Developing Frontal Lobe | Teen Ink

Developing Frontal Lobe

February 21, 2018
By SidShot BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
SidShot BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m a human being and I fall in love and sometimes I don&#039;t have control of every situation.&quot; <br /> -Beyonce

Life gives us lemons but life does not give us equal oppurtunities to make lemonade. Up until this school year I belived the influence on me from social media and peers that underaged drinking and drug use was something that made you a socially “chill” person to be around. That if you fit into the self destroying mentality that awardly braces the depression and axiety no one will notice the latter around you.


Despite all the influences and pressure put on me I am eternally thankful to those who have helped guide me and point me in the right direction.

The author's comments:

This article is a story of how myself and those around me have been shoved around in the fairy circle of underaged drinking and drug abuse. 

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