What Is Passion? | Teen Ink

What Is Passion?

October 29, 2015
By Fritsch BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Fritsch BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Passion is a strong and uncontrollable emotion. Everyone has something they are passionate about, and those passions shape our character and who we are. Some are passionate about their sports , their art, their music, or anything else they love to do. I am personally passionate about the sports that I play whether it be Crew, Lacrosse, or Snowboarding. These activities not only  help me to relieve stress but they also shape who I am. 

Lacking passion in your life is not healthy physically or mentally. You should always exercise and do some form of physical activity because it’s good for your body. When I don’t exercise for a long period of time I feel unaccomplished and almost sluggish. I feel unready for daily tasks too. Which is in no way good for you. Also exercising your mind by learning is essential for you because it is good for you mentally. These two very important aspects of our lives relate to passion because without a healthy body and mind no one can fully immerse  themselves in something they love to do. Once  you are both physically and mentally healthy, you are at the top of your game and are able to conquer whatever life throws at you. When you have a rough day at school, doing something you love to do can simply make your day one hundred percent better because you are able to take your  mind off all of your worries.  When I am playing lacrosse I am able just to focus on the game itself, almost as if nothing else matters in the world. Once I am finished playing, it is almost as if I has a fresh mind that is ready for anything.

When you have something you love to do, it teaches you not only skills pertaining to that specific activity but certain life lessons. These lessons you learn are so important because they can make you a leader and someone who works well with others. Like when I row, the whole boat has to work together as one in order to go faster. If each person is going at their own pace, we move slowly and bad things are bound to happen. That is why we have to work together as a team and that is exactly what crew taught me. It taught me team work and that you have to listen to one another in order to be successful. That is something that you don’t really just come across randomly. That is exactly why having a passion is so important because  it teaches you lessons you can’t learn in the classroom, yet they can be translated into our daily lives.This is what can make people great, when people learn different things in different ways and this is what sets us apart from each other. We learn from what we are passionate about, and what we learn shows us who we are in this large world we live in.  

In the end, passion shows us who we are and relieves us of our daily worries. This is why a passion is so important because we can learn so much from it and it makes us better people. If I did not have something I love to do I honestly don’t know what would happen because there would be nothing to strive for. There would be nothing to learn from and nothing look forward to. A life like that is not really a life at all. That is why passion is so important in all of our lives.

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