Halloween Haunts | Teen Ink

Halloween Haunts

December 6, 2017
By evecouvillion BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
evecouvillion BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From a young age I had always loved Halloween. Dressing up and getting candy, what is not to love? Although, as I grew a little older with each year I discovered something new I loved about the holiday. One year, I discovered that I could create something better than a store bought costume. I realized I could make my own personal costume, and it could be absolutely anything my imagination could dream up. My fifth grade year: my chance to join the big kids in middle school and my chance to go my school’s upper class Halloween party held in the school gym. This was the year I decided to create my very own character for Halloween, and I knew exactly what part I was going to play.

On Halloween night I went to school with my ghostly costume, and everyone was awed. Teachers, friends, and classmates kept talking about my elegant black dress and its white and silver spray painted accents. My long black gloves were a knockout as they also appeared to have the same silver and white ghostly shimmer as my dress and my black heeled shoes. Not only was my wardrobe killer, but my curled, old-fashioned style updo made to look a faint white with baby powder was prize winning. The visible parts of my body were painted a bluish white to appear even more ghostly. I was covered from head to toe and looked just like one of nine hundred and ninety nine happy haunts from the ballroom of the Haunted Mansion.

The minute I walked in I caught the attention of the room. Many people told me how exquisite I looked. The compliments kept coming, and I did not want them to stop. I had so many friends come take pictures with me throughout the night. However, this blissful night had to come to an end and the costume contest event closed the party. Anyone could enter, and there were prizes for the winners. I had a choice: enter the contest and put myself out there in front of everyone or stay on the sidelines and watch. I sat next to a friend who told me that I had a costume that was sure to win first place and watched the contest take place without me.

I wish I could say I entered the contest and walked on the stage earning a loud applause and a first place prize. I wish I could say that I made a great decision and got second or third place. I wish I could say that I went up there and gave it my best shot, but I did not win anything and that is okay because trying and putting myself out there is all that matters. However, I can not say any of those truthfully because I did not enter the costume contest at all. I did not have the courage to do something, in this case I failed to enter a simple costume contest. This lack of bravery cost me an opportunity, a chance to make memories. However, from this lost opportunity, I now know that I no longer want to sit on the sidelines and watch life happen with a sour feeling in my stomach.

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