My Story | Teen Ink

My Story

May 11, 2017
By Anonymous

For the past four years I have been attending an alternative school. Everyone wants to know how everyone got here or what they did. Truth: I didn't really do much--at least nowhere near as much as some I've heard about. So here is my story about how I got into an alternative school.

I'm going to start with my sixth grade year. I lived in a trailer park--actually still do --but that never made anything easier at school. I didn't have too much going on at home besides my mom pretty much staying locked up and both of my older brothers staying in trouble. My dad was always the stable parent. He was there no matter what and always tried to support us.

I tried not to let it affect me a lot (you know, my mom staying locked up) but it did--a lot. I started getting depressed really bad in 2013. My mom was pulling a state year and I felt like I would never see her again. This is also the same year I got my first heartbreak after going through hell and back for this boy. I became an alcoholic and everything because that's what he liked, and I wanted to be what he liked. The news got around fast and I also had lost my virginity--I know TMI, but he told the whole world and that ruined me.


I still don't really count it because I pushed him off and ran to my friends, but it made some dramatic changes for me. I started getting picked on at school. Guys would call me “ugly” “w****” “s***”--pretty much whatever they felt. When they didn't even know me. At school I was never the pretty girl. I never would dress up for school. Hell, I wouldn't even match my outfit or brush my hair. The principals started noticing me getting a lot of write ups--not because I was bad, because I wanted to get suspended so I didn't have to deal with the bullies. I didn't like telling my older brother (who was in eighth grade at the time) because he thought fighting was the answer. I made it through my 6th grade year barely  and barely holding on. I let myself go so badly with everything that was going on. I was 13 at the time.


I'm going to go ahead at take you to the middle of my seventh grade year. I was still getting in trouble pretty bad. The bullies died down a lot because I quit taking their BS. I got four  threatening right ups in one day because the only way they would stop was if I threatened them. I got called to the counselor's office; I had no idea what was going on. When I walked in there was a man sitting there. I can't remember what his name was, but he asked me if I liked my school.

Then he asked, “If you had the opportunity to leave, would you?”
Of course I answered without missing a beat and said, “Yes, in a heartbeat.”

He started explaining everything about the school, and from what I heard I wanted to go. He told me about the iPads and Discovery and how they could help me graduate early. He told me it was my choice whether to go or stay but he had to know within a week. So I went home and started talking to my parents about it. My brother didn't want me to go but my mom said it was up to me. So as you can see I decided to come. Leaving was heartbreaking--I had a lot of friends that I had known since 4th and 5th, and the teacher--well, let’s just say I could be a teacher’s pet sometimes to get what I wanted.

At first coming to my school was the scariest thought I could think, but after my orientation and my first day in day treatment I knew it wouldn't be too bad. Something I say to a lot of new students is, “If you want school to work, you have to let it work.” I know I didn't at first. It mind-boggled me that I wasn't in normal classes or even Discovery. I was in two classrooms all day on one side of the halls. When I finally asked why, they explained how I came in the middle of Discovery and they didn't just want to throw me in a class like that; they wanted me to start off with the class. I'm not going to lie; I started liking it in there. I got Spencer time(counselling sessions) and we got all kinds of treats and had EAGALA, which is therapy with horses. It was pretty awesome. Until Mrs Spencer told me it was time for me to go downstairs and start Discovery. I was so mad. I stayed defiant down there because I didn't like it at all. I kept getting in more and more trouble. Mr.Spann, Mrs.Bruner, and Mr. Liston did everything they could to change the person I was.

Finally I let it work...I let them into all my dark secrets and my life story. Believe it or not, they all understood why I turned out like I did. My eighth grade year I did a complete 180. They were so surprised to see how smart I was and how good I could be. I graduated middle school with two high school credits and nine awards: one for each class and one from Mr. Spann.


Ever since then I've never been the same. I graduate in December of 2017 which is a year and a half early for me. I now have plans to go to collage, travel,and  make goals for myself. I will never go back to the person I was before. This school has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I lost my dad in August of 2015 and my uncle, who was like my second dad, six months later. My school has helped me deal with all of that and still give me the tools I need to succeed. I will be going to BCTC after I graduate to become an x-ray technician.


Also I would like to throw in that my school also guided me to the love of my life. So thank you for everything. I could never repay the school or the staff for what they did and what they put up with.


One thing I really want to make sure everyone knows is this is such a caring and loving school. This is a family, not a school. They will do whatever to make sure you walk across that stage and get that diploma.

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