Friends? Friends. | Teen Ink

Friends? Friends.

October 9, 2015
By emmaford BRONZE, Garden Grove, California
emmaford BRONZE, Garden Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was my birthday, December 16, 2010, when my best friend left me. I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was our Christmas Concert when I found out. Her dad got a job offer in Colorado, so they had to leave. Mr. Escalante, our old principal, brought her whole family up on the stage, and they made a big announcement about how they were leaving. After the concert was done I was a total mess. I had felt like I got something ripped from my body that could never be fully replaced. How am I supposed to take my best friend leaving?. My best friend’s name was Hannah Zona.
Ever since I was a little girl, my family was always with the Zonas. We would go to the fair, shopping, anything you could think of. We lived so close to each other, so we would always go to each other’s houses after school. Even though she is about 7 years older than me, we act like we are sisters. Words can’t describe how much I miss her. When she comes back to California, it’s like we were never apart. “Friends can be new, friends can be old, but all of them are as precious as gold” ~ Roo. Hannah Zona is the best friend you could ask for. No one could ever replace her and the love I have for her.

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