New Jersey Pine Barrens | Teen Ink

New Jersey Pine Barrens

March 17, 2014
By CamilaV BRONZE, Jackson Heights, New York
CamilaV BRONZE, Jackson Heights, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Falling, tripping, stumbling, they are all my specialities. In the New Jersey Pine Barrens sinking became one too. I first visited the Pine Barrens with my Mentor, Uli, my friend Tyler and 2 other interns. I had really been looking forward to the trip because it was my only opportunity that summer to leave the city. As a New Yorker, leaving the city is always an interesting experience. Everything outside the limits of the five boroughs feels alien and exciting. The first thing I remember noticing when we arrived at the Pine Barrens was the smell of the air. The air was light and smelled like Christmas. It felt fresh compared to the air in New York, even though we were only a couple hours away from the city. The air was crisp in a way I wouldn’t have expected and the smell of pine reminded me of the smell of my rosemary plant. The closest you get to smelling pine in the city during the summer is when you step into a taxi and smell those “pine” scented air fresheners, and honestly, they don’t compare to the real thing.

When we first arrived, Uli, my mentor, was set on impressing us. He took us to a little bog that was hidden among all the trees. The closer we got to the bog the more acidic the air smelled and the more wet the ground was. When we finally arrived to the shore, Uli explained to us that the algae covering the water was pretty thick and, if stepped on correctly, could be walked on. At first, I was skeptical about walking on the algae because I found it hard to believe that something so small could sustain our weight. Uli quickly picked up on my skepticism and began to walk over the algae, to show us that it was safe. After observing him for a few steps, the rest of us shot each other quick glances and then started off behind him. Our group set out on our little walk around the rim of the bog. Uli pointed out venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants. As we were walking my mind started to drift off, as it often does, and I ended up stepping on a fragile part of the algae. The whole thing gave in. My right foot started sinking and I could feel the mud like substance begin to trap my rubber rainboot. I felt as though my boot was being vacuum sealed to my foot in attempt to suffocate it. The breath escaped my lungs as I looked down, realizing what had just happened.

I started panicking and called for Uli, who was at least thirty paces ahead of me. I had already warned him about my clumsiness so he was already anticipating a cry for help when I called for him. By the time the first syllable of his name escaped my lips, he had already turned around to search for me. As he took his first step back, I noticed his lips turn into a small smirk, as if he were holding back a laugh. Honestly, I would laugh too. I began to wonder how I looked standing here in the middle of the mud and a smirk formed across my own face. The panic eased out of me and I relaxed, letting out a loud laugh.

The entire group rushed towards me. Uli, who was struggling to get back, suggested I try to “step up” using my free leg. In other words, just walk out of the hole I was in. I knew it wasn’t going to work, but I tried anyway. Up to this point only one leg was stuck, the other was bent at my side and to an outsider is looked as though I was crouching on one leg. I shifted my weight to my other leg in attempt to try to take a step and that leg sank too. I was scared to move and the mud kept pulling me in like quicksand. The only thought going through my mind was “my phone is going to get wet”. I know that shouldn’t have been my main concern, but I also knew I wasn't going to drown. The water was a little less than half my height,so even if I hit the bottom I knew I wouldn’t sink. As I looked down I noticed that the water underneath the algae was a deep amber color, and under that was a deep layer of mud; that was what I was stuck in.

After fidgeting for a couple of seconds I felt myself being pulled in deeper and deeper by the mud. This is what happens when you take a city girl to the forest, I thought, my mind racing. I decided to just stand still and wait for help. After a few seconds Uli was finally on the shore near me, searching for a large stick to test the waters with. By the time he arrived the water was already covering my thighs. Uli took a couple of steps toward me while poking the water with the stick to see if it was stable. He then held out his hairy arm for me to grab. I could see the muscles on his biceps tense as he gave me a forceful jerk out of the mud. Thank goodness.

After getting back to shore I struggled to clean off my boot, which was covered in mud. The realization hit me that concrete was an amazing invention. Although I love the outdoors, I do not believe I could survive in the forest for very long. The muddy waters and the scent of pine would eventually drive me insane, especially if I kept getting stuck in the mud. No matter how much time I spend outdoors, I can never get used to it. I guess I am a true city girl.

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