A Memory | Teen Ink

A Memory

July 3, 2015
By Catgaerditz BRONZE, La Plata, Missouri
Catgaerditz BRONZE, La Plata, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look around my surroundings. The most beautiful scene lay before my eyes. My converse sneakers clip clop on the wood as I struggle to keep up with the massive crowd. Seagulls swoop down over shoulders and dive gracefully. One was almost close enough that I could touch it.

The mixed smell of coffee and pizza engulf me. All the shops are lined on my right; souvenir and clothing shops, and between them, tiny pizza parlors and small coffee cafes.


On my left, is the ocean. I can taste the salt in the air with every gust of wind. I don’t mind it either, no. I don’t mind it at all.


The waves crash effortlessly. Surfers attempt to ride small waves. I watch as I walk, and sometimes stop to take in the beauty of what I see.


People laugh and eat gigantic slices of pizza. There has to be over two thousand people here. Yet somehow, the way it feels claustrophobic is comforting.


The sun is starting to set now, and the sky is a beautiful sunset. I can’t perfectly describe the beauty I see, but it is magnificent. The sky is pink and purple with a little bit of orange and cascades all the way to the edge of the sea. The waves sparkle brighter than before with all the colors. The seagulls are silhouettes in the air.


I find a shop that paints tattoos. Henna tattoos. I wait and wait, until the sky is a crisp black. I get a beautiful black vine leaf on my ankle and hand. The paint isn’t dry, so I have to walk barefoot. The wood is cool and I can hear the pitter-patter of my feet as I walk. I can still smell the ocean, and only the moon gives the light off the sea.


A boat floats out, and I soon discover the most amazing sight. They set off fireworks on the ocean. Red, white and blue’s.


I stand barefoot, mouth gaping. I want to live in this moment forever. I don’t want it to end.


My feet can feel the grittiness of sand on the wood, and my eyes can see the most beautiful array of light that never seems to end.


It does eventually.


I walk back downtown, with my tattoos, mouth full of salt, and the lingering smell of smoke. I walk back barefoot, and feel thankful for this night. I feel thankful for this night in Ocean City, New Jersey.

The author's comments:

I traveled to Ocean City, New Jersey on vacation.  I wanted other people to understand how beautiful it felt to be there.

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