My Grandma's House | Teen Ink

My Grandma's House

March 30, 2016
By Anonymous

There was one memory that we shared and that memory was when I broke the basketball hoop at my grandmas house. We visit their every other week because my uncle has his kids that weekend. My grandma wants us their at 5:30 because that is when she orders pizza from Papa Johns. Which personally isn’t my favorite. My family and I got there a little early because I wanted to practice my dunking skills. Everything was going smoothly I was making dunks left and right, some windmills some through the legs. IF you couldn’t tell I was pretty good at dunking. I was getting ready to do another dunk when a two cars pulled up in the driveway, they were my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins. I had four cousins, there was Maci and Mckenna who were twins and were still toddlers and Owen and Lucas. Owen was 11 years old and Lucas was 8 years old. They were so happy to see me.

“Hi, guys” I said.
They didn’t say anything, they just ran up to me a gave me a hug.
“I can dunk now, do you want to see?”
“Sure” they both said with big smiles on their face.

So that's what I did. I got ready, and I ran to dunk the basketball sprinting at full speed, I jumped of one foot and surprisingly made it for once, but as my hands hit the rim, I accidentally grabbed on to the rim and as I was landing, I pulled the rim down along with the entire basketball hoop. And this wasn’t one of those hoops that was cemented in the ground, it was the portable kind of basketball hoop on wheels. As the hoop hit the ground, I hear a loud shatter and glass flies everywhere. Luckily I was the only one on the basketball court so no one else got hurt and I didn't get hit with any of the broken glass.

Now it was time to man up and tell my parents what happened. I was so embarrassed to tell them. So at first I started talking about the shots I made and stuff just to stall, and then I took a deep breath and told them. They were really mad at me. But that wasn’t the part that I was scared of, telling my parents, it was the part that I have to tell my Grandma and Grandpa because they were the one’s who had to part for it. So I did the same thing that I did with my parents, I told them about the shots I made and stuff, and then I took a deep breath and told them. They didn’t look mad. I asked them why they weren’t mad and they said that it was no big deal because that one was getting old and kind of titling to one side, so they were going to get a new one anyway. I still felt sad but you live and you learn, right? At least now I know to not grab a basketball hoop that is not cemented into the ground.

The author's comments:

This piece is from my personal experience and is kind of embarassing. 

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