should not be nicknamed after a card game or better yet an alcoholic beverage.I look at him, and he has this goofy smile on his face. He just gets cuter by the minute doesn't he? We stare at each other for what seems like forever. Lulu barks. I forgot all about her. " I should get her upstairs to her owner." He looks down at the dog., then at his watch.

"Yeah, I should probably go too. It was nice meeting you maybe I'll see you again sometime." he says as he departs. I watch him walk away. After he is out of sight I walk into the elevator and think about him the whole ride up. I should have given him my number, but then again I was too busy making an idiot out of myself.I give Lulu back to Miranda, who greets her with a slobbery kiss. Lulu, not Miranda, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did.By the end of the day I am practically sleepwalking, and for whatever reason I decide to walk back to my apartment and not drive. Fresh air will do me good. At least that is what everyone always says.

I arrive at my apartment with plans to eat vanilla ice cream and take a nice warm bubble bath. Cammie, my roommate and best friend since high school, is out on a date tonight with her boy of the moment Austin. If things go well she won't be back till early morning. Lucky her.I decided to take a bubble bath, which turned out to be very relaxing and gave me time to think about cute guy Logan. I changed into my jammies (yes I said jammies), and passed out on my twin bed. At least tomorrow I finally have a day off.

Friends are family you get to choose; So choose wisely.

I awoke the next day to the smell of coffee and pancakes. Yum. Cammie must be home. She is a chef so she knows how to cook. I don't need to worry about what I'm eating and whether or not it came from a sewer with her around. I get up out of bed and put on my fuzzy bunny slippers. Believe me when I say you are never too old to have fuzzy bunny slippers. I walk through to our small kitchen. "Hello there sleepy head." Cammie says without turning around. How does she do that? She's psychic, I swear. Cammie is already dressed despite her late night.

"Good Morning. Is that pancakes I smell?" I say, my mouth watering.

"Yep, blueberry pancakes to be exact, your favorite." She knows me too well. Something must be up.

"How was your date last night?" I ask trying to find the reason for the food bribe.

"The date was fabulous." she exclaims, he face lighting up like a kids on Christmas morning. "He took me to the most romantic restaurant. The food was exquisite! Then we went back to his place and you can pretty much guess what went on from there."

"So, if things went so well, why are you back so early?" I say glancing at the clock over the stove. The green numbers flashing that It was 8:53 in the morning.

" Well, you see..." Uh oh. " his cousin Roger is coming into town today...." And? "And he arrived this morning which cut our little rendezvous short."

"That answers one of my questions, now for the other. Why are you bribing me with these scrumptious pancakes?" I ask stuffing my face with the fluffy goodness.

"Austin and I would like to go out again tonight, but we can't leave Roger so I was wondering if maybe you can come as his date?" She says quickly, the words spilling out of her mouth all while throwing more pancakes on my plate. She stares at me with an unsure look as I stare right back at her my mouth open ,a clear view of the partially chewed pancake in my mouth accompanied by drool coming out the side. Very attractive right?

"Wait... You want me to go on a date with you and your boyfriend with his cousin that I have never even met, hell you haven't even met him." wow, how many times was 'with' used in that sentence. I give her a 'Your Crazy' look. She gives me an 'I just made you a delicious breakfast look, and if you don't do this one thing for me I will never again make you food.'. She wins. Food is necessary for survival and it's just too good!

"Fine...I'll go." I say reluctantly. The pushover part of me wins yet again. When will I learn to grow a back bone? "What should I wear?"Cammie immediately perks up

"Great! Just so you know I will love you forever for this. Now lets see, you can just wear jeans and a nice top. We are going to this restaurant/bar type thing, so wardrobe really doesn't matter. Just don't show up naked" she begins to wash the dishes. "and be ready by seven."

"You sure you don't want me to show up naked, we might get free drinks." I joke, causing Cammie to laugh. "Okey dokey, until then, I will go shopping." Ah, shopping every girls favorite past time. "See you later, then maybe after our little double date I will tell you about this cute guy that spilt coffee on me at the office yesterday."At this Cammie stops mid scrub, and turns toward me, mouth agape.

"No you will not Missy. You will tell me right now." Wow. When Cammie wanted she can seem like your mother, "Think you're so sly."

I begin the story by telling Cammie about picking up Miranda's dog, then about Starbucks, and finally getting to cute guy Logan.

"Cam, you have to see this guys eyes, they are such an intense green. Then his black hair. Believe me when I say I didn't mind him spilling the coffee all over me." I stare wistfully in space, while Cammie tries to snap me back into reality.

"Wow, you sure are under what ever spell this guy has on you. Just what are the chances of you running into him again. I mean, not to be a mood spoiler, but how could you have not given him your number?"

"Well I wasn't just going to give it to him, he didn't ask. It would have made me sound desperate." Desperate is not what we were going for in that situation. I already made myself seem like an idiot enough in front of him. "Oh well, maybe my luck will change and he will show up again. Hopefully."

"Yeah, maybe. Right now how bout we focus on tonight. Tonight I think will be good for you. You haven't dated much since Brad and tonight is a good opportunity." she says, stating the obvious.

"I have too!" I say trying to defend myself. " There was that...guy." I don't even know.

" What guy?" she waits for my answer for a few beats.

"Exactly." she says doing a mental victory dance. I give her a look as I get up to go change. Lets see what to wear today. I throw on a plain red t-shirt with jeans, and black boots. I grab a scarf and jacket and I head out the door.

Instead of shopping I decide to go to a place of sanctuary, The Library. I roam through the rows of books, the smell of them filling my nose. I would live here if I could. Reading is a way of escaping my reality into something better. I love it. I decided to check out about 15 books. All will be read and finished with in two weeks I'm sure. I glance at my watch, 5:30. I didn't realize how fast the time went by, everything always seems to stand still in the library. I should probably head back to the apartment otherwise Cammie might kill me.I arrive back at our apartment, pile the books onto my bed, and search for Cammie. Cammie is in the bathroom straightening her hair. Cammie's hair, when not straightened, has the look of having just been at the beach. Her hair is long and sandy blondish. I wish my hair was like hers, but I am stuck with dark curly locks. Seriously when it is humid you can mistake me for Diana Ross.

"Hola, Senorita" I greet Cammie.

"Hello to you too. Ready?" she asks. Someone's in a rush.

" Almost, just have to change my top. I don't know what to wear." I begin rummaging through my closest. I come along something that resembles a disco ball and wonder why I even have something like that. Finally I came to a blue tank top that I match with a black baby doll. Cute I think.Cammie gives me a once over when she is done with her hair.

"That looks good," she says. "Someone knows how to clean up nice." a smile spreading across her face. I grab my bag and we head out the door to meet Austin and my "blind date" at the designated place.When we arrive, Austin looks relieved. He greets us as we enter through the door. He gives Cammie a kiss that seemed to last forever from where I was standing, and gives me a quick hello. He then turns to a geeky looking guy next to him. When I say geeky I mean REALLY GEEKY. He has Star Trek conventions written all over him.

"Ginny, I will like you to meet Roger. Roger this is Ginny." Roger reaches out his bony hand for a handshake. I take it and his hands feel so clammy. This guy is like a stick, does he ever eat?

"Nice to meet you" I say to Roger. He replies as he pushes his taped glasses up his nose. If that isn't a classic geek trade mark I don't know what is. I flash Cam a 'You owe me big, and I mean BIG' look. She gives me an 'I know, I'm sorry, this will never happen again' look. This girl is going to be making me muffin tops every day for the next year.

We find a booth to sit in and open our menus. I order a cheeseburger with fries. These burgers are better than the ones that are made at McDonalds, and I like to think they are healthier. I look at Roger, and try to begin a conversation. " So Roger, what do you do for a living?" I open with what is known as the ultimate date conversation beginner.Roger fidgets a little in his seat. "Well..." he begins ."I don't really have a job. What I basically do is sell and trade comic books from my moms basement." Is this guy serious? How old is he? " I have all the early Superman editions, I'd love to show you sometime."

"Uhhh..." how does one respond to that. Is it just me or was there like a sexual innuendo implied there? I do not want to find out. " I don't know. That'll be nice." In your dreams. I fool around with the silverware on the table, Cammie and Austin oblivious to the uncomfortable mundane conversation between Roger and me.

Austin and Cammie are caught in each others gaze, holding hands. They are so cute. I want a relationship like that. I look back to Roger, who is still going on about his comics, and Star Trek (Yes I was right about that), I nod occasionally so that way he feels I'm listening even though I am mostly zoning out, wondering if a guy who doesn't have a creep factor will ever be interested in me. I believe one can dream. The waitress brings us our food. I begin to scarf it down, eating fast enough so that way I can get out of here in the next 15 minutes, but slow enough not to choke.

"So, Ginnifer, how would you like to ditch this popsicle stand?" Roger asks me, eyebrows moving up and down. I absolutely do not know what to say to that, but the urge to throw up suddenly seems to increase with each wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Excuse me Roger, I'm just going to run to the bathroom." I cough out, and when I say run, I mean literally run. I make my way for the bathroom as if my caboose is on fire. Once in there, I splash some water on my face. I text Cammie, that I am going to leave, and I will pay for my half of the check back at home. Next step in the escape plan is to find a bathroom window and climb through. Once I find a window I climb up and shimmy through it.However, as I reach the other side a male voice causes me to jump

" Do you need help there Miss?" and a large hand is held out in front of me. So much for leaving unnoticed. I take it with out looking at the owner of the hands face and say thank you.

"Let me guess...bad date?" He asks.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask as I look up after brushing off my clothes. Its Cute guy Logan. I always seem to be in sticky situations around him. Once again I am at a lost for words. This always happens around him. Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach, my heart is pitter pattering.

"Well, woman don't normally come out a window, let alone a bathroom window, unless it's a bad date, and they need to get away, or unless they don't have enough money to pay the bill. I'm guessing it's the former." He says. A guy with wit, I love it.

"You guessed right." I give him my best smile, as I pull a strand of hair behind my ear. We stare at each other for a moment. That seems to be a habit. He's the first one to recover from the staring game."Um, do you need a ride?" he asks his arms opening towards his car, which might I add wasn't too shabby.

"You wouldn't mind would you. I just don't want him to see me walking by." I say suddenly self conscious . I feel like a school girl who got caught passing notes in the back of the class.

"It'll be no problem at all." he opens the door for me, a half smile on his face. His smiles are so perfect. "Would you want to go straight home, or would you mind joining me for a cup of coffee?"My heart began doing back flips. If I were to die right now, I wouldn't care. Alright, maybe I would care a little because then that would mean I'd miss out on coffee with this really sweet guy. He stares at me, waiting for my answer. "Ginny?"Oh. My. God. He remembered my name. I should probably say something. Come on mouth, work. Say Yes I would love a cup of coffee.

"Yes, I would love to." Eh. That was close enough. There's that goofy smile again. He gets such the cutest dimple on his left cheek when he smiles. I am a sucker for dimples.We drove around for what seemed like an hour and finally came to a stop at a little shop called the Coffee Bean. He gets out and runs over to my side and opens my door. Looks like not all chivalry is dead. I step out of the car and we walk in. Once we have our coffees, we take a seat. Neither us talk, each obviously searching for something to say.

"So...Do you desert all your dates by shimmying out the bathroom window?" he asks, a teasing look in his eyes. Those emerald green eyes.


"No... just the bad ones and any who wear neon colored skinny jeans. Believe me I have my reasons. Do you always rescue woman who shimmy out bathroom windows?" Ha-ha touché, Mr. Perfect.

"No...just the ones that I would like to take out to dinner."

*Gasp* did he just say that or was I hallucinating? I discreetly pinch myself just to make sure. We both sit there for a minute thinking, both smiling. I look at the time. It is really late. Work tomorrow.

"I should be getting home, I have work tomorrow." I say, hating that I had to kill the mood, even if it was quiet.

"Ok," he says rising from his seat. He is tall. I like tall. " so what do you say to getting together Friday night for dinner?"

"I say that sounds like a lovely idea." what is with all the smiling?

"You seem like an interesting girl Ginny."" Oh, if you only knew." I say in response. I mean what is so interesting about me.He drives me back to my apartment and we part our separate ways . When I get inside, I do a little dance, which I managed successfully with out slipping on the rug. I got a date with Cute guy is silently being sung in my head. If I only knew who to play guitar I think that could make that into the next hit single. I change into my jammies and fall to sleep in the most blissful mood ever.

Brothers: Can't live with them and you can't kick them out to the curb; The guilt is too overwhelming for that.

The next few days of work were tiring. Miranda had me running errands left and right, along with my usual amount of work that is now piling up. The only thing getting me through this week is my dinner with Logan tonight. That is if I ever get home. Miranda now has me running to pick up her dry-cleaning at a shop that happens to be all the way on the other side of town. 

I decided to walk since it seemed faster than taking my car and getting stuck in rush hour. The car seems to be looking better and better right now. The weather is scorching hot today, which is not what I expected. You can never trust the weather man, they tell you one thing, then another happens. "Today will be a cool day with few sun showers. The temperature will not seem to rise until the beginning of next week." Cool my butt!

The Nelly song flashes into my head right now, and taking off my clothes right now doesn't seem like such a bad idea. If it weren't for being out in public and not having a pool to dive into. Then Roger flashed into my head. Eww! I feel guilty about leaving him there like that, and I admit it was mean, But you would have done the same if you were in my shoes. At least Cammie has forgiven me for it. After all, she had seen what went on even if she was in La-La land with Austin. I turn the corner and enter the drycleaners.The change of temperature feels GREAT! Do I really have to leave this place? It doesn't even look like a dry-cleaners. There are satin curtains hanging on the window and a painting by some guy I never heard of. It was like a hotel room, minus the bed. There was a certain ambiance around the room too since the lights were dimmed. I was beginning to wonder if I stepped into the right place until I saw the rack of clothes that spins around and does what it does. (Who really knows beside the dry-cleaning person.) The owner glaring at me knowing clearly I don't belong here. I pick up Miranda's clothes and step out of the prestigious dry cleaning shop. I glance at my watch.

It's 6:30! I'm suppose to meet Logan at 7. I take off my heels and start racing back to the office trying not to drop Miranda's clothes or wrinkle them. People give me strange looks and some of them even give me the bird as I soar by them, ungraciously I might add. I arrive back at the office with 10 minutes to spare , and I drop off her clothes. I then zoom out of there and hurry back to my apartment.When I get there it is 7:00, no sign of Logan yet. At least he knows to give a girl a little extra time before arriving. That's an important date rule fellas, especially for the modern working girl. No time to wash my hair, I grab a black dress with the white bow out of the closet and throw it on along with my Jessica Simpson pumps. What? She makes good shoes. I breathe a sigh of relief.

The buzzer rings at 7:10.(Wow, all that in 10 minutes. I'm good.) "I'll be right down." I say through the intercom. I grab my clutch and head down the steps. I step outside and Logan is leaning against his black Camaro. (Hey, I said his wheels weren't shabby.) He just stands there staring at me, and me at him. He blinks first. Ha! I win, even though I'm sure we weren't having a staring contest. He regains his composure and opens the car door for me. I say thank you as I step in, careful to slide in and not hop in. Had a bad experience hopping in one time, lets just say the ground hurts, and I had a bruise on my butt for a month. He starts up the car and we head to the restaurant.

He is the first to talk, seeing as I'm still trying to figure out if this is a dream. "You look beautiful." he says. These comments are just adding to my shyness around him. "I wasn't sure if I said that when I picked you up. I couldn't remember." he laughs a belly laugh. I smile.

"Thank you" I say in a little voice. "You don't look half bad yourself."

"So, I was thinking an Italian restaurant...if that's alright with you. I mean you seem like the type of girl who would enjoy Italian." He pauses as he realizes what he just said. I look at him and there is a wince on his face. " I did not mean it like that, I mean you don't have to like Italian, I just assumed, and..." he tries to explain. I try not to laugh. Now look whose all nervous.

"It's fine. I love Italian, and I think it's a great choice." I tell him. The pinkness in his face starts to fade. He laughs. As we pull up in front of the restaurant.

"Here it is." I look out my window at a tiny Italian bistro. It looks just like the type of restaurant that I could imagine being in Italy. It is the perfect first date spot. Score one for Mr. Perfect.

"Wow." I say, amazed at it's appearance. "It looks amazing"...the smell of spaghetti drifts up my nose. "and smells great."

"I thought you'd like it." he says as I give him a look.

The maitre di showed us to our table, that was adorned with rose petals and a white candle. He places the menu on our table. I ordered the Chicken Parmesan with spaghetti. Logan ordered the Ravioli and eggplant. Eggplant I know isn't the best thing, but I can get over that. "So..." he says trying to begin a conversation.

"So..." I say not wanting to be the conversation topic chooser.

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself." He says, goofy smile and all.

"Alright, but only if you tell me a little about yourself too." I say right back.

"That's normally how it works." Love that smile.We talked about our jobs. He is an architect. I can't believe this guy actually constructs buildings. I would have thought him a CEO of some large company. We talked about our family. He apparently has an older sister, and I told him about Drew. Speaking of Drew I haven't heard from him since I picked him up. I hope he's ok.

"Alright, now that we asked all the basic questions, I want to know the weirdest thing about you. Seems odd I know...Bu-" He starts to say but I interrupt him.

"It's alright, I think it's a really good question. It's a way of getting to know each other." I say

"Exactly, you get it, any other girl would think its creepy" Logan says."Well, I'm not going to lie to you, at first it did seem a little weird, but it makes sense." I admit.He laughs.

"Do you want to say yours first or you want me to go?"

" can go first." Gives me a chance to think.

"Okay..." he starts. "well I actually like the TV show 'Sex and the City.'" Whoa, a man who actually likes that show, that's not gay.

"Really? I never met a guy, who isn't gay, who likes that show." I say a disbelieving look on my face.

"Well, now you can say you have. Not many people expect that as one of my favorite shows, but its so addicting. One episode and I was hooked. I guess that is what you get when you have an older sister." He says. "Alright, your turn. Tell me a fact about yourself."

"Well, this going to sound strange, but I like the smell of books. I will actually take a book that I have and sniff it." he begins laughing.


"Yes, I would not kid about my books." He begins laughing harder as I start to feel stupid.

"That is not fair, I didn't laugh at yours." I say, giving him a look.

"I know, its just I find it in a way..." I stare at him waiting for his answer. "...cute." he finally admits. That is so sweet. When I told Brad that, he thought about getting me institutionalized. Seriously.

"Aw. Thank you." Then it starts to get all silent between us again.

"Alright, I have a question?"

"Shoot." he says.

"Umm, why does it always get so awkward and silent between us sometimes?" I ask.

"Well, its because I actually get nervous around you." he admits. Thank God I'm not alone!

"Good, then I'm not the only one who gets nervous around here." I say smiling.After he pays the bill, we walk back to the car, and he takes me home. For once there is no silent pauses. We talk all the way there, until it came time to get out of the car. He walks me to my door, and we both just pause."Well, I had fun tonight." I tell him.

"Me too. I would very much like to do it again." He says looking down at his feet. He is just too adorable sometimes.

"I would love that too."

"So...can I have your number so that way I can call you and let you know which day?" he asks.

"Of course." I give him my number and turn to open the door. Then turn back. All of a sudden he grabs me around my waist and draws me in for a kiss. This kiss is what you read about in fairytales. Let me tell you there were fireworks and stars, the whole shebang. We finally part, take a deep breathe, and stare at each other. He gives me one more kiss, then leaves. I walk into my apartment and just 'Wow'. I am weak in the knees. I stagger to the bedroom and change, and I go to sleep dreaming of that kiss. That was certainly unforgettable. I can't wait until our next date, and I drift off into another blissful sleep.Alright it wasn't that blissful.

I awoke in the middle of the night pounding on the door. I struggle to find the light switch, as I roll out of bed, and I accidentally stub my toe, on my dresser. I find my way through the living room to the door wiping sleep from eyes, and limping from my stubbed toe, which I am now beginning to think is broken, it hurts so much. Cammie must have spent another night at Austin's , because if she was here who ever was pounding on that door would be sleeping with the fishes if you know what I mean.

"Come on Ginny, Open up!" I hear through the door. Is that Drew?I pull off the chain, and unlock the door. I open it, and standing there is Drew with, what I could make out in my sleepy state, as whatever he owned. Didn't look like much, but it could fill my closet. "What are you doing here,?" I ask as I lean on the door frame for support. "And why do you have all your stuff."

"I got kicked out of my place, I need a place to crash for a while." he says. My eyes are now wide open. He can't stay here. It will be too crowded, and he's my younger brother. One of the reasons I moved out of the house was so I didn't have to fight with him over the bathroom in the morning. I do not want to relive those years.

"You what? And staying where?" I say, still trying to decide if he is actually serious.

"I need a place to crash, and I thought maybe you would let me stay here." he says doing his best child-like expression. I must not give in.

" Why don't you go to Moms house?" I ask.

"Because... she doesn't know I've been kicked out. Plus I don't want to hear her rant on and on. It's annoying, I start to tune her out after awhile." he says. Well, it is true. Sometimes Moms just don't know when to be quiet. They go on and on and on. I think it might even be a form of torture. Or at least it should be."I can't blame you there." I say thinking back to my teenage years.

"Wait, How did you get kicked out?" I ask, curious to how he managed such a feat.

"Well, turns out rent was due, and they don't leave those 'Warning!, Rent is due, failure to pay this months rent will result in eviction.' for no reason." he says. What did he think those signs were for, decoration? I sigh. Should I let him stay or should I kick him out on the street to sleep with the dogs? "Come on, don't you want to help out your little brother. I'll love you forever and ever." I swear he just morphed into a puppy, he's making such a cute face. Who can say no to puppies."Fine, you can stay, but only for two weeks. Tops." I tell him. He claps and jumps up and down excitedly. I swear, if it wasn't for how much trouble he gets in with girls I would think he was gay. He should be gay. Then he could "marry" Neil Patrick Harris and I would have the epitome of awesomeness for a brother- in- law.I leave Drew to get settled on the couch, and head back to bed. Then I realize I forgot to let Cammie in on this decision. But then I decide it shouldn't be a problem since her and Drew get along pretty well. Drew actually tried hitting on her once. He failed miserably, not to mention he now has a permanent scar. I wont go into the gory details; Lets just say when Cammie breaks a fuse, you should watch out. I wasn't kidding about the door pounding before.

You're never to old to feel like a kid again.

A few hours later, when I actually had to wake up, I hear loud voices coming from the living room. Cammie must have realized Drew has moved in, at least temporarily. I roll out of bed, nearly slipping on my green rug, which would have caused my head to smash into my night stand. Why did I even get that rug? Oh Yeah, I thought it would look roomy. Plus it matched my polka dotted sheets. I tie my messy hair into a bun. I probably look like the bride of Frankenstein because my hair is that crazy in the morning all I need are the skunk streaks. I stretch and walk into the living room.Cammie and Drew are sitting on the couch squabbling over the remote and what to watch. Cam wanting to watch Rachel Ray and Drew wanting to watch Jerry Springer. Is that talk show even still on?

"What's going on?" I ask, plopping onto the single seat sofa with 'Jerry, Jerry!' shouting repeatedly through my head.

"Oh nothing," Cammie says. " Just your brother is being a remote hog!" She reaches to swipe the remote from him and fails.

"You better stop doing that, or I will put the remote in my pants." he warns.

"Eww!" we both say in unison.

"You probably have enough room down there for it anyway." Cammie shoots back at him, her eyes set in a glare as she watches him take in this burn. Her words scathe. He takes offense, like any guy would, and sits up straighter.

"Please don't. I don't want to have to burn the remote, its bad for the environment." I plead, now trying to get the visual out of my head. "So Cammie, How was your dinner with Austin last night?" I ask, focusing my attention on her and not the remote."

It was amazing!" she exclaims, "He was amazing." a look of pure love on her face.

"Looks like someone's in love..." I say in a sing song voice.

"Really? Do you think?" She immediately perks up, then doubt drifts into her features. "What if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"He'd be crazy not to. You are an amazing, beautiful girl." I reassure her, sounding like one of those self help tapes. Drew is listening in on our conversation but obviously does not want to participate in all this girl talk. Cammie contemplates this for a minute.

"Well, how was your date with hottie Logan?" she asks. Drew jumps up, now completely tuned into the conversation.

"You're seeing someone?" Drew asks, surprised look on his face. What did he think I was, a nun.

"Yep." I say." Got a problem?"

"No, just it's been a while since Brad. it's news that's all. So who is this guy and can I beat him up if he breaks your heart?" he says his brotherly instincts taking over, even if he is younger. It's kind of sweet. For once he isn't thinking of himself.

"His name is Logan, and no you can't beat him up. Even if you tried, my money would be on him." I tell him. Seriously, Drew can't beat anyone up, he is too tall, and he is a weakling. When we use to fight when we were kids I would go for the knees, only way to bring down a tall man, besides that other way. "And the date was wonderful." I fill them in on the details, and how he said he'd call.I glance at the clock and realize I have to get ready for work. I jump in the shower, change, and say good bye to Cam and Drew.

"Don't burn down the building!" I yell to Drew.

"You set fire to a microwave one time..." I hear him mutter as I exit the apartment. I arrive at work just 5 minutes from being late. I take my cell phone out and place it on the desk, just in case he calls today. Although it is highly unlikely for a guy to call the day after. God, I hope he calls today.I turn on my computer and try to plan out my work for today. Miranda must not have sensed my arrival as she hasn't come barging out of her office. Maybe I can go to the break room and grab a cup of coffee before she starts breathing down my neck. I think it is time to admit I am in fact a coffeeholic. It is like oxygen to me, without it I'd be dead. Or just not my usual chipper self. Cue big smile here. I make a beeline for the break room, which is empty at the moment.

I pour my cup, this time with out spilling anything, and head back to my desk. Miranda comes out of her office and walks right past me, not even acknowledging me. This is a first. The rest of the day she doesn't even bother me one bit, and I get more work done than expected. I wonder what could have gotten her into this trance like state.I glance at the clock, and after I realize I do a lot of glancing, I see it is time to call it a day. I gather my things, and check my phone for any missed calls before stuffing it in my bag. None. Logan still hasn't called.When I get home, Drew isn't there. So I open a pint of Ben and Jerry's rocky road ice cream and put on A Walk to Remember. Tonight will be a DVD and sweatpants night I decide. Once I get to the part where Shane West's character Landon in putting the butterfly tattoo on Mandy Moore, I hear a noise. A ringing noise. After deciding that I wasn't going deaf and it's my phone I jump up off the sofa flinging cushions trying to find the phone. Not there. I go into the kitchen and the ringing grows louder. I move closer to the fridge and open the freezer. Turns out my phone is in there. I must have left it in there when I took the ice cream out. I click open the phone with out looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?" I say into it. Wow it is cold, I hope it doesn't get stuck to my ear. That would be painful.

"Hi Darling! Its your mother." Why does she always say that like I don't know the voice that has scolded me for 27 years. From when I accidentally broke her cookie jar (it shouldn't have been that high up where I couldn't grab a cookie.) to the whole Brad thing. She is convinced I pushed him away. If she only knew what he was really like. I sigh.

"Hi Mom, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine dear. Did I tell you about the yoga class I joined. It is so relaxing. You should think about taking it up. Oh! We can do yoga together. Wouldn't that be fun?" Uh, No.

" Sorry mom, Yoga's not my thing. I prefer exercises that involve punching stuff, like kickboxing." I roll my eyes. Since my dad passed away a few years ago, my mom has been trying new things. Her way of coping I guess. She has tried salsa dancing, which lasted two weeks. The shoes hurt her feet. Then there was belly dancing, which lasted about two hours. At least she hasn't tried the stripping exercise. At least not yet. I hope she doesn't, I don't need that mental picture, too late. I'm never going to be able to look at her again.

"Oh." she says. "Anyway, I'm calling because I've been trying to contact your brother and he hasn't been picking up his phone. In fact it says the whole lines been disconnected. I'm worried."

"That's because he doesn't live there anymore." I explain, she does the expected gasp.

"What? Why not?" she asks demanding an explanation.

"He got kicked out for not paying rent. Don't worry about him, He's staying with me until he gets a new place." Hakuna Matata. I take another spoonful of ice cream. Just gaining the pounds. Oh, well. Who can deny the ice cream.

"In that small apartment you ha-" she tries to finish her sentence but I cut her off.

"Mom, I have to go I'm doing something." I lie. I'm not doing anything but waiting around like a pathetic school girl for a boy to call. This is not high school.

"Fine, tell Drew to call me. I would like to talk to him."

"Ok, I will. Bye."

"Goodbye Dear. I love you." she hangs up, and I curse her for tying up my phone line for that long. What if he was trying to call just now? I take my phone with me back to the living room, far from the fridge. Drew walks into the house at that moment.

"Mom called just now." I tell him."She wants you to call her back."

"Great." he says obviously not going to call her back until he's good and ready. Possibly when pigs fly. I get up and head to my room to change, leaving my phone on the oak coffee table.

"I'll be right back, don't change the station." I warn. I go into the room and start to change into my PJ's. As I am pulling my Strawberry Shortcake tank top over my head I hear my phone ring, and Drew answering with a distant Hello. I pull the rest of my top down, lunging out of my room into the living room.

"She's busy right now, Who is this?...Logan?...Oh, Logan." a mischievous smile spreads across Drew's face. I tackle him for the phone and say "Hi" to Logan. I am so out of breathe now. That is my exercise for the week.

"Sorry that was my brother Drew being the annoyingly funny guy he is." I say through clenched teeth giving Drew a glare that says 'Go in a ditch.' He just shrugs.

"Sorry I took so long to call you. Today was really busy." he says.

" It's fine. I've been pretty busy myself." It's not like I was waiting for you to call all day long.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?" He asks. Isn't he a sly fox.

"As a matter of fact I'm not." I answer right back.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 6, dress casual." he says. Casual. I wonder where he's taking me.

"Sounds like a plan."

"See you then."

"See you then." Conversation ends.

"Date?" Drew asks, wanting the down low. Yes, I did just say down low.

"Yep, I can't wait." I say. I feel like I'm going to Disney Land.

"You look happy." Drews observant eye picks up.

"I am." I tell him. I am.


The next day, Cammie and I began strategically picking out my casual outfit.So far nothing, shiny, or sparkly, or sporty. Don't want to make him think I'm into football. Do not want to go there again with a guy. The only good thing about football is watching the guys in tight pants.After an hour, we finally decided on black jean Capri's, with a green short sleeve Henley, and green flats for shoes. I think it looks rather cute. I put my hair in braids, and after deciding it seemed too much like Pippi Long stocking, I took them out and scrunched my hair.Time seemed to pass by slowly as I'm waiting for my date. I managed to finish two of my books, which I will have to return to the library at some point.

Finally six rolls around, and Logan arrives. We meet outside. This time he doesn't have his car, and is holding a picnic basket in his left hand. He is wearing A plaid button down shirt, and jeans. He looks like an exact replica of Clark Kent.

"Hi there." I say as I walk toward him. "What you got there?" I point down to the basket he is holding.

"Oh, this is for our date." he explains. His green eyes glisten. We start walking down the street.

"May I ask where we are going that might involve a picnic basket?"

" We will be going to the park. I made us chicken wraps for dinner, cupcakes for dessert, chips, fruit, and ice tea for drinks."

"That sounds yummy. I didn't know you cooked" I say

"A little bit, every now and then. My mom taught me one summer in high school. Most of my friends went away and I was left with nothing to do. So..."

"So you learned how to cook." I finish for him.

"Exactly." He can cook. I can't believe it.

"My best friend Cammie is a chef. She makes the best food ever. We'll see how yours compares." I say teasingly.

" I bet she has nothing on my chicken wraps. I hate to brag, but they are the best ones I've ever had."

"Well, how do I know you have eaten other chicken wraps?" I say.

"You don't. That's the point." he answers back.

"Oh, I see now." The park is now in view. It is a small park with grassy fields, swings in the middle, and the slides and monkey bars on the side. I love swings. Logan takes a blue blanket out of the basket, and lays it on the ground. He sets out the food and we take our places, careful not to sit too far or too close from one another."Now lets see whose food is better." he says as he hands me a plate. I take a bite and it is really good. He looks at me waiting for my verdict. I try to hold a straight face but I crack.

"They taste wonderful. It's like eating perfection." I tell him.

"See. I told you." he says. Obviously proud of his cooking talents.

"Well, I still say you have nothing on Cammie's cooking. She is simply the best." I say. Deflating his ego a bit. But that's ok, I think he can take it. He smiles.When we are finished, we head to the playground. He sits on a swing, and I sit on the swing next to his. "I love swings." I tell him. "It's like flying." I kick my legs as fast as they could go, going higher and higher with each swing. He begins swinging too. Our swinging soon falls into sync. I laugh out loud. "Ha-ha! We're double dating." I tell him, feeling like I'm in the first grade again."

What do you mean double dating?" he asks.

"It's when you and someone else are going back and forth on the swings at the same exact time. Like we are now." I explain.

"Oh." he says.

"How could you not know that? It's elementary school 101." I laugh."I lived in a box." he jokes"You must have." I joke with him. "Ok, you must know this one. Lets jump off the swing when its still in motion and see who can get farther." I say"Sounds good. I think I might win." he says confidently."Well, someone is cocky." I say."Just a little." he says. "So on the count of three, we jump.""Got it." He starts to count."1...2...3!" we both jump off our swings, and lose our balance when we land ending up on the ground next to one another. We both laugh uncontrollably."That was so much fun." I say between laughs. We both sit up, inches from each others faces. He leans in and we kiss. For the rest of our date we just sit there, his arm around my waste, looking up at the stars. I don't think I ever want to move from this spot.

Exes are like serial killers;They always seem to come back

The next few days we meet up whenever we can escape from work. Today we are going to the zoo. So far we have seen the elephants, bears, giraffes, and monkeys and I could have sworn I saw a monkey that looked exactly like Drew. Him and the ape share a close resemblance. We stopped to sit in front of the lions. Hold on, Wizard of Oz moment. Lions, and tigers, and bears. Oh My! Love that movie. Today has been perfect. The weather was just right, not to hot or too cold. We stay sitting for a while, quiet and then I realize he is staring at me. I look at him.

"What?" I ask half laughing, half smiling.

"Nothing. Just admiring how beautiful you are." He says. Aw. So sweet. His gaze then switches to my shoulder. Guess my shoulder is pretty sexy for him to be staring at it this intently.

"Don't move." he says. I'm starting to get nervous.

"Why?" I ask.

"Don't get freaked out or anything but there is this giant spider on your shoulder." I turn my head slightly and see the black hairy thing, eight legs and all. Nothing should have that many legs. I freak despite Logan telling me not to. I jump up and scream, sending the spider about ten feet in the air. I shudder since I now feel like a million of those things are crawling on me. Bad part about being outside: the bugs. Logan is laughing hysterically. "It was just a spider." he says, when he has enough air.

"Yeah it was just a spider that could have possibly bit me. I know they eat other bugs and everything and that's good. But they are so freaky looking."

"Come here." he says pulling me to him, and he kisses me. As we break apart, I see a familiar face in the crowd. A face that has striking blue eyes, a crooked smile, blond hair and shares an unusual resemblance to me ex-boyfriend Brad. Scratch that. It is my ex-boyfriend Brad, and he isn't alone. He is with the next door neighbor that ruined our relationship, also known as slut. I stare at them stunned. Not only are they together, but there is something shiny on her ring finger. Panic attack. I duck down behind the trees as they begin making their way towards the lion exhibit. Logan is just giving me a stare that I take for "What the hell are you doing?" I give him a look back, as I start to crawl around on the ground, struggling to get behind the tree I feel like such an idiot, but I can't handle Brad. I am admitting I am a wimp. They turn back around now definitely coming toward me. What should I do? I am trapped. I stare at the ground hoping that I would all of a sudden become invisible when someone wearing an expensive pair of Italian loafers stops in front of me. I have no such luck. Screw you Harry Potter and your invisibility cloak. I swear that Harry Potter's an invisibility hog.Doesn't he know that woman everywhere need that device to hide from their exes, specifically in moments like these.

"Ginnifer?" a voice asks. The same voice that said that he would never do anything to hurt me, ever. So much for that promise. Quick. Think of something.

"Oh, here it is. Found it!" I say picking up a speck of dirt pretending it was something important. I get up and dust off my jeans. "Hey, Brad. Didn't see you there." I say as Logan walks the few feet to get next to me. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Vanessa and I are engaged." he answers. Of course that would be one of the first things out of his mouth. Logan clears his throat behind me as mine begins to close up and tears begin to sting my eyes.

"How rude of me. Brad...Vanessa...This is Logan. Logan this is my ex-boyfriend Brad, and his fiancé, Vanessa. Would you like to know how they got together?" I say not really wanting an answer since I'm sort of having a breakdown. "Well, Vanessa was the new neighbor near our apartment Brad and I shared. I come home one day, on our anniversary I might add, to find them on our couch. The very couch that we watched movies, ate popcorn, my mother even sat on that couch, to find them not going through picture albums, but rather consummating on the furniture!" I am now yelling, and everyone around us stops and stares.

"Well, that's one way of putting an introduction." Brad says and gives a weak laugh. Logan takes my hand and pulls me out of there. I'm surprised he isn't running away after that little fiasco. I was a one woman freak show back there. We enter a bar and sit down. He orders a beer, and I order 5 vodka shots. After about ten minutes of silence I decide to say something.

"Sorry for my little melt down back there..." he gives me a look. " Okay big meltdown."

"It's alright. Sounds like you have been harnessing those feelings for a long time."

"Tell me about it." I say as I throwback the first shot.Five hours later, we are still there. I am seriously drunk. My body must now be 99% vodka 1% water. Logan is only on his third beer and is now switching over to water. Obviously he is the smart one in this pair. At this point I have lost all inhibitions and I am pouring my life history out to him. "...They are engaged. Can you believe that? I stay with him for I don't even know how many years waiting for him to propose and she only has to wait less than a year." I pull back another shot. "Must have been some great sex." I say ordering another round but Logan stops me.

"That's enough for you. I think it's time to go home." he says taking me by my arms lifting me off the stool. At that moment the bar owner gets on the microphone and makes an announcement.

"Hello everyone. You know what tonight is and for those of you that don't tonight is Karaoke night. So lets get the ball rolling. Who wants to go first?" he asks.My hand immediately shoots up.

"Me! I do!" I yell. My drunken state is obviously outgoing. I pull away from the comfort of Logan's hold and race to the stage. I stumble on, Logan trying to catch up behind me. I take the mike and choose a classic. "This song is dedicated to all the Brads out there." The music begins. I start singing. Out of tune might I add. Drunk singing does not bode well. "You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht." I get a few cheers as I start to dance. Who can deny the charms of Carly Simon. "Your hat strategically dipped below one eye, your scarf it was apricot. You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte, and all the girls dreamed they'd be your partner, they'd be your partner...Your so vain..." By this time Logan is even smiling. He looks so goofy, I love it. The end is approaching and as I am about to make my big finish, I twirl the wrong way and fall off stage. The good part is I didn't hit the floor. Logan caught me, wait that wasn't good that was great. As the crowd cheers and the next person begins to take the stage I stare into Logan's eyes and I suddenly realize how much I love him. Before I could stop myself the words were out. "I love you." I tell him while he is still holding me. I shouldn't have said that but they slipped out, and I pass out. The last thing I remember is Logan attempting to say something.


The next day I awake with the headache of the century. It feels like a jackhammer is drilling against my head. What did I do last night? I look down to see I am still dressed in what I wore yesterday, then I see a note on my nightstand, next to a bottle of water and aspirin. The note is from Logan telling me to call him when I feel better.

"Oh no." I say to myself as last night begins to come back to me. I can't believe he saw me like that. Then I remember what I told him. I told him I love him. First! I broke the girls cardinal dating rule. Don't ever, under any circumstances, tell a guy you love him before he says it to you first. I broke that rule, and in a drunken state no less. It couldn't have slipped out before I got drunk or any other time? He is the perfect guy and I just ruined it. He's probably changing his phone number right now, moving out of the country,. Maybe even setting up an restraining order. I take the aspirin as I can not take the pain anymore and these thoughts do not make it any better. I get up to go to the kitchen. The kitchen is so bright its not even funny. Who's idea was it to paint it white? What happened to good old fashioned black?Cammie is sitting down at the counter reading the newspaper, Drew is no where in sight.

"Could it be anymore brighter in here?" I say to Cammie, hating the world and its brightness.

"Someone is crabby." Cammie says. "Must have something to do with you coming home passed out last night. Tell me what happened. I want details." this girl can be frank when she wants to.

"It started with running into Brad, resulted in me getting drunk and singing in front of like 50 people, and ended in me telling Logan I loved him and passing out." I tell her. The Danish she was chewing falls out of her mouth.

"Shut up! You did not. That is like dating 101. Never tell the guy you love him first." Cammie is as shocked as I am.

"I know, I know. I know." I say while I begin banging my head on the counter. Maybe I will suffer some brain trauma and get amnesia. That way I won't have to remember what happened. If only Logan could forget that easily.

"What did he say?" she asks

"I don't know. He was about to say something but I passed out before he could. He must think I'm a total basket case. He is never going to want to see me again." I feel like a teenager who can't go to a party because her parents won't allow her. "What am I going to do?"

"I don't know sweetie. I think the best thing to do is call him and see what he says. If he gets offended by you saying you love him, maybe he isn't worth your time." she says all wise and everything.

" That's what a best friend would say." I tell her.

"So good thing I'm yours. Besides, I will kick his butt if he breaks your heart. " she says, and I hug her.

"Thanks" I say

"No problem." Today is a Monday and I have to be getting to work soon. I should probably call him before then otherwise it might be too late. Better to face the music now rather than later.

"I guess I'll call him before I get ready for work. Hope he isn't too freaked from yesterdays events." I say making a silent prayer.

"Here' s to hoping." she lifts up her Danish and finishes it. I stand up and go to my room to find my cell phone. Now what happened to it when I got home.

"Cammie, have you seen my phone?"

"Oh, its in the bathroom tub." she calls. I make my way to the bathroom and there is my phone. It is right in-between the shampoo and conditioner.

"What's it doing in there?" I ask curious as to how my phone got there. This is weirder than when it was in the fridge even if it wasn't the first time my phone was found in there.

"Well, last night after Logan dropped you off you woke up for a little bit. You took your cell phone and decided to make prank phone calls to random people. I tried to get it away from you, bur you ran into the bathtub and I guess when I finally pried the phone away from your hands and got you back to your room it was left there. By the way I think you are now the most hated woman in China. You made lots of phone calls there." she says. Great. Not only is my boyfriend freaked at me, people in China hate me too. I retrieve my phone from the white porcelain tub and begin to dial his number dreading the number of rings before he picks up his phone.

"Hi Ginny." his deep voice answers.

"Hey. How did you know it was me?" I ask.

"Caller I.D." he says laughing. Obviously he has caller I.D.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"I've felt better." I answer putting my hand to my head. "I'm sorry you had to sit through my yammering on and on about my ex boyfriend. That must not have been fun for you." I apologize.

"It's fine. He was a jerk. If anything you made it up when you started singing 'Your So Vain'. I've never heard someone hit so many out of tune notes before." he jokes.

"Well I guess I found my talent. So your not freaked?" I'm asking relieved that he is such an understanding awesome guy.

"No, not one bit. Growing up with an older sister helps in these cases. In fact I will like to see you tonight." he says "That is if your up to it."

"No, I mean yes. I look forward to it." I tell him. "I'll meet you after work?" I ask

"Yeah. I just have to see my sister before so I might be a little late." he says."Okay see you then." I tell him as we say our goodbyes. He wants to see me again. He wasn't as freaked out as I thought. Given I forgot to mention the whole I love you thing but that can wait.

I get ready for work, and take another Tylenol. Today is going to be a good day after all...Or, maybe not.Miranda was in her zone today. She was barking out orders as well as her dog yaps. Her pin straight hair acting like a whip. I swear, she flipped her hair in my face so many times today. However what ever shampoo she uses I want it. It was like a circus act, and the whole office was participating. I was actually glad when Miranda sent me out on one of her little errands. Glad to be out of her presence for at least five minutes was a gift. Today's errand was to pick up flowers and gift for her mother. I know, she can't even shop for her own mother. Someone needs to knock her off that pedestal.After picking up her mother a pristine edition of Jane Eyre, one of my favorites, I stopped by the florist and bought a mixture of daisies and sunflowers for her mother. Even though I have never met her mother I can tell she is nothing like Miranda. She seems more down to earth, but then I am saying this based on gifts from her not so down to earth daughter. I smell the flowers as I put my purse down on my desk and go to knock on Miranda's door to deliver the gifts. Just as I was about to knock on the large oak door it swings open to a man. Not just any man, but a man with the same green emerald eyes as Logan, and his hair and build. It is Logan. What could Logan be doing in my boss's office, they couldn't be seeing each other. Right? After deciding on the chances of Logan having a long lost twin, which is very slim, a very surprised Logan says hello.

"Uh...hello to you too..." I say, shocked to what he is doing with my her office. Alone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Miranda then slithers to the door curious as to what is going on.

"What is...Oh Ginnifer...I see you got the stuff." she turns to Logan."This is my..." I wait for it...your what? Boyfriend?...Lover?..." my brother, Logan." Brother! I knew Logan had a sister, but there is no way that Logan, a sweet, generous, not to mention handsome guy is related to a person like Miranda. The assortment of flowers drop from my hands and hit's the gray tiled floor. I bend down to pick them up, speechless.

"Actually..." Logan begins "Ginny and I already met...we are actually seeing each other." Miranda's face contorts into confusion as she looks back and forth between me and Logan. You can obliviously tell she thinks her brother is too good for me. That the only type of guy that would actually date me are the ones who are dared to do it. Harsh...I know.

"Oh..." she fakes a laugh." Well isn't it a small world." she tries to regain composure.

" I had no idea. We should all go out for dinner tonight. I hardly know a thing about Ginnifer, besides her being an awfully good assistant." I am not your assistant. This gave me the urge to slap her but I don't think me hitting his sister right in front of him would bode well. I'll wait until there is a dark ally."That sounds like a marvelous idea." Logan says excitedly. "I would love for you guys to get better acquainted." Does he not see the pain that is etched across my face?"Umm, here are the things." I hand Miranda the bag and the flowers. "I'll just go get my bag and then we can head out." I should have said no. I have extra work that needs to get done. But I am still in a shocked state. I don't know what to do. One thing is for sure, I am not hitting the bottle again. That headache is still there. Maybe she will leave early and I can talk to Logan about this. After all, how do you go about dating your boss's brother?

Shock is just an easy way to leave someone speechless.

So, thirty minutes later we are in a snooty French restaurant ordering whatever French people eat. I love the French and all with their twirly mustaches, and funny accents (no offense) but do they have to eat snails. It is not some fancy food just because it has a name like escargot, its basically a slug in a shell. At least its better than Australia with their cow testicles. Now that’s gross. I don’t even know what I ordered but I‘m hoping it‘s something close to normal.

Actually I didn’t even order my self. Miranda did the ordering and I let her since I still can’t talk. I hate surprises like this. I’m just sitting here, sipping my glass of water, listening in on Miranda talking to Logan.
I pick up my fork and fiddle with my salad. Why is there cheese in it? I begin to drift off about the benefits of having cheese in your salad (I mean its yellow…Which is the good kind.) when I’m snapped back to attention by Miranda.

“So…” Miranda says, starting a conversation with me. “Where are you from again Ginnifer?” Isn’t it like against the law to be out on a date with your boss, or at least having your dates sister on your date. There’s something wrong with it. Awkward! Time to force the little voice that I do have out.

“I grew up in Connecticut.” I say in a small voice. “ A small town called Woodbury.”

“Oh, isn’t that quaint.” she says obviously mocking me.

” Our hometown was in New Jersey. We had some of the best times there. Oh!, Logan you remember Alicia right?” God…I hate her. Actually hate isn’t good enough of a word. I LOATHE her.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do.” Logan says taking the plate the waiter was serving him. Miranda is doing most of the talking now.

“Of course you remember her.” she says, then to me she cups her hand and says “ they were childhood sweethearts.” then turns back to Logan and announces. “She is coming to the city for a little business trip. She can’t wait to see you.”

“ Little Al-al is coming? That’s great. We have to get together when she comes.” Logan says, they were obviously close. Jealousy begins to flash in my eyes. That little green monster. I remember this morning when I thought things were going to be good today. Boy was I wrong.

“She arrives on Tuesday. Can she stay with you or do you want her to stay with me? I just feel terrible having her stay at one of those hotels.” Miranda says. I’m sure she just feels terrible. I shove what was placed in front of me into my mouth. It’s not bad, as long as I don’t look at it.

“Of course she can stay with me.” Logan agrees oblivious to my pain. I begin to choke on my dinner. I reach for the water and chug it down. Breathe...just breathe. I feel like a fish out of water. He seriously just agreed to let her stay with him. Is he trying to get me back for saying I love him? After everyone has finished, we get up and ready ourselves to leave. I felt invisible the whole time, why did I even come? Oh, that’s right, because who can say no to that gorgeous man. I sure can’t. Especially after what he did for me yesterday. Why is the only decent guy I meet is related to my boss? Its just my luck. We walk outside and it begins to pour, as if it couldn’t get any worse.
Miranda says her goodbyes to Logan, while continuing on about Alicia. Alicia this, and Alicia that. I haven’t even met her yet and I hate her. Miranda doesn’t bother to say goodbye to me. Maybe my invisibility powers are working.
Logan then pulls a grey umbrella out of nowhere and opens it placing it above our heads. While he does this I think about the Sims character and how they can pull a sofa out of their pockets. I wonder how many things they can fit in there.

“You okay?, you look kind of pale.” Logan says staring into my eyes even though my gaze is planted on the crack in the sidewalk. Some incoherent words come out which I hope he takes as an

‘I’m okay, peachy keen.’ kind of response. Silence.

I start to feel words form in my mouth. “Yo -You’re r-related to my boss…”

“Yes, I guess I am.” he answers. “Sorry about dinner. Miranda can sometimes be intense.” I give him a disbelieving look as to what he means by sometimes. That woman could be a dictator to a foreign country if she wanted to actually put the time and effort into it. “Fine…” he chuckles. “ She can be intense all the time.” It’s like she has a stick up her you know what, If you know what I mean. With his laugh my body then begins to come back to life, and I start to relax. I even forget for a second that it was raining. My hair is going to be a frizzy mess in another ten minutes. I’d bet twenty bucks on it.

“So…” I say, real words finally forming in my mouth again. “this wasn’t some kind of twisted punishment for me saying I love you last night?” Logan’s eyes widen and a shade of pink comes over his face. He begins to stutter. Finally, he is the speechless one.

“No, not at all.” he answers. “In fact I am grateful that you feel the same way.” At this my ears perk up and my eyebrows raise. “I’ve been wanting to tell you but I wasn’t sure how you felt considering we have only known each other a few weeks.”

Wow, he looks so bashful. We stare into each others eyes. I suddenly feel naked, as if he was seeing into my soul. He reaches his hand out and pulls the stand of hair that has escaped from my wild curls to behind my ear.

“I am very much in love with you.” he whispers as he pulls me in for a kiss, which was quite smashing. (Whoa, now I sound British.)
Here we are…kissing in the pouring rain, despite the large umbrella above our heads. Our world seems to have stopped as the hustle and bustle of the city around us continues.
We finally break apart, both of us gasping for air. He takes my hand as we stroll back to my apartment.
I don’t know how but the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “ I think you and Alicia will get along well.”

Rule # 56 guys, never, under any circumstances, bring up another girl after a kiss like that.

“What?” I ask trying to figure out how he got this thought. A dog on its daily walk glides past us to a tree, obviously preparing itself to do its business.

“I’m just saying, I think you and Alicia might have some things in common and will get along well.” He looks down at me and I nearly trip. I think the only thing we have in common is that we both have kissed you. “ You’re alright with her staying with me?…right?” a concerned look coming over his features.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lie. ”I can’t wait to meet her.” I plaster on a fake smile which probably resembles a clown on prozac.

“Great.” he answers. We both quietly walk the rest of the way. Him oblivious to life around him, while I‘m having a mini panic attack. I swear guys can be so clueless sometimes Logan and I finally arrive in front of my building. The brown of the bricks complimenting the gloomy weather.

“Well,” I start. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.” I turn to walk in after giving him a quick peck on the lips, but I freeze at the sound of his voice.

“Ginny, wait.” I turn and look into his adorable face.” Why don’t we have dinner tomorrow night. At my place, I’ll cook.” He stares at me waiting for my answer. “Before Alicia arrives for her visit.” he continues. I give him a warm smile, and he gives one just as warm right back., that dimple I love so much staring me in the face.

“I’d love to.” I answer. “7:00 ok?” I ask.

“7:00 is more than okay.” he answers right before we kiss again. I walk into my building and start up the flight of stairs which I end up tripping up while on my way. As always. I get to my apartment door and open it up. Drew is over by the couch doing what seems to be packing.

“Where are you going? Found a new place to live?” I ask, hoping my prayers were answered to get the remote/bathroom hog out of my living quarters.

“Sort of.” Drew answers giving me a look that tells me what ever he has planned I’d disapprove of.

“Sort of? What do you mean sort of?” I ask trying to get my keys out of the lock. You would think I had them out by now, but no such luck so far.

“I’m going with a group of friends to Colorado, to ski some slopes.” he answers.
At this I pull my keys too hard out of the lock, slamming me into the door frame. Pain piercing into my shoulder. Now that’s going to bruise.

“Wait a minute, You have never been skiing in your entire life. You don’t even know how.”

“Well, there is a first time for everything, and always a time to learn.” He picks up his bag with his belongings and heads toward the door, which is still open from my little spectacle. “I’ll let you know when I’m coming back.” he stares into my eyes. “Promise.” he says and kisses me on the forehead as he heads on his journey to the snowy alps.
Well, with Drew gone for now, and Cammie spending the night at Austin’s, Yet again. What is a girl to do?

Hello books! I will just have to talk to Cammie about the Alicia situation when she comes home tomorrow. Hopefully before my dinner with Logan.

It’s always a little suspicious when someone buys Clorox .

“Ginny!” Cammie yells at me, trying to wake me from my peaceful sleep. I just turn on my side, giving my back to her.
“Ginny, wake up! I have some news.” she grabs my Joe boxer pillow from beneath my head causing my head to plop onto the bed along with a whack from the soft pillow.
It turns out its not so soft when it is slammed against your head. They should put a warning label about that.

“Ouch!” I scream, as pain shoots across my head. “That hurt.” I pull the sheets above my head in an effort to make believe Cammie isn’t trying to wake me up by smacking me with my own pillow.

“Then you should get up.” Cammie says, aggravation in her voice. I pretend to fall back asleep, with a few pitiful fake snores. “Don’t make me pour water on you.” Cammie warns. “ Freezing ice cold water.” At this I bolt uptight out of bed. As it turns out the sun still had not risen.
What is with everyone waking me up before the sun is up?

“I’m up. I’m up.” I say with my arms stretching above my head along with a big yawn.

“Great!” Cammie says a little too excitedly. Austin must be doing his job right, if you know what I mean. *Wink, Wink* Cammie sits her skinny butt at the edge of bed. She is smiling an awfully big smile for this early in the morning. Once again, Austin must be doing his job right. “So…do you notice anything different?” Cammie asks. Obviously expecting me to notice whatever it is right away.

“Of course I don’t notice anything different, I woke up not two minutes ago. Everything is still a haze.” I snap at her.
Word To the wise: don’t wake me up this early, I get very cranky.

“Just look down at my hands.” Cammie instructs, unperturbed by my little outburst. She must be use to it by now.
I look down at her hands as directed.

On her left hand there seems to be something shiny. Not just shiny but sparkly.
It’s not just on the left hand, but on the ring finger of the left hand. “Oh my God!” I half scream, half squeal.

“I know!” Cammie says in the same voice.

“Why didn’t you wake me earlier, if you had news like this.” I exclaim.
Cammie shoots me a disbelieving look.

“I tried” she says tight mouthed.

“Oh yeah…I guess you did.” I say. “But if you would have told me before I would have woken up right away. It would have been like an espresso shot.” I explain.

“Well, I’ll remember that for next time.” she says tilting her hand back and forth watching the light play off her ring.

“So….How did he do it? I mean propose.” I ask wanting the details.

“ He proposed while we were on a carriage ride through the city. It was like something out of a fairytale.” she says.

“Sounds dreamy.” I say a huge smile spreading across my face, then begins to dissipate as I remember my dinner date with Logan yesterday along with his sister. Who is also my boss.
Cammie sees my reaction and as a best friend would do asks me what’s wrong. “As you were being swooned by your dream guy yesterday, I was being pushed to the brink of a psychotic breakdown. I was on a date with Logan.” I say.

“That sounds good.” Cammie says.

“With his sister.” I say. Cammie’s jaw drops.

“Wait,” I tell her. “It gets better. It wasn’t just his sister but my boss.” I tell her. Cammie exhales a large breath and lets out a “No!” her jaw drops even further.

“Yes!” I tell her in a high squeaky voice and I hide my face behind the pillow. “And he is letting his childhood sweetheart “Al-al” stay with him while she is in New York.”

“Wow…” Cammie says shocked. “Who nicknames their child Al-al?”
I just give her a ‘You got to be kidding me stare. “Right... I’m sorry honey.” she says giving me a sympathetic pat on the back.

“What am I going to do?” I ask “He is so perfect. How can he be related to someone who breathes fire.”

“Aw. You can’t help who he is related to. That you will just have to get over and the whole Al-al thing you just have to trust him…and try not to laugh at that nickname.” she says that last part through a smile.

At this I laugh a small laugh because lets face it, the nickname is kind of funny. Then a thought occurred to me. “Could I at least put a hit out on her?” I ask Cammie innocently.

“Who: Miranda or Al-al?” she asks.

“Both?” I say eyes wide like a kitten.

“No!” she says. “As appealing as that idea might sound right now you are not that insane…at least most of you isn’t.” She gets up off the bed and begins to leave me in my self loathing, but turns around at the door. “By the way, I noticed Drew isn’t here…he out with friends?” she asks. “That is if he has any.”

“Surprisingly he does.” I answer “He went with them skiing. I don’t know how long he will be gone.”

“But, he doesn’t know how to ski.” Cammie says, worry in her voice.

“I know.” I answer and she walks out of the room. Before I attempt to fall back asleep I call work to tell them that I won’t be in today due to me not feeling well. I know that is a lie but it is partly true and any worker has the right to at least lie once about being ill. Sometimes you just need a mental health day and believe me this is a mental health day,
After I do this I try to fall back asleep but fail miserably. I thought the sheep were suppose to help you not lead you to thinking how they keep their wool in line. (Seriously that is a lot of hair to manage.)

So I spring out of bed and begin to clean. Don’t judge my cleaning habits it gets really boring that early in the morning and cleaning seemed like the only fun thing to do.
In the span of two hours I cleaned my room and the bathroom and was beginning the kitchen when I realized I was running low on Clorox. I took my purse and took off to the store in my sweat pants and tank top.
I walk to the nearest store that sells cleaning supplies which I am guessing is a supermarket since there was a lot of food there, it could have been a restaurant. I was too distracted I didn’t even know. Doesn’t matter as long as they have cleaning supplies.
I make my way to the aisle that contains the cleaning supplies - or so it says-.The aisle is really white, which makes sense seeing as it has mostly cleaning products occupying the shelves.

While I am deciding whether to buy the large Clorox - never know when you will need cleaning therapy next- and the smaller tub of Clorox I hear a familiar (nasally) voice say my name.
“Ginny is that you?” the nasal voice asks. The same voice of a certain geek I tried to erase from my mind. I wince and turn around slowly, eyes closed. I open one eye assuming that it might be a figment of my imagination, after all I have been a little loopy lately. Nope, not a figment of my imagination. Standing right in front of me was Roger in a sweater vest that only someone of the same geek level as Roger could pull off. For some reason I could picture him singing that Clay Aiken song ‘Invisible’.
“Roger!” I say through fake enthusiasm. “What are you doing here?” Weren’t you suppose to go back to your mothers basement?
“Well, after our date I realized it was time to move out of my mom’s house. So I bought a place not too far from here.”

“Oh…sorry about that. No hard feelings?” I say now feeling guilty.

“None taken. I mean its not the first time its happened.” he says bashful. Aw he actually looks cute like that. “The whole experience has opened my eyes.” Like those glasses aren’t doing it enough for you. Wow…I’m horrible, I know but it is true. Those glasses are humongous. Has he ever heard of contacts?

“Ok. Great.” I say awkwardly. “So where is your new place located?” I ask trying to make conversation and not show my disgust.

“It’s just one or two blocks that way.” he points in the direction of my apartment. MY APARTMENT!
I decide on the larger carton of Clorox, and I head to checkout. Roger follows behind with his items which consist of two bottles of shaving cream, deodorant, and a bar of soap.
He doesn’t even look like he can grow hair to shave.
I pay for my stuff and rapidly exit the store praying for it not to be true. Roger, happens to catch up to me. Curse you legs!

“Looks like we are going in the same direction” he says. I remain silent as my building comes into view. Realization dawns over Roger. “No.” He says surprised. “ You live here too.” I shake my head nervously. It’s true!

I begin walking up the steps to my apartment, Roger following behind.
As we finally get to my floor he goes to the door across the hall from us. As if things couldn’t get any worse, he not only lives in the same building as me but right across the hall! Someone up there doesn’t like me do they?
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around neighbor.” Roger says with a wink as he walks into his apartment.
He is so NOT over that date. He did this purposely. I begin hyperventilating as I go into my apartment. The red light on the answering machine blinking, I press play.


“Hey Ginny, its Logan. Just calling to tell you I can’t wait to see you tonight and I’m still sorry about yesterday. Alright…so I guess I’ll see you later. Love you. Bye.”


End of messages.

Aw! He said he loves me…wait. Tonight? What about tonight? I replay the message again and finally remember that I am going to his place for dinner tonight.

Oh My God! I glance at the clock the flashing numbers telling me it is 5:45.

I drop the Clorox off in the kitchen and race to the shower which is now sparkling clean. Fifty minutes later I am dressed and ready to go. I leave for Logan’s cautiously passing by Rogers door hoping that he isn’t looking through the peephole ready to come out at any moment and corner me.
Once downstairs, I hail a cab and I fix my makeup.

When dealing with a guys ex you must carry two weapons: wit and grace. Too bad I have neither.

Five minutes after seven I arrive at Logan’s, and for people who think 5 minutes after the proposed time is late, its not. It’s not-too-eager-but-I still-respect-you-enough-to-be-close-to-the-decided-time late. Unless it’s a surprise party that your late to, but obviously this is not a surprise party; And even at surprise parties the guest wait as long as possible for the guest of honor. It‘s just how it‘s done.
I knock on the tall wooden door to Logan’s apartment and wait for him to answer. After about thirty seconds ( Yes, I counted.) the door opens and I almost forget to breathe, which always seems to happen whenever I’m around him. Seriously, this guy is hazardous to my health, and probably anyone with asthma. Heck, even my grandmother would pass out just looking at him.

He looks absolutely amazing. His black locks have that messy ‘just rolled out of bed’ look, which makes me go weak in the knees almost as much as when he looks at me with those piercing green eyes. He’s wearing jeans and a blue button up shirt.

“Hello there.” he says as he brings me in for a kiss. When we draw away from each other I smile and say “Hey.”
The door shuts behind me and I’m engulfed in a wonderful smell of what ever scrumptious meal he is cooking.

“Mmmm. What’s cooking?” I say.

“Chicken Marsalla.” he says, as he goes back into the kitchen.


“You can go ahead and sit down in the dining room. Dinner should be done in a few minutes.” he says.

“Okey Dokey.” I say as I head to the dining room. The table is set with two candles in the middle. Rose petals scattered across the table. It’s like something out of a movie. He can’t be this perfect. As I think this my mind goes back to who his sister is. My boss. So maybe not so perfect.

Eh. I think it’s a flaw I can get over. Just as long as she doesn’t go any deeper under my skin. Ugh. There’s also his childhood friend, Alicia (I say that name with a nasally mocking voice, just to let you know.), who is coming to visit. I don’t think I want to know the history there. Exes are never a good topic. Even on good terms.

Alright. Ginny. Let’s chill. Maybe you’re making a big deal out of nothing.

Paranoia and all that jazz. Got to love it…not.

I take a place at the table as Logan tells me dinner is ready. He sits across from me and we fall into a relaxing ease as we begin to eat.
All of a sudden there is a knock at the door. Logan and I look at one another perplexed. Then the door jerks open with guess who. Miranda. “Oh nonsense. You don’t have to knock, you should have a key you’re practically family.” she says while walking in, to someone unseen from my point of view. Logan pops out of his chair, obviously surprised to see his sister walking into his apartment. Must not be a natural occurrence.

“Miranda. How did you get a key to my apartment?” Logan asks shocked.

“Oh. I had one made.” she answers as if it’s completely normal for her to have a set of keys without him knowing.

“How did you do that?” He asks making his way to the door then suddenly pauses.

Miranda just answers, “Oh that’s not important.” in that snooty way she does.

Wow. What a creeper. Then that’s when I see who Miranda has brought. It is indeed Alicia. Logan goes in to give her a hug showing that he has missed his childhood friend and sweetheart. Yuck.

She’s gorgeous. Almost model like. She has that raven colored hair with the chic bangs and hazel eyes. Flawless skin. Someone was hit with the pretty stick when she was born. How could Logan go out with me after dating someone like her. I don’t know. Now I’m wondering if he’s partially blind. Maybe that’s why he’s with me. Or maybe someone whacked him over the head one too many times. I bet it was Miranda.
Well now I’ve lost my appetite.

I stand up to go and greet her and my boss and possibly save myself from seeming like a complete doof.

Miranda just then notices me. “Oh my! What a surprise!” she exclaims. “I thought you called out sick today Ginnifer. What are you doing here?”

Cheerios! I forgot I called in sick.

“Oh…well you see...actually I started feeling better at around 5.” I say feeling humiliated and a little guilty. I’ve been caught red handed. Figuratively speaking.

“But I think… I think it’s starting to come back full force.” I say with unease.

Logan looks at me and puts a hand protectively behind my back. “I didn’t know you weren’t feeling well. Are you okay?” he asks, concern etched on his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I see what seems like a flash of jealousy from Alicia or as some like to call her, “Al-Al”.

“I’ll be fine.” I say. Then I turn to Alicia. “ You must be the childhood friend I’ve heard all about yesterday. I’m Ginnifer.” I hold out my hand to shake and she takes it. Geez. She’s got some firm grip.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Alicia.” she says and we begin to have a stare down. Or what seems like a stare down. Logan seems to be oblivious to it. Must be a guy thing. After about thirty seconds of this she withdraws her hand. “So how do you know Miranda and Logan?” she asks.
Miranda answers before I can. “She works for me actually.” The way she says this just tells me she really does think of me as a piece of already chewed gum on the bottom of someone’s shoe. Yucky, no taste lasting dirty gum. I’m no juicy fruit to her.

“And she’s my girlfriend.” Logan chimes in, wrapping his arms around my waist. At least I know I’m juicy fruit to him. I should probably stop with these gum references. I should also pick up a pack of juicy fruit on the way home.

“But that isn’t of importance right now. You are.” Miranda says to Alicia. Hello shoe. Hello ground. Sorry I’m so sticky, but you know gum.

“Maybe I should go.” I say to Logan. “I’m sure you guys have a lot to catch up on and you don’t need me sticking around making things awkward.” I try a weak laugh. Did I have to use sticking? Now I really am making myself sound like gum.

Logan looks torn.” Are you sure you don’t want to stay. I would really like you to get to know Al-Al.”

Gag me.

“I’m sure. I’m starting not too feel well again. Maybe another time.” I say bringing a hand to my now woozy stomach.

“Oh. Okay.” Logan says looking disappointed. “I’ll call you tomorrow then.” He gives me a kiss and I feel bad. He’s so nice and sweet and I can’t even sit through some quality bonding time with his friend. Wait. His “close” friend. Who he use to date. Yeah. You know what I feel too weird about that at the moment. Best to get going.

I gather my things and say my good byes. “Nice meeting you Alicia. Nice night Miranda.”

“8 O’CLOCK SHARP TOMORROW!” Miranda yells tartly as I walk out the door. I say “Yes Ma’am” and when I know she can’t see I roll my eyes.

I decide to walk home and guess what happens.

It rains. Well at least the weather is synchronized with my mood. Storms got nothing on me.

Ugh. I can’t get her and this whole situation out of my head. She looks too perfect. I can’t compete with that. Maybe I shouldn’t have left. What if she’s charming her way back into Logan’s arms?

No! Those arms are mine!

Okay. Now I sound paranoid. Along with crazy and possessive. That isn’t me. I’m no Jonas Brother fan girl. Although I must admit they are hot. I’d share my bagel with them. Just to let you know that is not meant to be dirty. I’m talking about an actually bagel. Cream cheese. Just cause it’s better than butter.

I arrive back at my apartment after running through the rain. I must look like a drenched rat cause the old lady from 206 nearly screamed. I head up the steps and get to my apartment door.

Spidey senses tingling. It feels like someone’s watching me, and no this is not a Gieco commercial. I fumble with my keys as I turn around. I see the door to Rogers apartment.

Of course. He’s probably peeking through the peephole. Either that or I’m really paranoid.

I hope it’s paranoia and that Roger isn’t going to get anymore stalkerish than he already is. Maybe I should get a restraining order.

I walk into my apartment and head to the comfort of dry warm clothes. Not to mention the comfort of my bed. I say I make a cave with the pillows.

I was just about to get into my tented pillow fort when my phone rings. I grab my phone and jump into the opening of the tent. I look at the caller I.D. It’s Logan.

My stomach flutters.

It isn’t tomorrow yet is it?

“Hello?” I answer

“Hey how are you feeling” Logan’s voice drifts through the phone.

“Better. It’s more of an on again off again type thing.” I say

“That’s good. I’m glad to hear that. I have a question to ask you.”

“Ok. Shoot.” I say. My stomach drops.

“I was wondering if maybe you would like to come out with Alicia, Miranda and me the day after tomorrow. I really want you to get to know Alicia. She’s really great. It’d mean a lot to me.” How can I say no to that. I can just see his face so earnest. I suppose I can get through one day. Maybe she’s not as bad as she seems. Or maybe her personality is even better than the way she looks. I sigh.

“Umm, sure. I’d love to.” I say biting my lip.

“Really? Great.” Logan says, his voice really brightening.

“So what are we all going to be doing?” I ask wondering what I’m in for.

“Oh, we’re all going to the Museum of Natural History. Alicia’s never been there. Hard to believe right?”

“Oh…yeah. It is.” I say zoning out, worrying. I almost didn’t hear Logan saying goodbye.

“Night.” I say hanging up. I get out of my tent and look for the Clorox. Pristine clean here I come.

Barbie carries more than just her kidneys around in her purse. 

Today is the day.

What day you ask? Oh I think you know what day. It is the day that I will be out and about with my boyfriend and his sister. But that’s not all folks, also along for the ride is his childhood sweetheart.

I’m in panic mode. I have to find something to wear that is appropriate for a museum and walking (so of course sneakers) and something that makes me stand a chance against that Barbie doll.

Heck. Barbie could have been made based off her. If she was you know, walking around with a cane and lost all her teeth. If that were the case I wouldn’t feel so much pressure.

“Cammie!” I yell. She better be here. She always seems to be spending time at Austin’s. I know they’re engaged and engaged people do that but I mean come on, save it for the marriage.

“Cammie!” I yell again.

“Yes?” I hear. Cammie had just came in from what seems like another night at Austin’s. Surprise.

“Thank god for best friend telepathy. I need your sense of style to choose an outfit for today.”

“It’s not just because of the BFT that I’m here. A girl has to wear something different you know.” she says.

“I know especially a newly engaged girl. Don‘t want him taking back that ring.” I joke. She laughs.

“So what are you looking for?” she asks.

“Something that goes with sneakers and can upstage someone who can pose as a Victoria Secret model.” I say.

“She’s that pretty huh?” she says.

“Yes! I feel like a frizzed up garbage man when I stand next to her, and I’m not even a man. Just frizzy.”

“Come on Ginny. I’m sure you are much prettier inside and out and have so much more to offer than someone who goes by “Al-Al”. At least your nickname is cooler.”

“Aw. You just say that because you’re my best friend and haven’t seen her yet.”

Cammie really does mean well, but even a blind person could tell she’s prettier than me.

“I say it because it’s the truth. Girls like her are fake and you my darling are real. Think of it this way, she’s a slimy venomous snake and you’re a fluffy kitten. Adorable vs. Slimy. Who would you rather pet?” she says.

“Well if she squeezes this kitty hard enough it’ll be no contest.” I retort. “Who’d want to pet a dead kitty.”

“Oh stop it.” she says while rummaging through my clothes.

“Meow” I say as kitten like as I can then I do a fake chocking stint. Hands around neck and all.

“Here we are. This should do it.” she holds out a pair of jeans with a white tank top to go under a button down black and white ¾ sleeve top. “This is totally you.”

“Alright. Thanks Cammie.” I say taking the clothes and going to change.

“Anytime” she says and heads to her room to pick out her clothes for the next few days.

As soon as I’m ready I hear the buzzer ring.

“I’ll be right down.” I say into the intercom. I go to open the door then I remember Roger might be watching. Being the stalker that he is.

Maybe I’ll use the fire escape. It’s useful for something other than escaping fires you know.

I open the window and slowly climb out and down. This guy always seems to have me going out windows.

I finally reach the ground where Logan, Miranda, and Alicia are waiting for me with shell shocked faces.

Maybe what I did was a little eccentric. Just a tad.

“Hi!” I say. “Just a little exercise I like to do.” I point up. “Really works those legs”

“You truly are a unique girl.” Logan says smiling and taking my hands. “Just can’t take you away from those windows can we.”

“Nope. Guess not.” I say. I’d like to see Alicia do what I just did. She’d probably chicken out at the thought of breaking a nail. Or even a sweat.

“Well I think that was very un-lady like of you.” Miranda says, disapproval in her voice.

“Well I think it was cute.” Logan says and gives me a kiss.

“Was the door broken or something?” Alicia asks innocently. But I knew better. Underneath that sentence was a ‘You stupid twit. Why don’t you use a door like the rest of us normal people, you monkey.’

“Excuse me! I’m a kitten!” I exclaim. Everyone just looks at me. Whoops. That was meant to stay in my head. “I mean, no, the door is working just fine.” I half smile.

Insane asylum, party of one. Alicia just smirks.

“Alright. Now that everyone’s here. Lets go.” Logan says and leads everyone.

I could hear Miranda behind me whisper. “Maybe she’s developed turrets. I swear if my brother will just realize she is so wrong for him.” Well that’s a bubble burster. How does she know if I’m right for him or not. She barley knows me herself. Fly away dragon fly.

We arrive at the museum. It’s glorious stone steps and lion statues greeting us. Makes me feel smart being here.

“Okay, here we are. Where would everyone like to start?” Logan asks.

“Oh. Lets start up by the dinosaurs.”Alicia says touching Logan’s arm, bending her perfectly tanned leg in her pencil skirt. Who wears a pencil skirt to a museum. Unless you work there. Alicia does, as well does Miranda. Wear them. Not work there obviously.

I look from Miranda to Alicia. Hmm…they seem to be dressed a lot alike. No wonder they get along so well. Alicia is like a mini Miranda. Like we need more of those around.

Two hours in, our stomachs growling, we all decide it lunch time. Things are going great so far. I have yet to lunge at Alicia for the many times she has touched Logan’s arms, or the countless times she has brushed up against him. Logan seems unfazed by it so either it doesn’t bother him and she really is just a friend at this point or he’s just clueless.

He has been paying extra attention to me. That I can not complain about.

We find a table and sit down.

“I’ll go and get us all something to eat.” Logan says and leaves for the food bar.

“And I’m going to go to the powder room.” Miranda says, leaving us alone.

Just me and Alicia.

Awkward is not even the word for it.

“So…” Alicia starts. “how long have you and Logan been dating?”

“Not long.” I respond cautiously. “Just a few weeks. He’s so perfect I don’t know what he sees in me. “ I say honestly.

“Yeah. Me either.” she says. “You want gum?” she offers me a stick of juicy fruit.

Was she reading my thoughts the other day?! Now that’s just wrong. No way she’s a mind reader. I’ve got to stop being paranoid and jumping to conclusions.

“Um. No. What you say?” I ask to make sure I heard correctly. “Not about the gum. Before that.”

“I said that I don’t know what he sees in you either. So a few weeks? That’s still fair game right?” she says nonchalantly like I’m not Logan’s girlfriend but instead a third party bystander and even then I’m sure a third party bystander would go ‘Oh no she didn’t.’ Snaps and all.

“Excuse me?” I say incredulously.

“What are you deaf? Coy? Do I need to spell it out for you?” I just stare at her open mouthed. “Now look at my lips very carefully.” she says. “I want Logan.”

“Well you can’t have him.” I say shifting in my seat, crossing my arms across my chest.

“Oh I think I can.” she says so sure of herself. “I mean its only a matter of time until he realizes that you are oh-so wrong for him and me…I’m the woman of his dreams.” she says looking at her perfectly manicured nails. They’re painted black, which, at this point, I’m sure matches the color of her heart.

“I seriously doubt that.” I say. Or do I? I mean look at her and look at me.

“Or do you?” she says slyly.

That’s it! She is a mind reader!

“Just think about it. Who’s the one spending the night at his place tonight and every other night.” She points to herself.
My eyes widen so wide you could mistake me for an owl .

“Join the circus you freak, and I don’t mean the Britney Spears one. Oh and eat a burger once in a while, you’re skinnier than the crypt keeper.” I bark.

“Well it’s better than looking like a heifer.” she retorts.


“I am not fat! Just because I’m a size 5 and not a 2 like you does not mean I’m fat.”

“Well If the jeans fit…” she trails off as Logan returns.

“What’s going on here?” Logan asks, worry in his eyes. Alicia looks at me as if to say with her mind, cause remember she can do that: ‘Who will he believe, a friend he’s known for years or a jealous girlfriend.’ Ugh. “Nothing just girl stuff.” I say smiling like we were talking about getting a manicure and a pedicure.

“Yeah just girl stuff.” Alicia says shooting me a look and flashing a dazzling smile at Logan.
I feel like an anvil just hit me and more just keep on coming. I keep sinking lower and lower into the ground with each hit.

“I’m back” Miranda says in a sing songy voice. “and I have a spectacular idea.”

“What’s that?” Logan says taking a bite of his sandwich.

“We should all have dinner at your place tomorrow night. You know since Alicia is going to be really busy after that. The hard worker that she is.” She shoots a look at me.

Hey! I work!

“That sounds like a perfect idea, don’t you think Ginny.” Alicia says with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Oh yeah.” I say and take a huge bite of my turkey club smacking away in Alicia’s face.

“Well if everyone’s up to it sure.” Logan says.

“Oh. Shoot.” Miranda says and everyone turns toward her.

“I forgot I’m busy tomorrow night, But you can proceed without me.”

“Are you sure?” Logan asks.

“Yes, I’m sure.” she says and I swear I can hear a sinister chuckle come from her.

We’re now walking back to my apartment. Just me and Logan, Miranda and her evil doer counterpart stopped to do some shopping.
Logan is holding me close as we walk or stroll, I rather call it a stroll more than a walk.

“So…” he starts.

“So.” I say in response.

“What do you think of Alicia so far? You like her?” I must choose my words wisely.

“She’s something alright.” I answer. “Never met anyone quite like her, although she reminds me of Miranda a little bit.”

“She is unique, but not as unique as you.” Logan says.

I smile. “You’re too sweet.”

“Yeah, and I get the comparison to my sister. Role model growing up, you know?”

“Yeah.” I giggle, sounding like a school girl yet again. Something about him just makes my worries go away.

We get to my apartment and I can’t help but feel a little clingy. This is where we part and he goes back to the apartment with her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He says.

“Yes, you will.” I say looking down.

“Ginny?” he says.

“Yes Logan?”

“I know it must not be easy for you with Alicia. I mean with her staying at my place, but remember it’s only for a week or two.”

“Yeah. No. It’s fine.” I say half heartedly. Hopefully he doesn’t notice the yeah no combo there.

He leans down and puts his lips to mine, and we stand there kissing for what seems like a life time. It’s that good that you get lost in it. My body melting into his. We part, wishing we didn’t have to, and I turn into my apartment and prepare for tomorrow.

What ever happened to the old fashioned bed?

Work. Dinner. Deal with circus freak. Home free.

That was my plan for today.

However work seems to be delaying my plans. I have to be at Logan’s in less than an hour but whenever I try to leave something new pops up. Can you guess who keeps giving me the something new?

Yes. You guessed it. Miranda.

I believe it’s all part of the make ‘Ginnifer Suffer’ plan. I know she has a list of things to make me miserable somewhere. Maybe taped underneath her desk. I wouldn’t be shocked.

I called Logan about fifteen minutes ago to tell him about the little snag in plans, and of course he was understanding like the perfect boyfriend he is. Only thing bugging me was hearing Alicia in the background calling Logan’s name laughing about a bottle of soda exploding. How hard is it to open a bottle of soda?

I shouldn’t be one to talk actually. Have to be careful with those sodas sometimes. I just can not help thinking about what is happening there while I am stuck here.

Is she putting the moves on him? I bet she is. She made it perfectly clear yesterday of her intentions.

Whatever. Logan will never fall for it. I trust him and that’s what you build a relationship on, trust.

Even if he does decide to break up with me and go to Alicia, he’d do it before doing something with her. He’s mature like that. I have to believe that. It’s the only thing that’s going to stop me from going crazy.

“Ginnifer!” Miranda screeches, knocking me out of my paranoid thoughts. “I need you to run these…” and I start to zone out. I look at my watch. It’s now an hour past the time we were suppose to meet. Time flies when you don’t want it to.
I look back at Miranda who is still droning on about something. “Miranda, can I just go home and finish them for you in the morning? Or at least work from home? I’ve been here since early this morning.”

Miranda just stares at me blankly. Did I just sprout a second head I don’t know about?Then she looks at her watch and sighs.

“Fine you can go. Just make sure these are done for Friday.” she says, throwing a plethora of papers on my desk and leaving.

I groan and slam my head against the stack. Then I gather my things and set out to salvage what is left of the rest of my night. I text Logan to tell him that I’m on my way. Chances giving that I don’t get hit by a bus. Jokingly of course. He texts back:

“Lol. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come right in. I’m preparing dessert.”

I arrive and go up to his floor. I open the door and to my disbelief what do I see. Oh they were making dessert all right Just not the kind I was expecting. On the couch sitting is Logan with Alicia on his lap straddling him. Even worse: she was kissing him. Man, guys and couches plus me , well I guess minus me, don’t mix. Something not involving me always happen on them.

“Guess you don’t need me for this party. I’ll go.” I say tears stinging my eyes.

All is see is Logan pushing Alicia away and I he might have called my name but I got out of there so fast it was hard to tell. You’d think I was running a marathon with how fast I left. It almost seemed like I was floating like Reese Witherspoon in that movie Just Like Heaven when she discovers she’s in a coma.

I don’t even know how long it took me to get to my apartment but when I did Roger was there taking out his trash.

“Hey Ginny.” he says in a chipper nasally voice. “What’s…” he trails off as he sees my tear stricken face. “…wrong?” he asks.

“It’s nothing. Just she was right. She was right. He would see it eventually.” I say practically in hysterics.

“What? See what? You’re not making any sense Ginny.” Roger says as he steps closer, dropping his trash bag in front of his door. Forgetting about it.

I enter my apartment leaving the door open, allowing Roger to come in. I don’t care anymore. He can go through my underwear drawer right now and I wouldn’t care. Just to be safe, let’s not give him any ideas.

I never expected Logan to do that. To succumb to Alicia. I mean he knows that practically the same thing happened with Brad. On another couch nonetheless. That’s it I am getting a futon. No more couches. They bring bad luck. At least to my relationships.

I look at my phone which is ringing uncontrollably and has been since I’ve left Logan’s’. I answer assuming its Logan.

“What?!” I yell into the phone.

“Hello?” a meek womanly voice drifts through the line. Definitely not Logan, unless he’s changed into a woman.

Roger is just standing there, looking at me. He seems to be enjoying the fact he’s in my apartment.

“Is this Ginnifer Sanderson?” the small voice now sounds more controlling.

“Yes, this is she. Who’s this?” I say through tears and anger. What else can possibly happen now?

“My name is Annie. I’m a nurse down at Blue Heart Hospital. I’m afraid I have some bad news.” My heart sinks even lower, and I didn’t think that was even possible at this point. “We have your brother here. There seems to have been an accident.” she continues.

Double Whammy.

The phone slips from my hand and hit’s the floor with a thud.

“Ginny are you alright? What happened? I’m so lost here.” Roger says, running a hand through his hair.

“I need to get to Blue Heart Hospital.” I say almost in a trance. I quickly snatch my phone back up not bothering to hear the rest. I just got to get there to see Drew. He’s my little brother.

“I’ll come with you. You’re in no state to go alone.” Roger says.

He isn’t so bad after all. Underneath that creepy exterior is a sweet thoughtful guy.

“Thanks Roger. I appreciate it.” I half smile filling up with tears as we rush out of there and into my car. I even ignore the fact that the picture of me in Florida is now missing off the side table.

Hospitals are pretty creepy if you ask me.

“Jeez Ginny, I know you are in a bad place right now, but you do know this isn’t a NASCAR race right?” Roger says hyperventilating, gripping his seat for dear life.

“Well, if this was a race do you think I would have won?” I say trying to lighten the mood as we get a parking and make our way toward the hospital entrance.

“Probably a close second.” Roger says in response as he is trying to catch up to me. I’m just a speeding bullet today. The Logan thing far from my mind at the moment, I hope Drew is alright.

I make my way to the nurse at the service desk who is talking rapidly into the phone. Which reminds me that I should probably call my mother and Cammie, and Miranda to break the news that I won’t be in tomorrow.

“Excuse me?” I say to the nurse and she covers the phone’s receiver with her hand.

“Yes, may I help you?” she asks, obviously still in tuned to whatever is happening on the other end of the phone line.

“I got a phone call about my brother Drew. Drew Sanderson. I’m his sister” I explain.

“Ah. He’s in room 318. Just go down this hall and to the left.” she instructs, pointing to the right of her. The hallway looks like it could go on forever.

“Thank you.” I say, already ,making my way down there. Roger tailing behind me. I finally get to room 318, where I see two guys, who must be friends of Drew attempting to put carrot sticks up Drew’s nose. It’s nice to know he has such marvelous friends. Such character there.

“Ah-hem” I cough, making my presence known. This causes them to jump and act like they weren’t just shoving produce up their ailing friends nose. The only good part about it is if the sticks were to get stuck, we are in a hospital. I suppose they could suck it out of there. If that’s how they take care of those kind of things.

I look at Drew laying on the hospital bed, his right leg alleviated in a cast hanging from one of those strap thingies, that I don’t know the name for. His head is bandaged, and he has a scrape on his chin. “How did this happen?” I ask the shaggy haired surfer type guy.

“Well, dude” he looks at me as if he is just noticing I’m a woman. Well, how can I compare with noses and carrot sticks. I don’t know if I should feel insulted by this. “dudette” He corrects himself “you know how we were up skiing?”

“Sure,” I say “and Drew doesn’t know how to ski. What an idiot.”

“Well, yeah. But he was like whoa until he hit into that tree. Never saw it coming. Now he’s got a concussion, broken rib and leg.” continues surfer dude number 2. Why are these guys skiing, they should be on a beach.

Poor Drew.

“But he’s going to be fine, right?” I glance back and forth between them, trying really hard not to picture them with surf boards and hot dogs. Oh hell. I shouldn’t be asking them, I should be talking to a doctor.

“Yeah. I think so. They got him hopped up on pain killers, so he’s pretty much out of it. Trippy right?”

Oy. I turn to Roger.

“Roger, would you mind hunting down a doctor for me? I have some phone calls to make.” I ask him, pleadingly.

“No problemo. Consider me the predator and them my prey. Rawr.” He says, hand claws and all, then skips out. He is really from another planet. That just has to be the reason he is so weird. Then again, it could be my fault. I used the word ‘hunting’.

I take out my cell phone, go out into the hall, and dial my mothers number first. How they called me first and not my mother I do not know.

One ring.

Two rings.

“Hello!” my mother picks up in a chipper voice.

“Hi, Mom. It’s me. Ginny” I say as if she has another daughter.

“Ginny. What a surprise, you’re actually calling me for once.” she says, shocked.

“Yes. Mom. I am but not with good news.” I say solemnly.

“You are pregnant.” My mom guesses.

“What? No, mom. No.” I say cause that’s not even in the vicinity of happening right now.

“Now, it’s okay to be pregnant in this day and age without being married. Many young woman do it now, like Bailey Stensen. She’s doing it on her own, and I’ve been reading these magazines-”

“Bailey Stensen? Really? When did that happen?” I ask getting distracted.

“About a year ago, the father is still a mystery.” My mother says, proud of the gossip she has to share. Anyway, we should get back to the matter at hand.

“Anyway, mom, I am not pregnant.” I say, trying to get her back on track and off this gossiping train. “It’s something else.”

“Oh” my mom says foolishly. “What is it then? And since we are on the topic of children, I would just like you to know that I would like some grandchildren at some point in this life time.”

“Thanks for informing me ma” I say “I suggest you be sitting for this news. Let me know when you are.”

“Alright, I am sitting. What do you have to say?” she asks.

“There has been an accident. Drew is in the hospital. Blue Heart Hospital. He just happened to hit into a tree while skiing. I guess he thought it would move out of his way.” I quickly tell her.

“Is that it?” she asks, rather calmly. That is not how I expected her to take it.

“Yes” I say.

“Alright, I’ll be right there. How is he?”

“He’s stable. A broken leg. Rib. Concussion. I have yet to speak to a doctor, but knowing Drew he’d be running into trees again as soon as he’s out of here.” I say, trying to lighten the mood with a little humor.

“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything as soon as I get there. See you soon darling.” She says and hangs up.

I then proceed to call Cammie, who says she will come as soon as she picks up some clean clothes, and I call my boss Miranda. Miranda was not happy about the fact that I will not be at work tomorrow, following every order she barks out at me. I think she can suck it for one day, don’t you? I also tell her where to find me if there is any problems. Something I hope I don’t regret in the near future.

Reunions are always a little awkward. At least the first two minutes.

“Oh my darling baby boy!” my mother bellows coming into the room. Ever the hysteric. The tranquility on the phone was just the calm before the storm. She places a hand on his bed side, as she notices the two surfer like guys who I have come to know as Fletch and Blake. She also happens to spot Roger. “Ginny, who is that?” She nods her head in Rogers direction. Roger is sitting in one of the hospital wheel chairs that he has happened to get a hold of, by what means I do not know, and is rolling back and forth with it.

Safe I know. I have a feeling if we were in the psychiatric ward he would fit right in.

“Oh. That’s just Roger. My neighbor.” I explain. “He came along with me cause I was really upset. I cross my fingers, hoping my mother does not think there is anything between me and Roger. We’ve already been set up once, I do not need another repeat of that.

“That’s it?” My mother asks, a curious gleam in her eye.

“That’s it.” I clarify.

“Did you speak with his doctor?” My mother asks, obviously settling the Roger situation. For now. I’m starting to get sick of this twenty questions game that is going on.

“Yes, I did. He says Drew is going to be just fine. He did suggest that maybe Drew should learn things before actually doing them, but other than that he‘s peachy.”

Just then, Cammie walks in bearing homemade snacks. Got to love her. She puts the snacks down on the snack tray. Only makes sense to, given it’s called a snack tray. Had to be called that for a reason. She comes over and gives me a big hug, which has been way overdue, and very much needed.

“How are you holding up?” Cammie asks.

“I’ve been better.” I say and give her a look that says ‘I really need to talk to you about something, and it does not involve this whole Drew fiasco’.

“You want to go get some coffee. I’m pretty sure I saw a coffee machine on the way in.” She says, meaning she read the look right. Unlike that whole pop tart incident, which is another story for another day.

We walk out of Drew’s room and head towards the hospital entrance. Florescent lights lighting our path. We reach the coffee machine and I take out some change, putting it in the machine and hitting the French vanilla cappuccino button. It’s no Starbucks but I love French vanilla cappuccinos.

“Okay. Spill. What’s wrong, and why is Roger here?” Cammie says, getting the ball rolling. I feel like I am about to cry again.

“Roger is here because I was upset and he didn’t want me going by myself.” I say, figuring I’d start with that. “Now for the reason I am upset, besides the obvious, is that I was suppose to have dinner with Logan and Alicia, that little ho bag. Sorry, that was mean of me to say.” I wince. “Anyway, I walk in and she is on top of him. Kissing! On the couch. What is it with me and couches!” I half yell, receiving a few dirty looks from the nurses. What is this a library?

I look at Cammie and half expect her to be fuming, which being my best friend I would think she should be rounding up the shovels, but instead she has lost all color and has a look that resembles ‘What have I done’.

“What?” I ask “You look like you have seen a ghost.”

“So, then you probably haven’t told him about your brother and where you are. Have you?” Cammie asks, wincing.

“No.” I say matter of factly. “What happened Cammie?” I say through clenched teeth.

“Well after you called and I went to the apartment to get clean clothes, Logan stopped by. He was looking for you, and he seemed like he really needed to talk to you. I mean really, really. He was so serious and distraught. If I knew he had done that to you I wouldn’t have told him about Drew and where you were.”

“Oh Cammie” I whine.

“I’m so sorry Ginny. If I knew, I wouldn’t have told him a thing. Instead I would have beaten him with a shovel, cemented his feet and let him sink to the bottom of the Hudson.” This makes me laugh.

“It’s fine. You didn’t know.” I say. She’s my best friend. She meant well, I can’t be mad at her.

“Ginny, He really did look upset.” She says touching my shoulder. The coffee machine dings alerting me that my cappuccino is ready. I pick it up and take a sip.

“Of course he was upset. I had just caught him with Alicia and now he can no longer say he has two girlfriends.” I say. I picture Logan at some bar, smoking cigars with some buddies saying “Yep, I’m seeing these two girls and the one, Ginny is her name, has no clue about it. Alicia and I laugh about it in bed every night.” I snap out of this. Logan would never say anything like that. I don’t think he would even string two girls along. Or at least I didn’t think that. I mean Alicia was no saint, she told me her intentions, but I think Logan is a big enough boy. He probably knew. Right?

“Come on Ginny. You don’t believe that. You knew what her intentions were, she flat out told you. Plus if he was just stringing you along why even go after you. I’m sure he can have any girl he wants, but he came looking for you.” Cammie says, reading my thoughts. “Maybe you should give him another chance.”

Why does she have to be so logical? What she is saying does make sense, even if I thought about half of that not a second ago. It’s just a little different hearing it from someone else. Especially if that someone is your best friend.

“I’ll think about it. Right now I just don’t know if I can deal with it. I mean I already have trust issues, and they just keep piling up. It’s like I have a subscription to the National Enquirer that I can’t cancel. I just need time to cool down.” I rationalize.

“That sounds reasonable” She says “But you better hurry it up with the cooling down cause he’s heading this way.” My eyes widen and my stomach drops as I turn and run face to chest into Logan.

There’s always that point where everything just hit’s the fan.

Three words come to my mind.

‘Holy cow’ and ‘Ouch‘.

‘Holy cow’ since I did not expect Logan to come here and for me to run into him like this. ‘Ouch’ because the scalding cappuccino has spilled onto my hand and it’s not exactly the best feeling in the world. It’s taking all I have not to drop it and yelp in pain. Instead I give Logan the coldest glare I can muster, ignoring the flip my heart does when I look at him. The traitor. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you. Then when I heard about your brother…” He trails off as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I yank back, startling him. It’s proper etiquette not to touch the girl you have just scorned. At least I think so.

“Everything is fine here. Thanks for coming.” I say, turning away, linking with Cammie to head back to Drew’s room. However, Logan is still following. I sigh and turn around and ask “What?” to Logan, staring into his green eyes.

Oh, those green eyes. He really does look hurt. Maybe Cammie was right.

“I’m not leaving Ginny. Not until we talk.” Logan says. He is one of the stubborn ones it turns out.

“Then…then you are going to be here awhile.” I say, proud that I didn’t fall for the look in his eyes. I walk into Drew’s room with Cammie. Logan in tow. Drew is awake now, animatedly talking to his buddies. “Hey, little bro. Nice to see you up.” I say to Drew.

“Thanks big sis.” Drew says, rather groggily, obviously not a fan of the bright room. He pull himself in an upright position. My mother is fussing over him as if he was six and home with the chicken pox. She keeps tucking the hospital blankets in around him and running her fingers through the tufts of hair that are sticking out of the bandage around his head. At least she hasn’t noticed Logan standing in the entryway.

I wish I was as clueless as she was right now. I am painfully aware of him. He just looks so good. His dark hair a mess, he’s unshaven. His hair is probably a mess from Alicia running her hands through it. I just can’t stand what I saw. I should have been the one running my hands through it. Not her. I guess she was right. I’m barely anything compared to her. I’m the left over casserole and she is the nice juicy steak. It’s unfair how this world works.

I sneak a glance at Logan. Again. He seems to have noticed Roger sitting in the corner, twiddling his thumbs. I wouldn’t be surprised if Roger pulled out a marble notebook. Those kinds of books just look shady. No wonder they have a tendency to be called ‘serial killer notebooks’.

“Who is that?” Logan says, with a hint of jealousy, although I can tell he is trying to play it cool. Why do guys always have to size up other guys in the room? The sound of yet another masculine voice in the room causes my mother to swivel around, eyes agape. The thoughts that must be flying through her head I’m not sure I even want to know. She looks from Logan, noticeably checking him out, then to me, and then back to Logan. She’s probably picturing us as a wedding cake topper.

“Who are you?” my mother asks, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“My name is Logan, Ginny’s boyfriend. You must be her Mom. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I can see where Ginny gets her good looks from.” He says, being ever the charmer. He sticks out his hand for my mom to shake. She is falling for this hook line and sinker. Is that a blush I’m seeing. What a suck up.

I clear my throat. “Ex-boyfriend. Remember? And that guy over there happens to be Roger. He’s my neighbor and happens to be a very good friend.” I stammer that last part.

“You mean the Roger that caused you to climb out a bathroom window? He’s your neighbor now? I’m sorry but shouldn’t you be getting a restraining order instead of having him here with your family at the hospital?” Logan says incredulously.

Roger obviously didn’t hear anything Logan has just said. He is still hung up on the bit where I said friend. “Wha-What did you just say? Friend? You just made my day!” Roger leaps from the chair and before I can even stop it and before I can even retort what Logan just said he is hugging me.

Drew just laughs at the pained expression on my face. “Oh sis” Drew says under his breath, and I think of hitting the button on his bed remote that will cause the bed to fold up.

Cammie just gives me a sympathetic look.

“Ginny, can I see you out here for a second.” my mother demands in a harsh clipped tone, but yet remains all smiles to Logan. She then takes my arm, tightly and steers me out of the room into the hallway.

“Ouch!” I say “it feels like you may have busted a vein. I bruise like a peach you know. “ I say, rolling up my sleeve to examine my arm, which is now red from that little act of abuse I might add.

“Well, be lucky you’re in a hospital.” My mother says hands on her hips. I don’t think she ever treated Drew like this. Always knew he was the favorite child, surprised they never kept me outside in a box. An orderly passes by and my mom just flashes him a smile, as if she isn’t about to give her daughter a piece of her mind.

“I’m totally feeling the love right now.” I say sarcastically.

“What do you mean ex?!” my mother half shouts, then as if realizing that people may actually be able to hear her lowers her voice to a more hushed tone. “That guy is handsome, polite, charming, and did you see the green eyes? How could he be your ex? What did you do?” If only she knew how much I’ve noticed those green eyes.

“Oh, so it’s my fault!” I exclaim, not caring who hears me.

“What else could it be. First Brad. Now Logan.” My face automatically goes into a pout as tears spring to my eyes, even my own mother thinks I’m a screw up. There is so much crying lately, I wish it would just stop. But it won’t cause I’m an emotional girl. Stupid hormones.

"I guess it must be.” I mutter and walk away. Recognition of what has happened dawns over my mothers face.

“Oh, honey. I’m sorry.” She tries to pull me towards her, but I pull away, walking back into Drew’s room.

“Is everything alright Ginny?” Drew asks perplexed.

Cammie hands me a tissue.

“Yeah” I say feeling like an insecure school girl. So vulnerable. “Anyone want anything from the cafeteria?” I ask in hopes of getting out of there. Drew’s friends perk up at the mention of food, seeing as they have consumed all the snacks Cammie brought earlier in a record time of I want to say thirty seconds. I could only hope none of it ended up in Drew’s nostrils. I try to catch what foods they are asking for while I try to ease off the feeling that Logan is watching me. Intently I might add. “Okay, I guess I’ll be back in a bit.” I say and attempt to leave room 318 to find the cafeteria, which turns out isn’t that far.

“I’ll come and help you.” Logan says “No way you can carry all that food by yourself.”

“NO” I say more sharply than I intended, getting weird looks from the others around me and eliciting a shocked look from Logan’s face. “I mean no. I’ll be fine.” I say more softly.

“Okay. Just remember Ginny, I’m not going anywhere.” Logan says. I just turn away and head towards the cafeteria praying I don’t break into anymore tears. I’m concentrating so hard I don’t even realize that Cammie came along with me.

The cafeteria looks just like any other hospital cafeteria. It tries for that homey feel, as if people don’t die everyday in the building. With that in mind, you’d think the quality of their food would be better. When we come to a stop to wait on line to be served Cammie gives me a hug. “How are you holding up at this point?” she asks.

“Well my brother is in the hospital, but luckily he is going to survive. My boyfriend, ex-boyfriend I mean, shows up out of nowhere and is trying to get me back and is extremely hard to resist. My mother believes I‘m a huge screw up in the relationship department and I‘m left over casserole. ” The words pour out of my mouth. I sigh. “What else could happen at this point?” I ask to no one in particular.

“You lost me at the casserole.” Cammie says. This makes me laugh a little. Then she finally says “Ginny, things will get better.” Cammie truly means this, there is no doubt about that. Then I heard the last voice I expected to hear.

“Where is Ginnifer? I need to speak to Ginnifer right now.” yells Miranda. Yes, Miranda. She comes strutting into the cafeteria, dragon breath and all, her tiny monster of a dog in her oversized designer bag.

“You were saying” I say to Cammie with an exasperated look. She returns it with an apologetic one.

“There you are!” Miranda says and I could tell that look in her eye does not mean she stopped by to see how I’m doing. Or have some coffee and tea, along with what ever fire breathing bosses consume.

I fight the urge to hide under a table or fake a heart attack. I don’t even think that would help my situation. Not even dying would save me from Miranda. As if sensing we were going to be a while the hospital visitors behind us cut in front to order their fries and waters.
“Yes. Here I am.” I say, trying not to sound too sarcastic, but that is proving to be a difficult task. Sarcasm feels like the only comfort right now. Cammie gives me a warning look that says ‘this is your boss and you better watch your tone otherwise you will be out of a job’.
She’s right.

“What can I help you with Miranda? Everything alright at the office?” I ask feigning interest.

“Of course everything is alright at the office. You are not that a big a part of the company.” She says. Wow. Sting. I do a lot for this woman, even if it is mostly errands, but my real work is up to par. Sometimes better. “The problem is you. You have affected Logan a great deal. You’ve got your claws into him real good and he refuses to see reason.” she says a hoorah in her tone.

Claws? What claws? I’m a good kitty.

“What do you mean? We are sort of broken up right now since I walked in on him and Alicia smooching away.” I say tears stinging my eyes again as the image resurfaces.

“I mean he refuses to have Alicia.” Miranda says and as if finally noticing Cammie barks orders at her to get her a nonfat latte.

Cammie just stands her ground and says “ I don’t work for you.” and walks out of the cafeteria. I’m so amazed that she said that to my boss that I don’t even care she left me to fend for myself.

“The service these days.” Miranda says shocked. I don’t even think she realizes she is in a hospital. That her needs don’t always come first here unless she is in a hospital bed dying.

“Well it sure did not seem that way earlier.” I say referring back to her earlier comment. I’m starting to get irritated. I am just on everyone’s radar today.

“I have no clue what he sees in you.” She says, her eyes turning into slits, I don’t even know how she can see me, but she does. “After everything Alicia and I planned. He was suppose to take the bait, and dump you. He should be with Alicia, not you.”

“What did you just say?” a male voice asks from behind Miranda, causing her to go wide eyed because she was just caught red handed. It was Logan.

Short but sweet. 

I can not believe what is just happening. My boss, my boyfriends sister just admitted to scheming to break us up with a childhood friend. Not to mention she ratted herself out to her brother as well. Unknowingly, of course. I have to say, Logan arrived at just the most opportune time. Cammie must have told him that his evil, conniving bat of a sister was here. Without the evil, conniving bat part, of course.

I feel like I’m on one of those overdramatic soap operas. Next thing you know I’ll be pregnant and some one is trying to steal my baby. Maybe even me and my baby.

I sit down in the closest chair I can find and try to digest what is happening. Miranda is slowly turning around to face her brother.

“Hello Logan” Miranda says with a little wave. Suddenly she appears so small to me. Sort of like those little people toys that toddlers play with, which can also be known as chunky people. It’s true, read the box. Although, Miranda is far from chunky, I still think it applies.
“You planned it? You orchestrated Alicia to kiss me and such just to break me and Ginny up. All for what, you didn’t like her?” he says, moving closer to Miranda.

Remind me never to get Logan angry. I mean he doesn’t turn into the Hulk or anything but it is a scary sight.

“Have you seen her?!” Miranda yells, catching the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. “Look at her, how can you possibly want that. Alicia is better than that. So much better.”

She just insulted me. It’s not the first time she’s done that. But still.

“Excus-” I begin to say but Logan cuts me off.

“How could I not want that?” Logan shouts. “She’s funny, charming, beautiful, can sing really entertaining karaoke, and is one of the most interesting people I have ever come in contact with.” Logan says softening as he looks at me. “Alicia is nothing like that, and I’m sorry to say it but Alicia is a slut.” Those are words I would never expect to come out of Logan’s mouth.

I do a little victory dance in my head. It wasn’t Logan’s fault. The slutty Barbie jumped him like he was a G.I. Joe doll. He didn‘t mean for it to happen. He would never do anything intentionally to hurt me.

“You ruined my relationship for what? An image? You are so selfish Miranda. Guess you never grew out of that. Thinking about yourself and not about anyone else’s feelings or happiness.”

“Logan, I was thinking about you. I didn’t think there was any chance that a girl like Ginny could make you happy.”

“But she did! If you gave it a chance you would have realized it.”

“Logan, I’m so-” Miranda tries to say.

“Save it.” Logan says. “I can’t even look at you right now. It’s taking all I have to say that I don’t ever want to see you again like I said to Alicia, but since you are family it’s inevitable.” Logan looks so beaten down. I want to hug him and tell him everything will be okay. That I forgive him. He looks at me and says solemnly “Ginny I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time. Hope your brother feels better.” and with that he exit’s the cafeteria forlorn and angry.

I get up and run after him, jetting past Miranda. He isn’t wasting my time. I love him and that’s that. The whole Alicia and couch thing wasn’t his fault. It’s amazing how far down the corridor he got in a span of twenty seconds but I catch up to him.

“Wait. Logan. Wait!” I say, and he stops and turns around.

“I’m sorry for my sister Ginny. I’m sorry that she and by consequence I hurt you.” He says.

“I know” I sigh “ I know” We stand there in silence for a moment. “So, want to go out someplace to eat this week. I know a really good Italian place.” I finally say.

Logan smiles that 100 watt smile.

“I’d love to. Only if you promise not to climb through any windows. Know it’s one of your favorite hobbies, but it’s a very suspicious one at that. I’m surprised no one has called the police on you yet.” He jokes and pulls me in closer.

I smile.

“Well, I might have some withdrawal issues with that. Might have to join a support group.“ I joke back.

“Well I’m with you one hundred percent of the way.” He says and we kiss. It’s one of those amazing kisses where you swear you feel the earth stop. We don’t even realize Miranda walk past us in a huff, rushing to get out of there. We don’t break apart till we hear some clapping and whooping from room 318. Turns out Cammie, surfer boys, Mom, Roger, and Drew (on crutches of course) have been sitting back and enjoying the show.

Roger breaks away from the group and comes up to us. “Umm.. Ginny. I know this is sudden but that lady that just walked out of here, well she’s some hottie, and I was wondering if maybe I could get her number.”

Should I subject Roger to the evil that is Miranda? I look to Logan for guidance.

“You have my consent if you want to give him it. I think it’d be funny to see how she’d react to him.”

I smile and give Roger Miranda’s number. Maybe there is some justice in the world, and who knows maybe they’ll hit it off. Miranda might have a thing for guys like Roger.

It’s now two months since the Alicia-Miranda fiasco. Not to mention the Drew skiing incident. Drew has promised not to do anymore risky things without proper instruction first. I say that lasts another month or so before he picks up parasailing. Mom has decided to pursue a career as a hula instructor. She is now spending summers in Hawaii to do so, which I might add will be an awesome vacation when I decide to visit. If I decide to visit. Don’t know if I want to see my mom hula dancing.

Cammie and Austin have gotten married. It was a beautiful ceremony hosted in Central Park. I’m so happy for Cammie she couldn’t be more happier than if Austin gave her a puppy for Christmas. Which he did, by the way. So then I guess she would be happier.

As for Alicia. No clue what happened to her, but I like to think she is living out of a box somewhere begging for change. Also that she got fat. If not, the best I can hope for is a little chunky. I pray to the gods of Ben and Jerry Ice Cream.

For Miranda, as it turns out guys like Roger are her type. After Roger bugging her a few times she decided to give him a chance, and she survived the date without slipping out the bathroom window, like yours truly. Roger couldn’t be more happy, and as a consequence neither can I cause now that takes care of the stalking problem.

Logan and I, well we never had a problem with Miranda again. I think she just doesn’t want another verbal lashing from Logan, although I do catch some glares now and then when she asks herself why Logan is with me. I think she is warming to me though, and well I’m coexisting with her. And I like to say, after Logan got rid of the Alicia germ infested couch we lived as happily ever after as possible.

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