My Mom and I | Teen Ink

My Mom and I

June 14, 2016
By MiaOco BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
MiaOco BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom is not perfect. She is crazy and must be told to be there at least fifteen minutes before she is needed if you want her to arrive on time. My mom has the funniest laugh, like a happy cackle that explodes out of her mouth. She is the best friend a person could wish for. She is a diary, listening to your every thought and letting you pour your heart out. She will sit by your side for hours and make sure you feel as if you were her only concern in the world.


She is not like any other mother I have known. She does not scold you for asking to go out for ice cream at ten o’clock on a school night. A rebellious grin appears on her face as if she has been waiting for someone to ask to do something exciting, and you split a sundae as big as Russia. My mom’s to do list could wrap around the earth multiple times, but when someone she loves needs her, nothing else matters. She laughs at jokes that aren’t funny, and she makes us laugh when she tries to be funny.


I don’t mind when people tell me I sound like her. She is one of my favorite people. Her hugs feel like you’re an orange being squeezed into juice, and you have to remind her to let go. She’ll sneak off with you to any place that dad says you’re not allowed to go. My mom is an entertaining, loving, and unique person. She’s not perfect, but she is the perfect person for me.

The author's comments:

My friendship with my mom inspired me to write this piece.

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