What Do You Value? | Teen Ink

What Do You Value?

January 25, 2016
By Anonymous

A speech by Jordan Belfort -Wolf of Wall Street- about the importance of Value we choose to believe in.

- Read more about Real Wolf of Wall Street- Jordan Belfort If you're interested.
-Reflection on Frederick Douglas's text- Learning How to Read and Write.

Urbanears Headphone

Were you ever curious what my blog background image is about? I'm sure you never questioned it before, but it is actually a photo from The Burning House Project. The project is an imaginary scenario which you are thought to be in a situation where your house is burning down, and you can only save few things that are valuable to you. Before, I expected people to save their keys and wallets first, but many didn't; Iphone, laptop, guitar and photo took the priority that people wanted to save from fire. After realizing my lack of sensitiveness to predict that all other people would be as materialistic as I am, I was impressed with different things that people regarded as most valuable. Just like my list of valuable objects- urbanears headphones, guitar, and hoody- shows how much I value being able enjoy relaxation through music, other's list of valuable objects reflected ideas they believe are most valuable in their life.

    The reason why I value music as most important thing in my life is that I'm a type of person who stresses out for everything happening around me. As an example, I'll probably get stress if I accidentally miss saying "hi" to one of my friends. The friend I forgot to say "hi" usually don't even remember seeing me, but no matter the result, I end up stressing myself. While I wasn't enjoying my timidness, I was involuntarily sent to the beginning band class in 8th grade. Even though I was older than most of the kids in the class, I was worried again because of this stupid thought that all of them might be extremely professional at playing instruments. The worry made me practice clarinet a lot during the first week of beginning band class, and I was able to play musics that ms band can play within a week.

Instrument I Learned in Band

Since only thing I had back then was time,  I was able to continue my newly found interest. Playing clarinet gave me relaxation that I couldn't retain unless I sleep. It turned my views in a playful mood, and left me a comfortableness that I once lost. If you're a person who listens music often, or love playing instrument, you'd know what I'm talking about. To reflect back now, I always stayed tense and rigid outside from my house. I always thought it was because I slept relatively late compared to my friends, but now I can tell that I was just stressing out as an aftereffect of moving to foreign countries and schools. While silently struggling to adapt, playing and listening music guided me to look at things positively as other people always do. Although my expression was poker-faced as usual, my friends could tell that I was less edged than before. One time, my friends were talking about something, sitting around a table in cafeteria. My black headphone was covering my ears as usual. One by one, they started to look at me, who seemed to be enjoying the conversation even though he's just listening to music, and began laughing. I still don't know what part of made them laugh. But the important thing is that although I couldn't hear the conversation since I was listening to The man who can't be moved, the cynical perspective I had was washed away by music and laughter. It is always hard to answer to a question "when do you find yourself most happy." However, at least for that moment, I can tell that I was happy to be there, in that place, with people I knew, and to be me, without any worry or stress.


Frederick Douglass's ultimate value he taught himself was "education/literacy." He quoted that being able to read and write frees you. Just as he said, for me, music makes me able to enjoy what I couldn't before, such as relaxation, confidence, and positiveness; it frees me from needless stresses I gain from everything.


As I write my post, I play my guitar continuously. Even though it is now 10 o' clock and I'm still unable to complete one assignment, playing guitar puts me back the mood I felt when I realized that I am happy.

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