My Brother | Teen Ink

My Brother

December 22, 2015
By Brookedurwald33 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Brookedurwald33 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember like it was yesterday. I knew it would be any day now. I was three years old. My dad was in the car on the way to pick me up from daycare. It was April 11, 2001. The teacher came up to me

“Brooke, are you ready to go? Your dad is here.”
I was confused as to why he came to pick me up, it was only about eleven o’clock. I said
“Hey daddy. Whats going on?”
“your mom is going to have your baby brother!” He said.

I couldn’t be any happier, i was finally going to get to meet my little brother. We got in the car on the way to the hospital. Today is also my moms birthday. I asked my dad

“Can i bring her the present we got her?”
He said “yes.”

Before me and my dad went in to see my brother, he took me to one of the gift stores in the hospital and bought me a pink shirt that said “I'm a Big Sister!”

I was so happy to get it and to be a big sister. When we went in the room I got to go hug my mom and give her the present I bought her with my dad. She loved it. She said

“Come up here and sit next to me on the bed and you can hold your brother.”

His name is Kyle Michael. At that moment I couldn't have been any happier. We stayed at the hospital all day until it started getting late. My dad asked
“Do you want to go out to dinner or make something at home?”  
  “I want to go out to eat” I said.

After we went to dinner he said

“Lets go to Blockbuster and get you a movie!”

We went to blockbuster so I could get a movie to watch. I picked out the brand new spongebob movie. I was excited to go home and watch it. When we got home my dad said I could sleep in his and my moms room since she had to stay at the hospital with Kyle. Till this day, I still remember laying down with my dad watching the new spongebob movie.

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