Pocket Memory | Teen Ink

Pocket Memory MAG

By Anonymous

Sprawledout across an old rickety nylon chair
with the gentle air brushing my face.The sunburned
sand stings the leathery underside of my foot. Waves
crashdown like falling timber in the forest and the foam
aftermath pastes theoceanfront's floor.

The sweltering sun makes its journey across
the redand orange-painted sky while sea gulls swoop
from the jetty's rockycomposition into the rejuvenating water.
Two little girls wearing matchingsuits are
down by the coast squealing with laughter
as they hurtle wavescoming up the shoreline.

Now, on my flight back into rush-hourtraffic,
people coming and going, horns honking
and vendors sellingtourists the "I Love NY" shirt for 19.95,
I reach into my pocket topay the flight attendant for my drink
and see that little coin which is soforeign from the rest
and all I can do is smile, and store that memory in mypocket.

A Personal Mission by Leona L., New City, NY

Philippines by Andrew S., New City, NY

Tsukiji Fish Market by Hilary S., Waxhaw, NC

A Place You've Heard About by Kristina H., Harleysville, PA

Eyes of a Passerby by Jenn L., Middletown, CT

Shalom by Jason R., Fairfax, VA


By Matt A., Smithfield, RI

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