The Big Game | Teen Ink

The Big Game

January 7, 2016
By Dsmith BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Dsmith BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m a goalie in hockey; the goalie is a very important player on the team.  You have to stop the puck from going in the net.  I have been playing hockey my whole life.  I was not always a goalie when I first started. I was a player and I didn’t like being a player, so I decided to try goalie and I liked being a goalie in hockey.

It was a late night in March. I was getting ready to go on the ice. I was getting focused for our final game of the season. I like it to be quiet before I play a game so I can get focused.

It was the first period. I could hear the referee's whistle as he dropped the puck. My team won the opening faceoff. We went down and scored.

The next faceoff  the other team won.They came down the ice with two players.  They shot the puck and scored.  I was watching the puck like a hawk watches a rabbit. The next shot I blocked. The next faceoff my team won it. We got the puck to the other team’s zone. Then the buzzer went off for the end of the first period.

After the first period I skated to the bench.When I got to the bench my coach said, “Keep up the good work,” to me as I was getting a drink of water.

I thought to myself, We are not doing so good. If we are going to win we are going to have to keep the puck in their zone and get more shots on goal.

Then the coach said, “ Keep up the hard work and get more shots on the other team’s goalie.”

I thought to myself, That is what I was just thinking...

Going into the second period it was tied at one. The opening faceoff for the start of the second period my team won the faceoff. The puck went back to my defense. Then my defense passed the puck up to one of my forwards. He went down and almost scored. The next faceoff was in the other team’s zone. The other team won the faceoff. Then the other team was skating up the ice towards my team’s zone. One of my defensemen stepped up and hit the person with the puck. Then he passed the puck up to one of my forwards and he went down and scored.
My team won the game 4-2. After the final whistle my team threw their gloves and sticks in the air. After the game my team lined up on the blue line and the other team on the other blue line and waited to get our medals and trophy. This was my second gold medal.

This experience gave me more confidence in my team. When they won the game it gave me more confidence to not give up on my team when my team is down.

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