My Father's Hard Work | Teen Ink

My Father's Hard Work

December 1, 2015
By VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the brightest star, in the darkest night."

My dad wakes up everyday to work. Even if it's 100 degrees. Even if he's tired. Even if he's sick. He does everything he can to keep my family healthy and safe.

I never feel comfortable asking my dad for money. Even if I want something that I had seen on someome else that I really liked.

I always hear my dad saying he's tired, but that doesnt mean he's going to stop supporting his family. Some people out there using money as if it were nothing. While there's other families working hard, breaking their backs for it. My dad always tells me to use all the opportunities he never had. He doesn't want me coming tired from working in the field. He doesn't want to see me suffering in the hot sun. I wonder why so many people that were born in the U.S. don't use those opportunities. I see so many people fooling around in class while there are people who really want to be someome important. Race doesn't determine whether you're smart or not.

The author's comments:

My dad is more than a hard working man. He's a hero that saved all of us.

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