Gaining Weigh | Teen Ink

Gaining Weigh

January 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Fresh from my mom’s womb oozing blood and pain in 1998, a rose pink blanket to identify my sex. Immediately since eyes were laid on me, the contagious adoration of my presence. At about six months a pacifier which occupied the role of my best friend and provided comfort to my progressing gums. In 2008, a nauseating blood-shot experience that welcomed me into womanhood. In 2011, an addition to my voluptuous shape: the peaking of breasts and spreading of hips. With more knowledge I gained a mouth with too much wits for my own good. Stemming from my debut of my sarcastic flavor was the addition of an ocean of knowledge. I became the heir to a majestic throne of intellect. When my knowledge flourished I gained selective hearing: the barrier between registering my mother’s instruction to my actual actions.

In 2012, a glimpse of the “real” world which chewed my peers up like Double Mint gum and spit them out. In 2012, a circle of friends I imagined would be unbreakable until life’s unyielding wind swept us to opposite directions. The elusive presence of male figures in and out of my life. The same year, 2012, Malcolm X replicas which gave me tunnel vision. A matured mindset: ability to recognize genuine. The ability to realize that all that all that glittered was not gold and every promise did not guarantee eternity. Acceptance to lies: the truth was that everyone told them in a disguise of love when all they did was cause pain.

In May, 2013 belief that my mom was somehow more than human: in a mountain of despair she smiled a little bit of sunshine. Life has no target: bad things happen to good people equally as good things happen to bad people. In June 2013: faith, the only thing that fueled me to remain determined even in the absence of light in the day. Exposure to collective genres of music: the sounds of distant voices bridged a unity that not even a handshake could deliver. In August of 2013, I gained heartbreak: the registry that the only stable male figure in my life to deliver an unbreakable bond would be my dad.

In 2014, the opportunity to cultivate myself to a sophisticated me. Luxurious 18” inch hair to soften my face and bring out eyes. Acceptance that my figure would be the living legend of the best things coming in small packages. An addition to my wardrobe: my personal Zaxby’s uniform. In 2015, trust in a brighter day where it never rained in Southern Georgia. I gained the realization that the only aspect I’ll ever actually lose is time in a lifetime of timeless memories.

The author's comments:

This narrative is a sumnmary of all the things I have gained in life. "Without pain there is no gain."

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