Rip It Down the Line | Teen Ink

Rip It Down the Line

March 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Watched the signal like a hawk watches prey,
Into the box doing things my way,
First stared her down till she shifted her feet,
Then into the dirt I dug each cleat,
Tested the distance, then, by tapping the plate,
Now it’s all up to me, I determine my fate,
I am confident, with the bat back, in hands like mine,
Then, THWAK! I ripped the ball straight down the line,
Past 1st and 2nd I ran like the wind,
Checked the outfield quick, no ball coming in,
Running as I was, I did not hear a word,
Then the ump yelled, “SAFE!” as I slid into third!
Stood up proud, smiling with all my might,
I will always, always remember that night.

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This article has 16 comments.

on Nov. 11 2009 at 1:47 pm
IizFrozen SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Its not how deep you fish~
~Its the motion of the ocean~

~I hope to die like my grandfather who died in his sleep~
~and not like the pasengers in his car who went screaming~

This is a good poem. You should make more.

yankeees said...
on Oct. 23 2008 at 12:35 am
I really like your poem too! You are really talented and thanks for commenting on my poem, Baseball. Keep in touch [:

Whitey said...
on Oct. 22 2008 at 4:34 pm
i liked how descriptive you were. it really feels like i was there. i also like the tone. it was very upbeat and anxious

kameron said...
on Sep. 17 2008 at 6:33 pm
Great poem!! Did this happen in real life?:)

Aunt Cari said...
on Aug. 21 2008 at 12:40 pm
GREAT Job Bail! You are a very talented writer! Congrats:)

Kate V. said...
on Aug. 15 2008 at 12:50 am
OMG!!! Way to go Bails! I luv it!

Bri R. said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 6:15 pm
Wow Bail. This poem is amazing! It seems even better than the day I read it in school! Way to go!!

Carter said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 6:14 pm
Nice job! I loved it!!!

Lisa C said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 4:53 pm
Your descriptive writing allows your readers to "be there" with you. Beautifully done!

Dad said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 12:43 pm
Awesome poem Bail! I just read it again at work and it brings a smile to my face.

Lindsey said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 3:18 am
Dude this rocked!!! good job Bailey!!!!!

Mrs. N said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 3:13 am
Very Cool! It was like we could see the whole thing happening and know exactly how you felt. Great Job!

Jamaican Mun said...
on Aug. 14 2008 at 2:34 am
You are so talented Bailey. I had no idea you were so good at writing. I can imagine myself there the way you use such detail.

myles f. said...
on Aug. 13 2008 at 11:20 pm
I liked it it was good.

frank said...
on Aug. 13 2008 at 10:59 pm
What a great baseball poem! I think this author should be a writer someday! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jodi said...
on Aug. 13 2008 at 10:13 pm
My favorite part is when you write, "smiling with all my might". I remember that day, you were! I also like the work "thwak". Very Creative Bailey!