After the Rain | Teen Ink

After the Rain

December 30, 2016
By mpond SILVER, Fredericton, New Brunswick
mpond SILVER, Fredericton, New Brunswick
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You deserve to be the person you are meant to be." -Atticus

I adore the rainy weather. The world is calm, the breeze is soft. Cool air surrounds my shoulders and envelops me into a comforting, familiar embrace. I close my eyes and bask in the serene, damp weather. Childhood memories of puddle splashing and water droplets chasing each other down the window pane permeate my mind through the familiar sights, smells, and feelings of rain.

With eyes still closed, I inhale deeply, relishing in the moment and the gentle aroma of rain that fills my lungs. The scent of the dampened soil beneath me enhances my senses. My nostrils tingle with the distinct scent of pooling raindrops, like spring love and simple joy.

Newly formed puddles reflect the rays of sun that are peeking through the dark, ominous clouds. Shimmering beads of water cling to every surface exposed to the recent downpour. The dainty leaf of a growing flower is weighed down by a heavy raindrop sparkling in the sunlight. When the small, clear bubble rolls off, the leaf bounces back up again, hydrated and replenished, dancing in the breeze.

A gust of drizzly wind makes my red cheeks tingle. A drop of water falls from the tree above me and slides down my shoulder, sending a cool chill down my spine. I shiver and hug my raincoat snugly around my body. The air is cold but makes me feel invigorated.

I spend my days parched, in need of relief. The rain quenches my thirst and revives my spirit. It refreshes my mind and soul and empowers me like it would an unwatered flower. Closing my eyes once more, I take one last deep breath and hope it will last me until the next rain.

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