That Ol' Paint | Teen Ink

That Ol' Paint

December 18, 2015
By Davie.Magyar BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Davie.Magyar BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Are you ready?” Tracy asked with an excited kick.
“Ready as I’ll ever be” I nervously spoke.
Tracy threw me up onto the back of Commander, the beautiful paint horse. Commander stepped sideways… I almost slid off the saddle!
I’M GOING TO FALL!  A few seconds had gone by. I think I got this. At least I hope I do.
“Calm down you’ll be fine” Tracy reassured.
This first ride was going to be the beginning of many; I don’t know what I’d be doing with my life if I didn’t ride horses.
Sitting on that Western saddle was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I could feel my lower back resting on a hard piece of leather as I later found out was a cantle, towering everybody else.
“Get your hand off that horn!” snapped Tracy
I jerked back my hand and rested it on this weird, tube, lump. Later in life, I learned this was a pommel.
What it that thing?
“What was that?” I speculated.
“Usually the leather squeaks when you move” replied Tracy with no worry.
As Tracy led Commander around, I started falling in love.
I love this. I want to do this more. When can I have another ride?
Just the thought about horses would put a smile on my face. Back left leg, front left leg, back right leg, front right leg - the rhythm of his hooves like an orchestra. Left, right, left, right: my legs moving in sync with his barrel. Commander tried to nibble at some grass.
“HEAD UP!” exclaimed Tracy as she jerked on the halter.
“Why do you want his head up?” I questioned.
“It’s disrespectful when a horse puts it’s head down, they love to nibble on grass. They aren’t supposed to, but they’ll still try.
“Oh. Okay.” A few seconds went by “What kind of horse is he?” I asked
“He’s a skewbald American Paint Horse” responded Tracy “You are just full of questions today.”
“What’s skewbald?” I just had to pop another question.
“It’s a horse with a coat that is brown and white; normally seen in paints. Max is a piebald. Which is a horse with a coat that is black and white” replied Tracy. Max was Commander’s best friend. Max was the herd leader, but the two were inseparable. I loved how Tracy was so informed about horses.
“I want to be informed about horses like you are!” I spoke with excitement.
“It takes a lot of years of learning to become knowledgeable” Tracy told me. Our conversation went on and on, talking about silly, random things... until my 10ish minutes of joy was up.
“Woah!” Tracy yelled as Commander slammed his hooves on the ground “Trying that sliding stop aren’t ya?”
“What’s a sliding stop?” I questioned.
“It’s a horse term in reining” Tracy chuckled “You’ll learn more about it in a few years.
I wonder why she won’t tell me.
“Hold on! Let me get a picture before you get off!” my mom exclaimed. My mom was the one for pictures. Capturing every moment as it happened.
As Tracy helped me dismount off the saddle, I was quite sad. Not only was this fun new experience over, I didn’t know when I would do it again. I wrapped my arms around Commander’s neck. His soft fur rubbing along my neck and face. He nibbled at my pocket.
“Give him that carrot” My mom said to me.
“Here ya go” I whispered to Commander. I giggled as he shook his head around.
“That ol’ paint” Tracy smiled.
“Thanks Tracy!” I said with a huge grin on my face. I crossed the street with my mom back to my house. As I held her hand, because I was only six at the time, I looked at her with gloom.
“I’m sad. I don’t want to go back home” I whined.
“It’s okay. You’ll ride Commander again sometime” my mom replied.

In conclusion, riding horses became a big part of my life. I have become very knowledgeable in the sport. If I never would have started riding horses… I don’t know what I would spend my time doing.

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